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India And Pakistan In A Tug-Of-War Over Stealth Fighters

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Jun 5, 2014
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Indian Air Force (IAF) to co-produce 127 PAK-FA stealth fighters with Russia for 25 billion dollars, Islamabad has also declared its intention to catch up.

In December 2015, Pakistan Air Force Chief Sohail Aman had said that Pakistan was negotiating with Lockheed Martin of the US, exploring options to buy the F-35 stealth fighter. A week later, however, the Air Force Chief denied he was talking to Lockheed, exposing Pakistan’s limitations in acquiring advanced military technologies from the West.

Since Pakistan has had a hard time getting even outdated F-16s cleared by the US, the chances of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) being allowed to come within a 50-feet radius of the F-35 is smaller than small. Also, considering how closely Pakistan and China work together in the military sphere, the risk of American technology being passed on to the Chinese is very real.

But even as the common Pakistani has been prepared to eat grass, the military will stop at nothing to buy or licence-produce fifth-generation fighters. If America doesn’t sell the F-35, then Pakistan will get the poor man’s stealth jet from China.

China has two stealth projects going concurrently. The larger aircraft, the J-20 based on the American F-22, is for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) while the smaller J-31 (based on stolen blueprints for the F-35) seems to be the export model.

As Pakistan is China’s test market, the PAF could well be the J-31’s first foreign customer. To be sure, the nearly bankrupt Pakistani economy won’t be able to afford these expensive jets. But China, which has been a reliable supplier of low-cost weaponry to Pakistan, could provide the J-31 at cost price. Alternatively, Islamabad could get grants from the US or Saudi Arabia. One way or the other, the PAF will get the J-31.

Chinese Stealth Projects On Course

Worryingly, from India’s point of view, while the J-20 jet has advanced to the eighth prototype and, after flight tests, is ready for regular production, the J-31 is also ready to roll out.

In its latest report to the US Congress, the US Department of Defence says these fifth-generation aircraft “could enter service as early as 2018” and warns that the new stealth jets could allow the PLAAF to dominate regional skies.

The May 2016 report, titled Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China’, says:

China seeks to develop these advanced aircraft to improve its regional power projection capabilities and to strengthen its ability to strike regional air bases and facilities. The PLAAF has observed foreign military employment of stealth aircraft and views this technology as a core capability in its transformation from a predominantly territorial air force to one capable of conducting both offensive and defensive operations. PLAAF leaders believe stealth aircraft provide an offensive operational advantage that denies an adversary the time to mobilise and to conduct defensive operations.
Based on the latest prototypes, the Pentagon says these fighters feature “high manoeuvrability, low observability and an internal weapons bay”. Plus, both aircraft have radars with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities, and protection against enemy electronic countermeasures.

Pakistani Stealth

In November 2014, a senior Pakistani official told IHS Janes that Pakistan was in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 FC-31s – the export version of the J-31.

According to Pakistan’s Quwa Defence News & Analysis Group,

Between Pakistan’s possible fifth-generation fighter options, the FC-31 would likely be the most accessible and realistic. That said, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) was (as of the 2015 Dubai Air Show) actively searching for an international partner to assist it in developing the FC-31. In other words, the PAF’s reported interest in this fighter is from the perspective of an off-the-shelf acquisition, not joint development and/or licensed production. Although there have been some concerns about the J-31’s performance benchmarks (it is the underlying platform the FC-31 will evolve from after all), the PAF may — depending on its needs — find what it is looking for in the FC-31.
Never Underestimate The Enemy

Even as the PAF is seeking the J-31, Air Chief Marshal Aman notes the urgency of looking beyond the Chinese jet and conceptualising Pakistan’s own ‘new generation fighter.’ To be sure, Pakistani aerospace is rudimentary. The only jet of some capability it manufactures is the JF-17 Thunder, a joint venture with China, based on the blueprints of a cancelled Russian fighter and imported jet engines from Russia. This is, at best, 1980s technology, but at least it fills the gaps in the PAF fleet.

However, from the basic JF-17 to a stealth fighter that can match up to even the current crop of stealth fighters is a big ask. Pakistan’s game plan is to licence and produce the J-31, and absorb its technology even as the newly established Kamra Aviation City and the Airpower Centre of Excellence take baby steps towards developing homegrown ‘intellectual foundations.’

These ambitions are not to be scoffed at. Until a few decades back, it used to be said that Pakistan does not make even its own sewing needles. Nevertheless, without having much of an industrial base, it did acquire nuclear bombs. Driven by its obsessive desire to match the Indian military power, Islamabad has ignored economic development and kept the vast majority of its population in abject poverty, but has managed to produce ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and tanks.

The JF-17 is the most recent offering from Pakistan’s growing military industrial complex. It is an excellent example of a low-cost, multi-role lightweight fighter mated with modern electronics and precision-guided weapons.

Says Defense Industry Daily:

It isn’t a top-tier competitor, but it represents a clear step up from Pakistan’s Chinese MiG-19/21 derivatives and French Mirage III/V fighters. This positioning addresses a budget-conscious, ‘good enough’ performance market segment that the West once dominated, but has nearly abandoned in recent decades.
India’s Tejas may be a much better aircraft, but the Chinese-Pakistani JF-17 project started much later and delivered a lot earlier. And while the Indian jet is still being slowly inducted into the IAF, Pakistan claims it has four export customers, including Egypt.

So, ruling out a Pakistani next-generation fighter would be highly unwise because, like the old Soviet Union – which sucked at making consumer goods but excelled at weapons – Pakistan also seems to be treading the same path. While Pakistanis have an abysmal quality of life and corruption and terrorism strikes at the country’s vitals, the army generals are diverting most of Pakistan’s scarce resources into military production – in their foolhardy attempts to gain parity with India.

What India Can Do

First, the IAF must not surrender its pole position in the region. During the Cold War decades, as a reward for being America’s sidekick, Pakistan received the latest US jet fighters such as the F-85 Sabre, F-104 Starfighter and the F-16 Falcon. But the pendulum of air superiority swung towards the IAF with the arrival of the Russian MiG-29 multi-role fighter in 1985 and, more decisively, after the Sukhoi Su-30MKI was inducted in 1997.

Under no circumstances should the IAF lag in the stealth race. Even a single stealth squadron – approximately 14 jets – could give the PAF a psychological edge while also terminating the IAF’s 31-year record as possessing the most advanced jets in the region.

While the IAF’s 272 Sukhois will remain a potent force that dwarfs the PAF’s abysmal fleet strength, it will be an acute embarrassment for India if the Pakistanis acquire a stealth fighter before India does.

It is in this backdrop that India needs to fast track the PAK-FA. The Russian aircraft has several key advantages over the competing stealth jets. For instance, at 2,440 kph it is faster than Chinese and American aircraft. It also has a huge advantage regarding endurance – its range of 5,500 km beats the 3,400 km of the American F-22. The Russian jet’s radar allows it to spot incoming threats at a distance of up to 400 km, compared with the F-22’s 210 km.

While India appears to have woken up to the realities of stealth in the region, the onus is also on the Russians to wrap up tests and commence series production. Plus, the pace of work needs to pick up on the Indian version, which may, like the Su-30MKI, integrate Indian and Western avionics into the Russian airframe.

Early induction into the IAF would translate into gains for the Aerospace Industry. Local scientists can study the Russian aircraft and incorporate its features into India’s future stealth fighter.

By fast-tracking its fifth- and sixth-generation fighter programmes, India not only makes sure Pakistan will perennially play catch-up, but also draw it into an arms race that will wreck the weak Pakistani economy.

Since a full-scale war is not possible between nuclear-armed countries, a massive arms race is one of the ways India can ensure Pakistan’s breakup. It happened to the mighty USSR; it can happen to Pakistan as well.


Indian Air Force (IAF) to co-produce 127 PAK-FA stealth fighters with Russia for 25 billion dollars, Islamabad has also declared its intention to catch up.

In December 2015, Pakistan Air Force Chief Sohail Aman had said that Pakistan was negotiating with Lockheed Martin of the US, exploring options to buy the F-35 stealth fighter. A week later, however, the Air Force Chief denied he was talking to Lockheed, exposing Pakistan’s limitations in acquiring advanced military technologies from the West.

Since Pakistan has had a hard time getting even outdated F-16s cleared by the US, the chances of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) being allowed to come within a 50-feet radius of the F-35 is smaller than small. Also, considering how closely Pakistan and China work together in the military sphere, the risk of American technology being passed on to the Chinese is very real.

But even as the common Pakistani has been prepared to eat grass, the military will stop at nothing to buy or licence-produce fifth-generation fighters. If America doesn’t sell the F-35, then Pakistan will get the poor man’s stealth jet from China.

China has two stealth projects going concurrently. The larger aircraft, the J-20 based on the American F-22, is for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) while the smaller J-31 (based on stolen blueprints for the F-35) seems to be the export model.

As Pakistan is China’s test market, the PAF could well be the J-31’s first foreign customer. To be sure, the nearly bankrupt Pakistani economy won’t be able to afford these expensive jets. But China, which has been a reliable supplier of low-cost weaponry to Pakistan, could provide the J-31 at cost price. Alternatively, Islamabad could get grants from the US or Saudi Arabia. One way or the other, the PAF will get the J-31.

Chinese Stealth Projects On Course

Worryingly, from India’s point of view, while the J-20 jet has advanced to the eighth prototype and, after flight tests, is ready for regular production, the J-31 is also ready to roll out.

In its latest report to the US Congress, the US Department of Defence says these fifth-generation aircraft “could enter service as early as 2018” and warns that the new stealth jets could allow the PLAAF to dominate regional skies.

The May 2016 report, titled Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China’, says:

China seeks to develop these advanced aircraft to improve its regional power projection capabilities and to strengthen its ability to strike regional air bases and facilities. The PLAAF has observed foreign military employment of stealth aircraft and views this technology as a core capability in its transformation from a predominantly territorial air force to one capable of conducting both offensive and defensive operations. PLAAF leaders believe stealth aircraft provide an offensive operational advantage that denies an adversary the time to mobilise and to conduct defensive operations.
Based on the latest prototypes, the Pentagon says these fighters feature “high manoeuvrability, low observability and an internal weapons bay”. Plus, both aircraft have radars with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities, and protection against enemy electronic countermeasures.

Pakistani Stealth

In November 2014, a senior Pakistani official told IHS Janes that Pakistan was in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 FC-31s – the export version of the J-31.

According to Pakistan’s Quwa Defence News & Analysis Group,

Between Pakistan’s possible fifth-generation fighter options, the FC-31 would likely be the most accessible and realistic. That said, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) was (as of the 2015 Dubai Air Show) actively searching for an international partner to assist it in developing the FC-31. In other words, the PAF’s reported interest in this fighter is from the perspective of an off-the-shelf acquisition, not joint development and/or licensed production. Although there have been some concerns about the J-31’s performance benchmarks (it is the underlying platform the FC-31 will evolve from after all), the PAF may — depending on its needs — find what it is looking for in the FC-31.
Never Underestimate The Enemy

Even as the PAF is seeking the J-31, Air Chief Marshal Aman notes the urgency of looking beyond the Chinese jet and conceptualising Pakistan’s own ‘new generation fighter.’ To be sure, Pakistani aerospace is rudimentary. The only jet of some capability it manufactures is the JF-17 Thunder, a joint venture with China, based on the blueprints of a cancelled Russian fighter and imported jet engines from Russia. This is, at best, 1980s technology, but at least it fills the gaps in the PAF fleet.

However, from the basic JF-17 to a stealth fighter that can match up to even the current crop of stealth fighters is a big ask. Pakistan’s game plan is to licence and produce the J-31, and absorb its technology even as the newly established Kamra Aviation City and the Airpower Centre of Excellence take baby steps towards developing homegrown ‘intellectual foundations.’

These ambitions are not to be scoffed at. Until a few decades back, it used to be said that Pakistan does not make even its own sewing needles. Nevertheless, without having much of an industrial base, it did acquire nuclear bombs. Driven by its obsessive desire to match the Indian military power, Islamabad has ignored economic development and kept the vast majority of its population in abject poverty, but has managed to produce ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and tanks.

The JF-17 is the most recent offering from Pakistan’s growing military industrial complex. It is an excellent example of a low-cost, multi-role lightweight fighter mated with modern electronics and precision-guided weapons.

Says Defense Industry Daily:

It isn’t a top-tier competitor, but it represents a clear step up from Pakistan’s Chinese MiG-19/21 derivatives and French Mirage III/V fighters. This positioning addresses a budget-conscious, ‘good enough’ performance market segment that the West once dominated, but has nearly abandoned in recent decades.
India’s Tejas may be a much better aircraft, but the Chinese-Pakistani JF-17 project started much later and delivered a lot earlier. And while the Indian jet is still being slowly inducted into the IAF, Pakistan claims it has four export customers, including Egypt.

So, ruling out a Pakistani next-generation fighter would be highly unwise because, like the old Soviet Union – which sucked at making consumer goods but excelled at weapons – Pakistan also seems to be treading the same path. While Pakistanis have an abysmal quality of life and corruption and terrorism strikes at the country’s vitals, the army generals are diverting most of Pakistan’s scarce resources into military production – in their foolhardy attempts to gain parity with India.

What India Can Do

First, the IAF must not surrender its pole position in the region. During the Cold War decades, as a reward for being America’s sidekick, Pakistan received the latest US jet fighters such as the F-85 Sabre, F-104 Starfighter and the F-16 Falcon. But the pendulum of air superiority swung towards the IAF with the arrival of the Russian MiG-29 multi-role fighter in 1985 and, more decisively, after the Sukhoi Su-30MKI was inducted in 1997.

Under no circumstances should the IAF lag in the stealth race. Even a single stealth squadron – approximately 14 jets – could give the PAF a psychological edge while also terminating the IAF’s 31-year record as possessing the most advanced jets in the region.

While the IAF’s 272 Sukhois will remain a potent force that dwarfs the PAF’s abysmal fleet strength, it will be an acute embarrassment for India if the Pakistanis acquire a stealth fighter before India does.

It is in this backdrop that India needs to fast track the PAK-FA. The Russian aircraft has several key advantages over the competing stealth jets. For instance, at 2,440 kph it is faster than Chinese and American aircraft. It also has a huge advantage regarding endurance – its range of 5,500 km beats the 3,400 km of the American F-22. The Russian jet’s radar allows it to spot incoming threats at a distance of up to 400 km, compared with the F-22’s 210 km.

While India appears to have woken up to the realities of stealth in the region, the onus is also on the Russians to wrap up tests and commence series production. Plus, the pace of work needs to pick up on the Indian version, which may, like the Su-30MKI, integrate Indian and Western avionics into the Russian airframe.

Early induction into the IAF would translate into gains for the Aerospace Industry. Local scientists can study the Russian aircraft and incorporate its features into India’s future stealth fighter.

By fast-tracking its fifth- and sixth-generation fighter programmes, India not only makes sure Pakistan will perennially play catch-up, but also draw it into an arms race that will wreck the weak Pakistani economy.

Since a full-scale war is not possible between nuclear-armed countries, a massive arms race is one of the ways India can ensure Pakistan’s breakup. It happened to the mighty USSR; it can happen to Pakistan as well.

“Since a full-scale war is not possible between nuclear-armed countries, a massive arms race is one of the ways India can ensure Pakistan’s breakup. It happened to the mighty USSR; it can happen to Pakistan as well.”
it can happen to India as well.
Arms race is a trap.

J-31 2.0



  • upload_2016-7-25_9-55-30.png
    189.7 KB · Views: 108
Some corrections:

1. The F-16 block 52 is better than the SU-30 MKI.
2. India has never had and unless it trains it's pilots better never will have air superiority over us.
3. The American equipment we got in the cold war was mostly sub par.
4. Our economy is booming, once China rolls out 5th gen I am sure we will be able to afford it. This article doesn't remember this.
5. We have the option of Turkey, and we can build one ourselves (already starting the process).
Some corrections:

1. The F-16 block 52 is better than the SU-30 MKI.
2. India has never had and unless it trains it's pilots better never will have air superiority over us.
3. The American equipment we got in the cold war was mostly sub par.
4. Our economy is booming, once China rolls out 5th gen I am sure we will be able to afford it. This article doesn't remember this.
5. We have the option of Turkey, and we can build one ourselves (already starting the process).

Yes your points need to be corrected ...
Some corrections:

1. The F-16 block 52 is better than the SU-30 MKI.
2. India has never had and unless it trains it's pilots better never will have air superiority over us.
3. The American equipment we got in the cold war was mostly sub par.
4. Our economy is booming, once China rolls out 5th gen I am sure we will be able to afford it. This article doesn't remember this.
5. We have the option of Turkey, and we can build one ourselves (already starting the process).

1)No f16 are not superior to mki
2)IAF or any Indian Armed force already out numbered Pakistan at any yard stick
3)Dont want u are talking about Sub par means
4)You can't afford some millions even for f16. Even Chinese subsidiaries u will have to spent some money for j31s or turkey jet. And no ur economy is not growing. But ur debts are.
5)Nope you won't build ur own jets in another two decades also. Why j10 was not bought by Pakistan? Because it cost more.

Yes your points need to be corrected ...
Already done :)

Indian Air Force (IAF) to co-produce 127 PAK-FA stealth fighters with Russia for 25 billion dollars, Islamabad has also declared its intention to catch up.

In December 2015, Pakistan Air Force Chief Sohail Aman had said that Pakistan was negotiating with Lockheed Martin of the US, exploring options to buy the F-35 stealth fighter. A week later, however, the Air Force Chief denied he was talking to Lockheed, exposing Pakistan’s limitations in acquiring advanced military technologies from the West.

Since Pakistan has had a hard time getting even outdated F-16s cleared by the US, the chances of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) being allowed to come within a 50-feet radius of the F-35 is smaller than small. Also, considering how closely Pakistan and China work together in the military sphere, the risk of American technology being passed on to the Chinese is very real.

But even as the common Pakistani has been prepared to eat grass, the military will stop at nothing to buy or licence-produce fifth-generation fighters. If America doesn’t sell the F-35, then Pakistan will get the poor man’s stealth jet from China.

China has two stealth projects going concurrently. The larger aircraft, the J-20 based on the American F-22, is for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) while the smaller J-31 (based on stolen blueprints for the F-35) seems to be the export model.

As Pakistan is China’s test market, the PAF could well be the J-31’s first foreign customer. To be sure, the nearly bankrupt Pakistani economy won’t be able to afford these expensive jets. But China, which has been a reliable supplier of low-cost weaponry to Pakistan, could provide the J-31 at cost price. Alternatively, Islamabad could get grants from the US or Saudi Arabia. One way or the other, the PAF will get the J-31.

Chinese Stealth Projects On Course

Worryingly, from India’s point of view, while the J-20 jet has advanced to the eighth prototype and, after flight tests, is ready for regular production, the J-31 is also ready to roll out.

In its latest report to the US Congress, the US Department of Defence says these fifth-generation aircraft “could enter service as early as 2018” and warns that the new stealth jets could allow the PLAAF to dominate regional skies.

The May 2016 report, titled Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China’, says:

China seeks to develop these advanced aircraft to improve its regional power projection capabilities and to strengthen its ability to strike regional air bases and facilities. The PLAAF has observed foreign military employment of stealth aircraft and views this technology as a core capability in its transformation from a predominantly territorial air force to one capable of conducting both offensive and defensive operations. PLAAF leaders believe stealth aircraft provide an offensive operational advantage that denies an adversary the time to mobilise and to conduct defensive operations.
Based on the latest prototypes, the Pentagon says these fighters feature “high manoeuvrability, low observability and an internal weapons bay”. Plus, both aircraft have radars with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities, and protection against enemy electronic countermeasures.

Pakistani Stealth

In November 2014, a senior Pakistani official told IHS Janes that Pakistan was in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 FC-31s – the export version of the J-31.

According to Pakistan’s Quwa Defence News & Analysis Group,

Between Pakistan’s possible fifth-generation fighter options, the FC-31 would likely be the most accessible and realistic. That said, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) was (as of the 2015 Dubai Air Show) actively searching for an international partner to assist it in developing the FC-31. In other words, the PAF’s reported interest in this fighter is from the perspective of an off-the-shelf acquisition, not joint development and/or licensed production. Although there have been some concerns about the J-31’s performance benchmarks (it is the underlying platform the FC-31 will evolve from after all), the PAF may — depending on its needs — find what it is looking for in the FC-31.
Never Underestimate The Enemy

Even as the PAF is seeking the J-31, Air Chief Marshal Aman notes the urgency of looking beyond the Chinese jet and conceptualising Pakistan’s own ‘new generation fighter.’ To be sure, Pakistani aerospace is rudimentary. The only jet of some capability it manufactures is the JF-17 Thunder, a joint venture with China, based on the blueprints of a cancelled Russian fighter and imported jet engines from Russia. This is, at best, 1980s technology, but at least it fills the gaps in the PAF fleet.

However, from the basic JF-17 to a stealth fighter that can match up to even the current crop of stealth fighters is a big ask. Pakistan’s game plan is to licence and produce the J-31, and absorb its technology even as the newly established Kamra Aviation City and the Airpower Centre of Excellence take baby steps towards developing homegrown ‘intellectual foundations.’

These ambitions are not to be scoffed at. Until a few decades back, it used to be said that Pakistan does not make even its own sewing needles. Nevertheless, without having much of an industrial base, it did acquire nuclear bombs. Driven by its obsessive desire to match the Indian military power, Islamabad has ignored economic development and kept the vast majority of its population in abject poverty, but has managed to produce ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and tanks.

The JF-17 is the most recent offering from Pakistan’s growing military industrial complex. It is an excellent example of a low-cost, multi-role lightweight fighter mated with modern electronics and precision-guided weapons.

Says Defense Industry Daily:

It isn’t a top-tier competitor, but it represents a clear step up from Pakistan’s Chinese MiG-19/21 derivatives and French Mirage III/V fighters. This positioning addresses a budget-conscious, ‘good enough’ performance market segment that the West once dominated, but has nearly abandoned in recent decades.
India’s Tejas may be a much better aircraft, but the Chinese-Pakistani JF-17 project started much later and delivered a lot earlier. And while the Indian jet is still being slowly inducted into the IAF, Pakistan claims it has four export customers, including Egypt.

So, ruling out a Pakistani next-generation fighter would be highly unwise because, like the old Soviet Union – which sucked at making consumer goods but excelled at weapons – Pakistan also seems to be treading the same path. While Pakistanis have an abysmal quality of life and corruption and terrorism strikes at the country’s vitals, the army generals are diverting most of Pakistan’s scarce resources into military production – in their foolhardy attempts to gain parity with India.

What India Can Do

First, the IAF must not surrender its pole position in the region. During the Cold War decades, as a reward for being America’s sidekick, Pakistan received the latest US jet fighters such as the F-85 Sabre, F-104 Starfighter and the F-16 Falcon. But the pendulum of air superiority swung towards the IAF with the arrival of the Russian MiG-29 multi-role fighter in 1985 and, more decisively, after the Sukhoi Su-30MKI was inducted in 1997.

Under no circumstances should the IAF lag in the stealth race. Even a single stealth squadron – approximately 14 jets – could give the PAF a psychological edge while also terminating the IAF’s 31-year record as possessing the most advanced jets in the region.

While the IAF’s 272 Sukhois will remain a potent force that dwarfs the PAF’s abysmal fleet strength, it will be an acute embarrassment for India if the Pakistanis acquire a stealth fighter before India does.

It is in this backdrop that India needs to fast track the PAK-FA. The Russian aircraft has several key advantages over the competing stealth jets. For instance, at 2,440 kph it is faster than Chinese and American aircraft. It also has a huge advantage regarding endurance – its range of 5,500 km beats the 3,400 km of the American F-22. The Russian jet’s radar allows it to spot incoming threats at a distance of up to 400 km, compared with the F-22’s 210 km.

While India appears to have woken up to the realities of stealth in the region, the onus is also on the Russians to wrap up tests and commence series production. Plus, the pace of work needs to pick up on the Indian version, which may, like the Su-30MKI, integrate Indian and Western avionics into the Russian airframe.

Early induction into the IAF would translate into gains for the Aerospace Industry. Local scientists can study the Russian aircraft and incorporate its features into India’s future stealth fighter.

By fast-tracking its fifth- and sixth-generation fighter programmes, India not only makes sure Pakistan will perennially play catch-up, but also draw it into an arms race that will wreck the weak Pakistani economy.

Since a full-scale war is not possible between nuclear-armed countries, a massive arms race is one of the ways India can ensure Pakistan’s breakup. It happened to the mighty USSR; it can happen to Pakistan as well.


Childish article written by some naive ..... :tsk:
Pakistan was never interested in F-35.
No nation can defeat Pakistan, it can only be defeated by it's politicians and their policies.
We lost East Pakistan because of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto not beacuse of Army. Pakistan will continue face difficulties until it defeats the corruption and corrupt politicaians.

Some corrections:

1. The F-16 block 52 is better than the SU-30 MKI.
2. India has never had and unless it trains it's pilots better never will have air superiority over us.
3. The American equipment we got in the cold war was mostly sub par.
4. Our economy is booming, once China rolls out 5th gen I am sure we will be able to afford it. This article doesn't remember this.
5. We have the option of Turkey, and we can build one ourselves (already starting the process).

1) F-16 blk 52 are not better than Su-30MKi, our pilots might be better than indians but remeber these F16s have kill switch and we can not use these as we like.
2) might be true.
3) i guess
4) Economy? Not unless you publicly hang Nawaz Sharif, Altaf Hussian and Asif Zardari, forgot about the economy. These politicians have destroyed every government own company. China will try it's best to assist us but our politicans are againt Pakistani interest.
5) 5th gen option J-31, Turkey 5th gen option, and South Korean option.
Last edited by a moderator:
Some corrections:

1. The F-16 block 52 is better than the SU-30 MKI.
2. India has never had and unless it trains it's pilots better never will have air superiority over us.
3. The American equipment we got in the cold war was mostly sub par.
4. Our economy is booming, once China rolls out 5th gen I am sure we will be able to afford it. This article doesn't remember this.
5. We have the option of Turkey, and we can build one ourselves (already starting the process).

Your delusions are breathtaking. Living in the clouds? Get real.
We were willing to eat grass to protect land and to keep an eye on another poor enemy.. Pakistan can survive in 7 .50 billion defence but india cant afford to go less than 40 billion atleast plus the amount of corruption you guys have is awesome..
dreaming of breaking Pak will remain a dream many died with this dream and alot more to go along with this dream... if India have guts it cud have been long ago but unfortunatily there is no 3000 Kms gap between east and west anymore.
Pak will get what it require sooner or later... india and indians sud worry about their poverty toilets dalits and stats which wants to out of this secularism Union drama trap.
Last edited:
1 - India is supa pawa, with their indigenous stealth Fighter Tejas
2 - IAF is superior in whole Asia
3 - Pakistan economy is dead, You don't have money, you run on foreign aid
4 - Chinese maal is only copy paste
5 - Baluchistan, Hindu, Sikh minorities, Baluchistan liberation...............
its not the number of aircraft or there technical advantage that matters in warfare ,its the strategy with well placed tactics deployed by the opponent that's matter. The Israels wiped out 700+ Arab aircraft during the 1967 war on the ground with just 200 air crafts. for example it should be noted that PAF has better Stand of capability as compared to IAF no operational squadron of IAF can fire brahmoos ,While the mirages and JF 17 of PAF can cause havoc on IAF while staying in safe airspace
We were willing to eat grass to protect land and to keep an eye on another poor enemy.. Pakistan can survive in 7 .50 billion defence but india cant afford to go less than 40 billion atleast plus the amount of corruption you guys have is awesome..
Lol! You're funny! :jester:
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