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CPEC vis-a-vis Pakistan and India

Construction of CPEC does not violate the UNSC Resolutions or International Law. India's concerns are unwarranted.

India is going ahead with the construction of dams on Pakistani rivers in Indian Occupied Kashmir. India should realize that it is not on high moral ground to ask Pakistan to abandon CPEC or other projects in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

That is strange coming from you. When you say GB is not part of yours, how come you are building CPEC over a land that is not yours.
First, your constitution says that GB is not part of Pakistan. Then how come you are building CPEC through GB? You cry so much about UN resolutions. This is a clear violation of those resolutions.
And UN doesn't recognises J&K as part of India ,yet you keep on building dams in that area....So it's India who doesn't respects UN resolutions not PAK
I am not so sure. I mean Japan is Financing Delhi Mumbai corridor with new train tracks, highway, Industrial Zones, and maybe an future Bullet train link, with infrastructure investments of over 20$, and expected investments of 90$B Dollars, we are not claiming it as game changer for sure. We now that only of anyone invests over there, it will be successful.

Then there is Chennai-Bangalore-Hyderabad triangle in south which will eclipse any investments made in CPEC, but still it will not be solution to all problems.

Pakistan claiming CPEC will be magic cure to everything is at best, laughable. If its successful it will be good, but not game changing. All the best. And hope Pakistanis stop harping on CPEC-CPEC-CPEC blah blah blah
I am not so sure. I mean Japan is Financing Delhi Mumbai corridor with new train tracks, highway, Industrial Zones, and maybe an future Bullet train link, with infrastructure investments of over 20$, and expected investments of 90$B Dollars, we are not claiming it as game changer for sure. We now that only of anyone invests over there, it will be successful.

Then there is Chennai-Bangalore-Hyderabad triangle in south which will eclipse any investments made in CPEC, but still it will not be solution to all problems.

Pakistan claiming CPEC will be magic cure to everything is at best, laughable. If its successful it will be good, but not game changing. All the best. And hope Pakistanis stop harping on CPEC-CPEC-CPEC blah blah blah

You people are weird.
"China is taking over Pakistan with CPEC."
"CPEC is nothing."

And the Indian gov/Modi's butthurt.

Delusion is an illness that needs a cure.
With CPEC, Chinese Strategic Goals are defined in a manner that it is in China's primary interest to ensure that Pakistan remains on a steady economic growth path free from any law & order and internal chaotic situation. Any disturbances within Pakistan will directly effect China's plans of having short, direct and economical access to arabian sea as well as having it's naval presence there.

Any misadventure by India, in the above situation, will not be tolerated by China. Even Russia, which is relying heavily on China in forming a strong eastern block to counter NATO and which has recently openly expressed its willingness to improve diplomatic and military relations with Pakistan, will not stand any such move by India towards Pakistan. India has no other option BUT to resolve its differences with Pakistan and reach an amicable solution to the Kashmir and Water issues. The alternative will be very detrimental to India as China will not tolerate anything which comes in the way of it's CPEC plans.

So, in the fast changing scenario, India has to play ball and either join the group that is forming Russia-China-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey, or be at the receiving end by the remaining members of the group. India has to make this choice. There's no akhand bharat happening in the above scenario, however, there can most certainly be a ghazwa-e-hind, if India doesn't behave like a good boy.

This forum never fails to amuse me. :)

Dear @Pakistan First we will take the 'risk', now what?
There will be no war between China and India or India and Pakistan. There are certain milestones agreed between Pakistan and China as listed below:

Objective # 1:

Ignore Indian rants on CPEC. (So far Pakistan is able to ignore them.)

Objective # 2:

Reduce the Indian sponsored terrorism in Baluchistan to an acceptable level. (Pakistan successfully launched and almost completed Zarb e Azb and the threats have been effectively reduced. Pakistan is also raising an entire force to maintain the risk to acceptable level, so far so good.)

Objective # 3:

Complete CPEC on time. (This is being met as planned.)

Objective # 4:

Invite other countries to join CPEC. (This is being done simultaneously, and Pakistan is inviting Iran and Afghanistan to join in. Afghanistan is right now playing in the hands of India due to major Indian influence. However, this will not last in the near future and once US takes out its forces, and Pro Pakistan Afghan Taliban come into significant power, Indian embassies will be blown away together with their influence. Afghanistan and Iran will certainly join CPEC by linking Indian financed Chahbahar to CPEC. Other countries have already shown their interest, who doesn't like cheaper trade routes and that too linking one of the largest economies).

Objective # 5:

Increase naval influence in Arabian sea and Indian Ocean. (Everyone knows about the Chinese and Pakistani naval presence in the area.)

Objective # 6:

Ask India to join CPEC as well, once Chinese-Indian and Pakistani-Indian disputes on Kashmiri's land are resolved. (This is very far, but eventually, India will have to bow in front of China, Russia and other regional powers).
“ In spite China proceeded, so any consequences have to be borne by China too.”:woot::woot::woot::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Is India ready to start a war against China?
Is China ready to start war with India?
Actually its indian who are doing randi rona everywhere about CPEC. sometime they say that they want to save us from chinese some times they beg china to stop CPEC once their moron minister said that they will arm insurgents with nukes to stop CPEC .
Every other day there is an article in indian newspaper about CPEC that how it is dangerous for india..
but you see we dont give a single f**k what japan is doing in india.Its all about india and their typical randi rona
You people are weird.
"China is taking over Pakistan with CPEC."
"CPEC is nothing."

And the Indian gov/Modi's butthurt.

Delusion is an illness that needs a cure.

We Indians dont care a BS about CPEC. Everyday Pakstani puts an report on greatness of CPEC and linking it to India, bla or someone picks up report from Indian media on it.
We, the general public does not care. Hell, the reputed papers of India, The Hindu, Indian Express, even the Times, seldom writes on CPEC. U create threads on CPEC, dragging India into it, and expect us not to reply. ?

The only problem with CPEC is, it passes through Kashmir and it will be taken up with the Chinese and response will be given in same diplomatic way by India.
We Indians dont care a BS about CPEC. Everyday Pakstani puts an report on greatness of CPEC and linking it to India, bla or someone picks up report from Indian media on it.
We, the general public does not care. Hell, the reputed papers of India, The Hindu, Indian Express, even the Times, seldom writes on CPEC. U create threads on CPEC, dragging India into it, and expect us not to reply. ?

The only problem with CPEC is, it passes through Kashmir and it will be taken up with the Chinese and response will be given in same diplomatic way by India.
Now you may like to keep your mouth shut
We Indians dont care a BS about CPEC. Everyday Pakstani puts an report on greatness of CPEC and linking it to India, bla or someone picks up report from Indian media on it.
We, the general public does not care. Hell, the reputed papers of India, The Hindu, Indian Express, even the Times, seldom writes on CPEC. U create threads on CPEC, dragging India into it, and expect us not to reply. ?

The only problem with CPEC is, it passes through Kashmir and it will be taken up with the Chinese and response will be given in same diplomatic way by India.

When I said "you", I meant India, as in Indian government and Media.

Indian media is writing all sorts of stupidity on CPEC, how "evil" China is taking over Pakistan.

Its funny, back when CPEC was being launched, all of you guys were saying, "China wont invest in Pakistan, they just want a port to station their navy". We were not dragging India in that.

When the reality dawned upon you guys, you guys went from above BS to "CPEC is nothing" and at the same time "China is taking over Pakistan".

Kashmir is not the only problem India has, thats why they talked Baluchistan, thats why they picked Azad Kashmir.
Thats why they sent their monkey in Baluchistan.

Indian gov is butthurt over CPEC.

Yes CPEC is a game changer, it is going to serve as a trading hub for all of Central Asia, western China and middle east.
It is going to connect all of them and will diminish Dubai's importance. Pakistan is going to earn transit fees for all transactions and on top of that, a lot of investment is going to be poured in (Gawadar's real estate is already booming).
It is going to solve our energy problems because we are getting power plants alongside roads and railways.

And it is going to put Pakistan in a very prestigious position in South Asia.
How is that going to affect India.?
CPEC is the key building block of OBOR. China thinks in terms of centuries not decades...
The entire Pak establisment polictial and security is onboard and are a part of this strategic architecture.

Integeration of entire eaurasian landmass is going according to plan. The good people of Pak are blessed to be at the strategic crossroads of eurasia.

Hindia can only sponsor terror in Pak against Pak citizens and the Chinese citizens...this will be dealt with both both Sino-Pak with iron fist.

That Pak will be integerated into the euarasian and Chinese economies is a given.

No amout of terror is going to stop it.

Sino-Pak relationship have entered a truly different dimension with CPEC.

All the best to Pak friends with peace and prosperity.

U expect 0 items from Indian Express reg CPEC. There will be even 6-7 articles from them, and its fair that media orgs report on something if they get news from..

Tribune, Dawn, Global Times are Pakistani and Chinese newspapers troll.

IDRW is not even an media organisation. Its an Internet nationalistic group which is not reliable?

So? U need to keep shut ur mouth before dragging India's name into CPEC threads.

When I said "you", I meant India, as in Indian government and Media.

Indian media is writing all sorts of stupidity on CPEC, how "evil" China is taking over Pakistan.

Its funny, back when CPEC was being launched, all of you guys were saying, "China wont invest in Pakistan, they just want a port to station their navy". We were not dragging India in that.

When the reality dawned upon you guys, you guys went from above BS to "CPEC is nothing" and at the same time "China is taking over Pakistan".

Kashmir is not the only problem India has, thats why they talked Baluchistan, thats why they picked Azad Kashmir.
Thats why they sent their monkey in Baluchistan.

Indian gov is butthurt over CPEC.

Yes CPEC is a game changer, it is going to serve as a trading hub for all of Central Asia, western China and middle east.
It is going to connect all of them and will diminish Dubai's importance. Pakistan is going to earn transit fees for all transactions and on top of that, a lot of investment is going to be poured in (Gawadar's real estate is already booming).
It is going to solve our energy problems because we are getting power plants alongside roads and railways.

And it is going to put Pakistan in a very prestigious position in South Asia.
How is that going to affect India.?

Lol. Pls wake me up when CPEC actually benefits Pakistani industry. I tell again. Chennai-Bangalore Corridor alone attracts more investments than CPEC will ever attract or attracted till now.

If Pakistan benefits (It will and I hope it does) India will be happy and even more if economy lessons extremism problems.

Regarding whether it will diminish Dubai, I will wait till Mallus start applying for work permit in Dubai. @Levina Will U work in Gwadar considering it is going to destroy Dubai ? :lol:
Lol. Pls wake me up when CPEC actually benefits Pakistani industry. I tell again. Chennai-Bangalore Corridor alone attracts more investments than CPEC will ever attract or attracted till now.

If Pakistan benefits (It will and I hope it does) India will be happy and even more if economy lessons extremism problems.

Regarding whether it will diminish Dubai, I will wait till Mallus start applying for work permit in Dubai. @Levina Will U work in Gwadar considering it is going to destroy Dubai ? :lol:

You are not sleeping, you are pretending to be asleep :)
CPEC is already benefiting Pakistan industry. Whatever investment that you have cannot eclipse the impact of CPEC, because the effects are much greater, but obviously you cant wake someone up pretending to be asleep.

Gawadar is not going to destroy Dubai, it will diminish it.
People are already applying for work permit over here by the way :).
The purpose of this thread was to highlight (or reiterate) to Pakistani members of the forum, the strategic importance of CPEC for Pakistan vis-a-vis India.

The economic benefits are a spin-off / consequential, however, the fact that CPEC neutralises Indian threat to Pakistan to a large extent by aligning Pakistan's security with China's own security, is the main impact of CPEC. And this has thrown all Indian calculations and plans, out of the window.

Pakistan's stance and response to Indian barking, if you observe, during the past few months and especially during the last few weeks, has been in the form strong and effective diplomatic response. While India has been continuously upping the ante, Pakistan has adopted more of a "buzz off" attitude towards Indian rants.

Pakistan has shown that it has the capability to capture and/or neutralise Indian assets, make them sing like a canary on international media and still hold the knob with which they can change the temperature in IOKashmir. The state has effectively mobilised its diplomatic resources across the world and it's media to send a strong response not only to India but also to the world that Kashmir is STILL "THE" main issue and "MUST" be resolved.

Baluchistan, where India invested heavily is much calmer and peaceful now. Since the last two consecutive years, our Baloch brethren have been rejoicing the improved situation in the province. If one personally visits Baluchistan (I have) and interacts with the locals, s/he'll observe that the overwhelming majority are all-praise and thankful towards Pakistan Army, which has not only helped clean the province of anti-state elements, but also since the last five-six years, initiated several mining and other projects in which the provincial government and local people (not sardars) are the direct beneficiaries. References http://odysseuslahori.blogspot.com/2013/05/Chamalang.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamalang_Coal_Mines http://xerics.blogspot.com/2012/09/black-pearl-balochistan-documentary.html#.V7akKWV39Og

The fact of the matter is, Indian establishment and political junta has no clue what to do next. Pakistan's "buzz-off" response and China's "middle-finger" feedback is resulting in sleepless nights for Modi & Co and RAW.

As @PakSword rightly pointed out above, and I quote him:

There will be no war between China and India or India and Pakistan. There are certain milestones agreed between Pakistan and China as listed below:

Objective # 1:

Ignore Indian rants on CPEC. (So far Pakistan is able to ignore them.)

Objective # 2:

Reduce the Indian sponsored terrorism in Baluchistan to an acceptable level. (Pakistan successfully launched and almost completed Zarb e Azb and the threats have been effectively reduced. Pakistan is also raising an entire force to maintain the risk to acceptable level, so far so good.)

Objective # 3:

Complete CPEC on time. (This is being met as planned.)

Objective # 4:

Invite other countries to join CPEC. (This is being done simultaneously, and Pakistan is inviting Iran and Afghanistan to join in. Afghanistan is right now playing in the hands of India due to major Indian influence. However, this will not last in the near future and once US takes out its forces, and Pro Pakistan Afghan Taliban come into significant power, Indian embassies will be blown away together with their influence. Afghanistan and Iran will certainly join CPEC by linking Indian financed Chahbahar to CPEC. Other countries have already shown their interest, who doesn't like cheaper trade routes and that too linking one of the largest economies).

Objective # 5:

Increase naval influence in Arabian sea and Indian Ocean. (Everyone knows about the Chinese and Pakistani naval presence in the area.)

Objective # 6:

Ask India to join CPEC as well, once Chinese-Indian and Pakistani-Indian disputes on Kashmiri's land are resolved. (This is very far, but eventually, India will have to bow in front of China, Russia and other regional powers).
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