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Which of the following Arab countries has the strongest military?

Which of the following Arab countries has the strongest military?

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Kuwaiti Girl

May 8, 2016
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I'm excluding Egypt and Saudi Arabia from the list in order to make this more interesting, otherwise it's a no-brainer lol.


I have a feeling it's the UAE -- at least on paper.
Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco in your list have strong militaries.

And Iraq has the worst as 800,000 strong army ran like cowards when ISIS began to capture though it was quite the opposite in Saddam's time...Jordan is good too but UAE has not proven itself and they suffered some casualties in Yemen and they cried like babies on getting injections for the first time :)...A strong militay is one that is battle hardened and can defend its borders in hostile environment...Jordan has a hostile environment while UAE has no real enemies in its neighbours.
None because the arabs known to be traiters and backstabbers every monarchy tried to build strong army a coup happened against them

The arabs doesn't know what military is they just have some thugs that they call it military while they are just slaves and mercenaries
For me its a no brainer in the shape of Algeria. The gulf nations like UAE might have state of the art aircraft but they lack in manpower, one of the most important ingredients of war. A prolonged conflict would take a serious toll on these nations populations.

Algeria has a decent airforce and navy, half a million active military personnel backed up by a large population (compared to the other nations on the list), and is rich in oil and gas resources. So for me its Algeria, no doubt.
For me its a no brainer in the shape of Algeria. The gulf nations like UAE might have state of the art aircraft but they lack in manpower, one of the most important ingredients of war. A prolonged conflict would take a serious toll on these nations populations.

Algeria has a decent airforce and navy, half a million active military personnel backed up by a large population (compared to the other nations on the list), and is rich in oil and gas resources. So for me its Algeria, no doubt.

I hear Their Is A Large Contingent of Pakistanis Esp. Baloch In The Armies Of Oman UAE And To Some Extent Saudi Arabia
Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco in your list have strong militaries.

And Iraq has the worst as 800,000 strong army ran like cowards when ISIS began to capture though it was quite the opposite in Saddam's time...Jordan is good too but UAE has not proven itself and they suffered some casualties in Yemen and they cried like babies on getting injections for the first time :)...A strong militay is one that is battle hardened and can defend its borders in hostile environment...Jordan has a hostile environment while UAE has no real enemies in its neighbours.

Not coward I guess, but the Iraqis Sunni Soldiers lack motivation to fight in a sectarian nation like Iraq. There are Sunni Shiah war before that results many deaths.

Many Arab nations has political issues that separate the country, it will result in soldiers motivation. If I want to go to war, it should come from the right reason and related to my afterlife period. Just fighting until death due to order is just a stupid act.
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Not coward I guess, but the Iraqis Sunni Soldiers lack motivation to fight in a sectarian nation like Iraq.
The majority of Iraqi army consists of shias today as they claim to have majoirty in Iraq...If we correlate Iraq and Afghanistan, we see that both countries have pathetic armies that cannot protect their countries from even internal threats without the support of their master..USA...Because USA never wants a stable country thus they neither give a stable govt or a strong army to their captured victims.
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The majority of Iraqi army consists of shias today as they claim to have majoirty in Iraq...If you one correlates Iraq and Afghanistan, we see that both countries have pathetic armies that cannot protect their countries from even internal threats without the support of their master..USA...Because USA never wants a stable country thus they neither give a stable govt or a strong army to their captured victims.

The soldiers in Mosul and Faalujah are Sunni I guest. Correct me if it is false. ISIS soldiers have determination due to its religious belief regardless that it actually comes from false interpretation and false understanding on Islam.

Any soldiers that fight for his God is a very dangerous soldiers, even many of our freedom fighters during 1945-1959 see their act as Jihad. You can learn Surabaya battle to understand it where we fought British and Dutch in a very heroic way by using Jihad spirit. Thats why many Pakistani soldiers (Indian Regiment/ British Army) sided with us during that moment because their opponent yelling ALLAHU AKBAR during the battle.
The soldiers in Mosul and Faalujah are Sunni I guest. Correct me if it is false. ISIS soldiers have determination due to its religious belief regardless that it actually comes from false interpretation and false understanding on Islam.

Any soldiers that fight for his God is a very dangerous soldiers, even many of our freedom fighters during 1945-1959 see their act as Jihad. You can learn Surabaya battle to understand it where we fought British and Dutch in a very heroic way by using Jihad spirit. Thats why many Pakistani soldiers (Indian Regiment/ British Army) sided with us during that moment because their opponent yelling ALLAHU AKBAR during the battle.
Well I can see the discussion slipping on to a tangent. I agree ISIS has false understanding and also backing of some 'unseen' hands but I would expect a 800,000 strong army should have been able to dislogde them despite some of their fighters reluctant to fight and normally in militaries this is called betrayal and has strict consquences with the least being removal from the job with immediate effect to even being killed. Even if there were sunnis in those areas isn't a long enough time for Iraqi army to fix its faults and recapture the areas they lost like Pakistan army has been able to free Swat, Northern Areas and Baluchistan from similarly motivated militants Tehreek Talibans with external fundings and trainings from RAW, Mossad and NDS. In case of Pakistan, it was really the reluctance of the leadership and the politicians but once decided, there was no stopping despite fierce resistance by the inhuman or sub-human enemy because the soldiers of Pak army are well disciplined and also motivated to defend their country.
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UAE has an awesome air force but Jordan has a war experienced and hostile environment army. It also has history with dealing with insurgent forces. Algeria is another.

The thing is you can't really rate or rank like that. There are a billion factors that can come play in a war that you just can't factor in.
Yah, I am agree that some countries dont want to see Pakistan strong (economically, politically, and militarily), I also believe the death of recent Taliban leader has some relation on it since the likely replacement is more brutal in tendency.

I believe Obama needs to clear some people in Pentagon that has hidden anti-Pakistan agenda that make him make bad policy like recent killing in a context where political solution is about to be reached in Afghanistan. If peace agreement is reached in Afghanistan, then TTP struggle in Pakistan will lost much.
Yeah but my point was that Iraqi Army should have fixed its issues and have recaptured the lost areas so despite being a 800,000-men army, it is a failure.
By the way, you are right...USA can't digest that Zarb-e-Azb has been extremely successful and we eliminated all their assets and that's why they attack Mullah Mansour in Pakistan so that the taliban hate Pakistan and attack it. But their plan will rub its nose in the dust and if something is going to get worse..it is for uncle sam himself.

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