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When Islamic atheism thrived

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no offence but would anyone mind going to some islamic scholar and ask him all this??? i know not even the one who posted would... :)

anyways atheists have been there and will be there with all their objections, then again if everyone could be convinced by reasoning and examples the whole world would be following one religion!!!!

my point of view if anyone finds this article 'interesting' and 'meaningful' he should consult one who is expert of the relevant field!!!

one of the major reasons i dont like discussing religion over such forums is neither me nor the other person has any authority over religion!!!!
It was just an order and every muslim has to follow it... If kaaba were not declared as the house God I would have never prayed facing Kaaba.... its just an order

he's challenging that particular order, why is it a order? as i said before that they are after the Room of lifeless stones from which idols are made, but no one will ever even try to think about it
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In my humble opinion, the name of the article itself is wrong. One cannot use the words Islam and Atheism together. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum. A muslim cannot be an atheist, hence, "Islamic atheism" is a wrong terminology.

Traditionally and historically, Islam has always encouraged free-thinking. It is our right as human beings and intelligent beings at that, to question everything. Be it God or Allah, be it the Prophet or his actions, we have the right to question and understand the reason behind everything. We are not like a flock of sheep to give orders to. Curiosity is what makes us humans, and Islam does not challenge that. You cannot suppress a person's curiosity and expect him to follow orders blindly, in fact, it is our duty as muslims to find the answers to whatever question needs answering.

Now, if we talk about what is happening today, we will see that the muslims have closed off their minds and are just following the faith blindly. We dont understand our religion, we dont read the Quran with understanding, and so we get mis-guided people who are easily led by a person with little knowledge of islam who only preys upon the emotions of the people.

We should not accept the present form of Islam as the true form. That is why nowadays we get a fatwa against virtually everything under the sun. I agree with the author that free-thinking is frowned upon in our society now, especially where religion is concerned, but that is due our own faults and lack of faith. That is due to our own stupidity in accepting the so called Mullahs and Aalims and everything they say as the truth. The true teachings of Islam have been severely distorted and it is now upto us to learn and research our religion. Only then we can find out the truth. Only then will we be able to understand our religion. And this cannot happen without free-thinking and questioning everything.

he's challenging that particular order, why is it a order? as i said before that they are after all its the Room of lifeless stones from which idols are made, but no one will ever even try to think about it

FYI I knew this and have thought about it many times actually it is kind of inspiration for me that how Allah has made a rock so important for billions of people around the world....... Its just matter of surrender when you surrender your will to someone that simply put hell lot of burden from your self now you don't have to choose you just have to accept.... and it makes your life easy and calm..... when you surrender your will then your responsibility just shifts from your self no more responsibilities just acceptance
Hi Wounded Healer,
Exactly my point islam is all about believing in oneness of God then how can you be a muslim if you don't believe in his existence at all
I want to share my experience here. Once me and my frnd (who is muslim) were discussing about spirituality (Not religion specific) and being somewhat atheist, I said that you know what our forefathers were very intelligent and they have developed this religion just to control human feelings and some what not to do wrongs for any creature including oneself. I gave him examples and told that most religions have rules for certain geographical specific as well which we follow just to be abide with the faith.

When he was getting convinced with the thought of how this all works he suddenly remembered Allah (P.B.U.H) and did "Toba" and said No man we will never ever discuss this same.

My point is even when we are abide with any religion we have to look other religions/pagans/atheist etc from there perspective to understand how other things work.
I want to share my experience here. Once me and my frnd (who is muslim) were discussing about spirituality (Not religion specific) and being somewhat atheist, I said that you know what our forefathers were very intelligent and they have developed this religion just to control human feelings and some what not to do wrongs for any creature including oneself. I gave him examples and told that most religions have rules for certain geographical specific as well which we follow just to be abide with the faith.

When he was getting convinced with the thought of how this all works he suddenly remembered Allah (P.B.U.H) and did "Toba" and said No man we will never ever discuss this same.

My point is even when we are abide with any religion we have to look other religions/pagans/atheist etc from there perspective to understand how other things work.
to do that one must have authority over his faith atleast!!!! people can be convinced easily as they dont put effort in knowing their own religion... as i said earlier in my post, no one would bother to take these questions to an islamic scholar to get them answered... would anyone??
What is Islamic atheism?......is a bit like democratic dictatorship,makes no sense.
he's challenging that particular order, why is it a order? as i said before that they are after all its the Room of lifeless stones from which idols are made, but no one will ever even try to think about it
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The title of the thread is nothing more than a comical farce. Ibn al-Rawandi was critic of Islam last time I checked, how can his work be summed up to support atheism in Islam. The root of free thinking in Islam comes from the practice of Kalam. The tradition of Kalam originated in the second century of Hijrah from the issues of jabr (predestination), ikhtiyar (freewill), and Divine Justice. Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi advocated Islamic theological principles through dialectic (Kalam). Status of Kalam itself controversial as most Islamic school of thoughts deems Kalam as speculative excess.
Thankyou for the posts apophenia and Peregrine...
How classic emo had the time to post something unproductive unfruitful but never had the chance to research properly on Islam that i bet she won't do in a thousand years.
Some people here just keep their mind rusted looking ways to malign Islam to bash Islam while knowledge is closer than their fingertips if ony they search for it. I've asked and referred some of them to read Quran/Hadith Sharia but they don't want to touch or go through it.
question about Qibla is already answered and before you ask for some of these questions google it there are tons of authentic Islamic sites you may have hatred for Islam but for the clarification it is better you visit those sites to clarify your mind since who ever clarify it to you here you like an autobot reject it.

Keep trying you'll still dig a r.a.t merely. arrogance and ignorance leads to disaster apophenia and Peregrine let them head straight for it.
Post a million replies to my post i ain't gonna click this thread it is simply a fool's house.
Well this "freedom of thought" was backed by the ruthless govts of mamoon ur rahshid and his brother mutasim billah. People who stuck to the traditional beliefs were either jailed executed or lashed. Imam ahmed bin hanbal is a prime example.
Islamic Atheism...?:blink::blink:

I thought they r mutually exclusive terms.
the matter of fact is that every one is here to question the validity & no one wants to even think about it

there is not even a single which is maligning Islam in any way, its only asking questions & wants the human mind to think but unfortunately people have kinda a monstrous view of God in their minds & they think that even thinking about it will take them to hell though i also think that 'Islamic Atheism' is a bit harsh term, but anyways writer used it

the works of AL-Razi etc were created after extensive research & study of religion, there were not some hookers who went on a rampage to rant & that too in days when there was literally no concept of atheism & questioning the validity of Religion can lead to execution but they were not declared apostates or infidels, this also proves the locks Muslims have decided to put on their minds on modern era(something what writer is trying to say but no one talked about it)

but whats the need for writing this all, they don't want to read it, anything which is contradicting & challenging their views is a 'fool's house' :disagree:
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Amazing Article Emo, the world needs more people like you. Keep up the good work :)
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