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New Introductions

Absolutely sir, many youngsters here have great knowledge about Pakistan and armed forces. And it's a very positive sign. After all the future of Pakistan is in their or I should say in our hands. :)
InshAllah we will make your generation as well as our next generation to be proud on us. And we will change the destiny of Pakistan. And we surly will need people like you on our side. :-) :p::agree:
Sure my prayers and wishes with you all.
1) Tell your interests
Internet, Technology, Development

2) What do you do.
Network Engineer

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
Anything to do with Pakistan.

5) What is your profession?
Network Engineer

6) Future plans?
My own business, provide network solutions
1) Tell your interests?
Flying, hunting, shooting, history of warfare, time with my family and reading defense related articles.

2) What do u do?
I am a Consultant in the hi tech and communications industry, living in the United States since 2001

3) How did u find us ?
I have been following PDF since early/mid 2000s and joined in 2007, but recently decided to start participating actively.

4) What interests you here?
PDF is probably the best discussion forum I have come across with some really intelligent and interesting posts and discussions that take place here. Being from Pakistan naturally aligns me to anything that pertains to my country.

5) What is your profession?

6) Future Plans
Live a happy and fulfilling life, hunting trip to South Africa and Europe, doing something meaningful to help mankind and especially my fellow Pakistanis.
Major (R) Saif Osmani
Pakistan Army Air Defens
141 AirDefence (SAM) Regiment
66th PMA L/C 1979 got commission in 1982
Served from 1982 to 2005.

1) Tell your interests
Internet, Technology, Development

2) What do you do.
Network Engineer

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
Anything to do with Pakistan.

5) What is your profession?
Network Engineer

6) Future plans?
My own business, provide network solutions

1) Tell your interests?
Flying, hunting, shooting, history of warfare, time with my family and reading defense related articles.

2) What do u do?
I am a Consultant in the hi tech and communications industry, living in the United States since 2001

3) How did u find us ?
I have been following PDF since early/mid 2000s and joined in 2007, but recently decided to start participating actively.

4) What interests you here?
PDF is probably the best discussion forum I have come across with some really intelligent and interesting posts and discussions that take place here. Being from Pakistan naturally aligns me to anything that pertains to my country.

5) What is your profession?

6) Future Plans
Live a happy and fulfilling life, hunting trip to South Africa and Europe, doing something meaningful to help mankind and especially my fellow Pakistanis.

Welcome to Defence.pk !

What I really love in Pakistan and dream to visit one day!!

Thanks for the warm welcome
I am a new member . I retired from an agricultural company. I find the conversations qite informative and interesting. I hope some day the 2 countries India and Pakistan would be able to tap the huge mutually beneficial opportunities that exist.
I am a new member . I retired from an agricultural company. I find the conversations qite informative and interesting. I hope some day the 2 countries India and Pakistan would be able to tap the huge mutually beneficial opportunities that exist.

Welcome to Defence.pk
Hi All ,
This is my first post . I used to follow defense related news closely and this place is a gold mine. (Missing many of my friends who migrated to FB while we were having good talking in Orkut groups :( ) . I have been around from past few years ( Just visits everyday and reads the postings ) and now the overwhelming topics are quite hard to follow through ' book marks' . So wish to be a member here and tag the topics which I wish to follow in more convenient way ! Also wish to participate to some topics with a smile :-)
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