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French police make woman remove burkini on Nice beach

They didn't stripp her naked,just told her to loose the grim reaper outfit.She probably was given the alternative to leave but choose to stay.


She was not wearing a Niqab.
So i guess you are ok if some one from your faimly is told to strip infront of a crowd as well.

Are you for real ? Stripp? You make it sound like was paraded naked.She's been told to remove the blue garment.She still has a long black dress and the only revealing parts are her hands,her hands ! OMG ,the children saw their mothers hands,the horror,the barbarity ! How will those poor infants recover from that ?
Are you for real ? Stripp? You make it sound like was paraded naked.She's been told to remove the blue garment.She still has a long black dress and the only revealing parts are her hands,her hands ! OMG ,the children saw their mothers hands,the horror,the barbarity ! How will those poor infants recover from that ?

Go and check definition of strip in a dictionary. As a matter of fact they did parade her infront of a crowd. Yes children saw something horrible and traumatic when a police person comes to her and tell her to take off the clothes i guess they should start clapping in joy and happiness. I recently saw a pic with bunch of nuns at NICE beach so come back if you have balls to ask them to strip you bloody hypocrite.
Go and check definition of strip in a dictionary. As a matter of fact they did parade her infront of a crowd. Yes children saw something horrible and traumatic when a police person comes to her and tell her to take off the clothes i guess they should start clapping in joy and happiness. I recently saw a pic with bunch of nuns at NICE beach so come back if you have balls to ask them to strip you bloody hypocrite.

Nuns are an official religious order,that woman is a common citizen.If she finds it unbearable to show her hands at the beach she best be moving on from European society.We don't need extremists in here.
Such intolerance towards other faiths. Why did they ban burkini at first place? No freedom of expression in France?
Don't care to comment about what laws France has for its citizens...It is a law France has enacted and something all French citizens must abide by or deal with the penalties.

But, that is NOT a 'burqini'.

How it is that so many people in their rush to have a go at muslims can't even stick to the truth?


Go and find a sleeveless burqini online - what she has isn't close to being a 'burqini'
Nuns are an official religious order,that woman is a common citizen.If she finds it unbearable to show her hands at the beach she best be moving on from European society.We don't need extremists in here.

Did you see her covering her hands? For a Muslim it is official religious order as well so get your head out of your arse. Like i said you people are biased bloody hypocrites. Only extremist i see here is you.
Did you see her covering her hands? For a Muslim it is official religious order as well so get your head out of your arse. Like i said you people are biased bloody hypocrites. Only extremist i see here is you.

Are we not seeing the same picture ? She keeps the long black dress on while removing the blue garment covering most of her hands.How will these people ever integrate if they can't abide by our laws,if their children refuse to integrate in schools,refuse to shake hands with teachers,girls,refuse to enter swimming pools,etc ? This kind of attitude segregates the muslim community and it has to stop.
If it was India there would have been international news 'India striped Muslim woman' with a lot of outrage and that India is so intolerant. Foreign news agencies justify all sorts of bans, killings and arrests in EU and US while double standards elsewhere.
A bit fucked up is the fact that she was fully aware that there is a law against the burqini but she probably told herself :" F/uck these silly kaffir laws,my religion stands above them!"...Well,NO.

How do you think her children are raised ? I'm betting that with the same notions that islamic principals stand above French laws.
your country your rules but don't you think people should have freedom to wear clothes they want?
French did the right thing ... while knowing the law ... she should respect the law else stay away
Are we not seeing the same picture ? She keeps the long black dress on while removing the blue garment covering most of her hands.How will these people ever integrate if they can't abide by our laws,if their children refuse to integrate in schools,refuse to shake hands with teachers,girls,refuse to enter swimming pools,etc ? This kind of attitude segregates the muslim community and it has to stop.

Only a psychopath can think that if a woman shows her tits and *** then it will make them more integrated. There are indeed some blackfish in the pond but picking on innocent majority for your own shortcoming is very pathetic. You cant curb extremism by treating them like some sort of alliens as such an attitude will create more extremism.
Next time France sends its diplomats to question Indian regulations or how we deal with anti-nationals, we will simply show them this news.

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