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Who will Sikhs Support?

That is Simranjit Singh Mann.. he was a very high ranking police officer and commander of the Punjab Armed Police (the specialized branch of Punjab Police) in the 1980s... when Operation Blue Star happened he resigned from his position and joined the seperatists.. and ended up spending several years in Jail.. now he is the leader of the Akali Dal (Amritsar) party....

As for the Anand Karj Act, than yes, everybody applauds Pakistan for bringing that law into power in their country... because in India Sikhs have been fighting to have Anand Karj Act passed for over 60 years and Indian government is denying that right to Sikhs.. until today the government defines Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains as "Hindus" and puts them under Hindu act.. article 25b of constitution.. Sikhs have been fighting to get that change and even went to supreme court.. despite supreme court agreeing with Sikhs that article 25b discriminates against them.. Indian government still didn't change... and Sikhs of Pakistan now enjoy that law where Sikhs of India are still fighting for it....

Is he the same person who always lose elections and even cant save his security????
I even heard that non of his party man won :taz:
Biplob dude, you need to stop following that Saffron colored history book of yours.
@ EzazR,

If i start discussing islamic history of India in detail then many ppl'll feel hurt.I wont get into that.

Beside that i must say ,u can print as many books u want ,they cant change things that happened in history that remain itched in ppl's memory.

As they are part of folklores , legends and ballads for generations in Rajastan and else where e,g of self immolation of Rani Padmini, storie of sacrifices of Sikhs Guru in Punjab and they also in the broken down Hindus temples and a mosque standing next the temple at each of its holy sites around rest of india . No amount of left wing manipulation can put an end them.
What about Navjot singh Siddhu, a BJP MP from Punjab himself who was seen doing Yagnyas and taking names of Hindu god.He must be an apostate for u.

Yehh.. that is why he part of BJP not Akalis.. also, he is facing murder trial and being MP of BJP keeps him out of jail..

Again here u go ,a renowned writer of many books and editor of several news papers like Khuswant singh know nothing about sikh religion .His views on on Sikhism can hardly be in line with the mainstream as he praised the actions of RSS units who saved many Sikh life dUring Delhi riots of 84 .I guess ur views must be main stream Sikhism to the sea of nirvana.

Khushwant Singh CALLS HIMSELF A NON-BELIEVER.. HE DOES NOT BELIEVE IN IN SIKH RELIGION... get that through your brainn... SECONDLY, THIS is his WHOLE views on RSS:

J.S.T.: What do you think of R.S.S. chief Sudershan's statements, which Sikhs find highly offensive?

K.S.: R.S.S. is a communal organization and dangerous to the country's secular fabric. Look what they did to Muslims in Gujrat. However, they take a different approach with the Sikhs. During the 1984 Sikh pogrom, they did save many Sikh lives. R.S.S. volunteers participated during the tercentenary celebrations of the Khalsa in 1999. They consider the Khalsa to be a military wing of Hinduism and their savior.
The Sikh Times - Biographies - Khushwant Singh

And THAT is what SGPC and Sikhs as a whole OPPOSES.. that Sikhs are military wing of Hinduism.. it is only RSS monkeys which want to paint it that way so they can misuse Sikh religion for their own selfish deeds..

No one asking about ur habits or persoanl preferences.
I was talking about Sikh traditions and practices.Cow meat and cow slaughter was banned during sikh rules in predominantly muslim areas.

First of all, I think its been posted before that even Mughals for some time banned cow slaughter in order not to offend Hindus.. and secondly... those are not my personal beliefs they are beliefs of SIKHS as a whole... we don't believe cow is sacred.. you will not find single quote from Adi Granth stating anything about not eating cows... this is what Nanak said..

First Mehl:
Punjabi: ਪਾਂਡੇ ਤੂ ਜਾਣੈ ਹੀ ਨਾਹੀ ਕਿਥਹੁ ਮਾਸੁ ਉਪੰਨਾ ॥ ਤੋਇਅਹੁ ਅੰਨੁ ਕਮਾਦੁ ਕਪਾਹਾਂ ਤੋਇਅਹੁ ਤ੍ਰਿਭਵਣੁ ਗੰਨਾ ॥
O Pandit, you do not know where did flesh originate! It is water where life originated and it is water that sustains all life. It is water that produces grains, sugarcane, cotton and all forms of life.
AGGS, M 1, p 1290.

First Mehl:
The fools argue about flesh and meat, but they know nothing about meditation and spiritual wisdom.
What is called meat, and what is called green vegetables? What leads to sin?
It was the habit to kill the rhinoceros, and make a feast of the burnt offering.
Those who renounce meat, and hold their noses when sitting near it, devour men at night.
They practice hypocrisy, and make a show before other people, but they do not understand anything about meditation or spiritual wisdom.
O Nanak, what can be said to the blind people? They cannot answer, or even understand what is said.
They alone are blind, who act blindly. They have no eyes in their hearts.
They are produced from the blood of their mothers and fathers, but they do not eat fish or meat.

That is all related to consuming meat.. and I don't see anywhere where it says that Sikhs should not eat cows.. according to the different Sikh views.. either Sikhs don't eat ANY meat.. or they eat EVERY meat.. there is no restriction that you can't eat this or that animal..

Dont know Tariq Ali??
How about reading something else beside Khalistani literature.

LRB · Tariq Ali · Bitter Chill of Winter

If I got this far reading Khalistani literature than by god it still trumps your RSS literature by miles.. because atleast I don't comment about your religion but you go around commenting about other people's religion... but i guess that is habit of RSS they can't sit peacefully until they create problems with every community...
as far my knowlegde sikhs can eat any type of meat..........it can be beef or pork
Originally Posted by biplob :

What about Navjot singh Siddhu, a BJP MP from Punjab himself who was seen doing Yagnyas and taking names of Hindu god.He must be an apostate for u.

Yehh.. that is why he part of BJP not Akalis.. also, he is facing murder trial and being MP of BJP keeps him out of jail..

This one sentence would make it clear to everyone how biased ,prejudiced,inaccurate and motivated ur views are...

U are so prejudices to cast aspersions on Siddhu that he is with BJP as that party helps with his court cases.

If that was reason then he would've been far more safe ,had joined Congress and got busying courting Sonia gandhi , along Momohan Singh .
This one sentence would make it clear to everyone how biased ,prejudiced,inaccurate and motivated ur views are...

U are so prejudices to cast aspersions on Siddhu that he is with BJP as that party helps with his court cases.

If that was reason then he would've been far more safe ,had joined Congress and got busying courting Sonia gandhi , along Momohan Singh .

He's a BJP mascot.. what good will he be to Congress? BJP needs sardar mascots like Sidhu... because in Punjab they are painted as a Hindu Bahman party.. as opposed to whole Congress in Punjab which is already being run by Sardars top to bottom..
man this thread still going on????

My last words on this thread (cuz I know no will agree with anyone in this thread and will never come to a conclusion)

@Hindus and muslims - Sikhism is sikhism.Its not hinduism/islam or a part of it.its a different religion altogether with its own principles and way of living and practicing the religion.It is a different religion with its own identity and nothing to do with Hinduism or any other religion.So please stop showcasing it as a part of hinduism/islam.Both hinduism and islam have had some influence on the preaching of the gurus.there are many refernce of hindu gods and godess in the preaching and also it is equally influnced by people who were muslim,but in no ways its is similar to hinduism or islam.

As far as the support of sikhs between India and Pakistan is concerned - then it is not so complex to understand.Sikh of india will support India and the sikh of Pakistan will support Pakistan.No one can question their patriotism.

**the highlighted sentence might be not acceptable to some people with extremist mindset,whom you will find them in every country,but fortunately never successful,you can find few in this thread itself.

why dont you do your homework before posting these silly posts??

U.R. telling me that what I put up is not true about sikh beliefs, if u do than enlighten me, but do not refute the basic beliefs of siks that I put up.

One may exapnd on them, but these are the basic beliefs and are much more closer to Islam than Hinduism.

Not to mention the beard, the turban and the daggar.
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Who will Balochi and Sindhi Support in case of war with Pakistan?

or should I say will India support Balochi and Sindhi with their war with Pakistan? :D
Who will Balochi and Sindhi Support in case of war with Pakistan?

or should I say will India support Balochi and Sindhi with their war with Pakistan? :D

Even if you wanted to u cant in a War... Supporting them will give you more trouble than you think. In a War they will be Pakistani fighting for their country...

I dont think you can handle them ny way...

btw i think ULFA, MULTA, NDFB, ATTF, ADF, NNC, Naxalites-Maoists and Khalistan are enough for you to handle in ur own country :cheers:

Separatist movements of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Who will Balochi and Sindhi Support in case of war with Pakistan?

or should I say will India support Balochi and Sindhi with their war with Pakistan? :D

lol. You really think we want to be under the control of the Hindu Republic of India. :disagree:

Good laughs on this forum. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Who will Balochi and Sindhi Support in case of war with Pakistan?

or should I say will India support Balochi and Sindhi with their war with Pakistan? :D

You don't need to worry about Sindhis dear. I live in Karachi and I know they will be ready to fight for their motherland.

Even if you wanted to u cant in a War... Supporting them will give you more trouble than you think. In a War they will be Pakistani fighting for their country...

I dont think you can handle them ny way...

btw i think ULFA, MULTA, NDFB, ATTF, ADF and NNC are enough for you to handle in ur own country :cheers:

Separatist movements of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Include Maoists please.
You don't need to worry about Sindhis dear. I live in Karachi and I know they will be ready to fight for their motherland.

Include Maoists please.

thnx 4 reminding me there are so much separist movements in India i forgot Maoists :cheesy:
Yeah Khalistan Movement is still alive aswell :bounce:

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