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That,s correct

And what you are known for ? Talking out of your rear end all the time and derailing threads ?
bla bla.. still no references for your claims..

well you can take part in healthy discussion but i always find you derailing Pakistan related threads
am too lazy to find stuff and discuss... just post a link like every civilized person does and then we can discuss the veracity of claim.. whether source is trustworthy, whether a better source has similar/opposite claim etc.. cant even start discussion based on assertions of a nobody...
bla bla.. still no references for your claims..

am too lazy to find stuff and discuss... just post a link like every civilized person does and then we can discuss the veracity of claim.. whether source is trustworthy, whether a better source has similar/opposite claim etc.. cant even start discussion based on assertions of a nobody...
Hey why you are bothering about our defence expenditures???
PA should increase expenses on soldiers and reduce spending on the bigger crocodiles. probably some american general once said " even god wishes to be a general in pak army". we have to get rid of this "ayyashi" business.
Hey why you are bothering about our defence expenditures???
I dont bother about any of these assertion.. its more about how to discuss and debate.. you cant dispel 'myth' by merely asserting the opposite, anyway I think I will stop here, its pretty easy concept to grasp for a 14 year in UK... but subcontinent is a different place... :)
Why do you guys come on our threads for spoiling whole discussion??? This thread was not meant for you..So you better don't worry about us...

Because they don't have a single decent discussion forum and can't do without showing up on PDF, just dont have the cojones to admit it! Their inferiority complex forces them to put Pakistan and Pakistanis down to feel better about themselves.

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