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How will Nasr's Neutron warhead neutralize advancing enemy columns...

Tactical nukes have low yield but high burst of radiation that is aimed at armored columns the radiation is so wast that it penetrated into tanks through even the nano sized openings. However there is still one question that todays tanks are with NBC Suite. Question should be how much pressurized are these tanks to calculate the amount of radiation they can repel. If radiation is of high dose it can still penetrate the openings and kill people leaving tank unharmed only crew dead which means these tanks can be somehow reusable. but war will be over there.
Explained in easy english.
Perhaps respectable members got it all wrong as Nasr shall be fired in volleys and for limited area impact only. I have read that their main purpose is to produce high level of intensity when blown up to throw MBTS/APCS away to make them nonoperational. Similarly if something having weight like MBT if pushed in such a manner and falls away the impact on people within this is obvious.
Has it got any guidance system like BABUR ? ...... or is it only a volley rocket ?

Also, the distance is 60km; what is the speed with which the rocket will travel after being fired?
Sorry bro, But this is bullshit. Modern MBTs are well defended against radiation.
As i know its their electronic chips, circuitry esp PCBs etc that are designed to resist the resultant electromagnetic radiations of the resultant blast but tanks body can not itself withstand the resultant blast esp the vacuum and then resultant expansion of air, not to mention the intense heat generated and thats what its saying as Neutron can get inside the tank even.

Rajagopala Chidambaram, one of the scientists who planned India's nuclear tests in May 1998, said in an interview published Monday by the Press Trust of India news agency that it isn't difficult to produce a neutron bomb, a fusion weapon that kills people but isn't intended to destroy buildings.
Sorry bro, But this is bullshit. Modern MBTs are well defended against radiation.
Nothing can survive bombardment of neutron particles in a certain area. Even if people inside are safe from extreme radiation still their Electronic equipment will be toasted.

How primitive mus a society be to see this abomination as anything positive.

Get rid of nuclear weapons. Its plain and simple pathetic.

It is a deterrent not an offensive weapon. You underestimate our resolve to be a sovereign and free nation. Until we have a conventional force comparable to western forces in terms of quality these weapons are here to stay for a very long time.

Why dont you lecture you immediate neighbour France first then come to us teaching morality.
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