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A complete encirclement Of Pakistan? by the Indo-Afghan alliance??

Gen. Musharaf and Zardari are responsible of shit Afghan policy... now control by India.... Afghanistan is not in position to threaten any country. Pakistan hardly need few mins to down entire Afghanistan, this is not the point. The point is WHO IS responsible of left-Afghan Talibans. According to Gen. Campell of US Army, Talibans are no more enemy of the United States. U.S. has history of backstabbing (double face). The question is here, what Gen. Musharaf and his policy makers doing to counter the Indian influence? Musharaf must be held accountable and go-ahead to re-control Afghanistan.... before all this... Get this Musharaf, Zardari & ISI Chief > COAS > Kiyani!

Full faith on Raheel Sharif and his command!

Only support Mushy on kicking NS *** from Pakistan else.. no support to musharaf harkatain...
Okay... my question is.. where was PAKISTANI SO CALLED SUPER DUPER policy makers ? what they did to counter that ???? this is my question since last 16 years ?

Sir don't you worry at all ..... 'They' have their snakes there & we have our .... one they go down to that route .... say goodbye to ....

btw what was the wheat production of Afghanistan last year .... ???
Sir don't you worry at all ..... 'They' have their snakes there & we have our .... one they go down to that route .... say goodbye to ....

btw what was the wheat production of Afghanistan last year .... ???

lol weed production was good last year ask CIA they have the exact information :P
My Fiance was mugged by 3 afghan guys last night in Karachi . Police caught the afghan guys and those turned out to be refugees with no papers whatsoever . Somebody should just put this country out of its misery . Its a headache for its citizens , for its neighbours and for everyone . What use does Afghanistan have? half of its $ 17 billion economy is run by drugs and hash .

If there ever was a land cursed by God it has to be Afghanistan.
Yes, Pakistan may face 3 front war of India , Afghanistan and Iran. India too has a risk of 2 front war from Pakistan and china.
Lol @ Iran and Afg .Dont worry for Afg Border we already have big surprize for you local mercenaries. This time if attacked it will not be skirmished we do have more assets than you have .Iran is our brother they will not do any thing to harm us other wise we are already bound to lead a 10+ Arab nation coalition and all of us knew who this coalition will be upagainst .
A complete encirclement?
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: May 3, 2016

Pakistan’s encirclement by the Indo-Afghan alliance is nearly complete. The Afghan Army Chief General Qadam Shah Shaheem said on April 30 that if other options don’t yield any positive results in bringing Pakistani incursions to a halt, the Afghan Army would step in as a last resort in responding to military aggression along the Durand Line. The Indian foreign secretary told Pakistan that it “cannot be in denial of the impact of terrorism on the bilateral relationship”, essentially reiterating that terror and talks cannot go hand in hand. Quietly, New Delhi remains focused on entrenching itself at the Iranian Chabahar port to gain access to Afghanistan and Central Asian energy markets, as well as connecting with the Middle East and Europe. With Afghan transit trade down, traffic through Chabahar is likely to make Pakistan even more irrelevant for Afghan imports. India has also successfully cultivated the ruling elite in both Afghanistan and the land-locked Central Asian states, thereby trumping the natural geographical importance and relevance that Pakistan has for these countries.

India-Afghanistan trade through Pakistan

We in Pakistan believe to have successfully thwarted Indo-Afghan-American conspiracies against us. But empirical evidence — Pakistan’s image abroad and its continued isolation on issues related to terrorism — suggests that this ‘success’ continues to bleed Pakistan socially, politically and economically. Tactically, we have been successful — but at what cost? Beyond doubt, neither the US nor India can bend a nuclear-armed Pakistan. Both tried, but failed to dictate. Punish they can, nevertheless; and continue to do so, both directly and indirectly. Through its strategic investment and a whole-of-government approach towards Afghanistan, India has created a hornet’s nest for Pakistan. Those who are relevant in Afghanistan — from members of parliament, to President Ghani, to Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, to former president Karzai and the civil-military establishment — are all blowing hot and cold on Pakistan as the supporter of “all those animals killing innocent Afghans”, a perception that resonates with common Afghans and is gaining currency by the day.
The way the Quadrilateral Contact Group has come to a halt on the heels of the deadly bombing in Kabul clearly illustrates that Pakistan has lost on the strategic front. It is fighting a modern war of perception-management with a Cold War-era tactical mindset blunted by an outdated bureaucratic implementation regime towards the war-battered country. The country cannot complete critical investments — a nuclear medicine hospital in Kabul or crucial road links — in nearly 10 years. The bureaucracy in Islamabad miserably fails in addressing Afghan importers’ grievances related to the transit trade.

Afghanistan losing interest in trade links with Pakistan

Many Pakistanis love to point to the US, India and other countries, despite the fact that Pakistan itself has relied on non-state actors in the last three decades to achieve geo-political objectives. From South America to the Middle East to Africa, we have seen support for such entities. Recently, President Obama expressed his determination to continue funding the training of anti-Assad Syrian non-state actors. This is considered to be fine as long as the US government and Congress consider it to be in the American interest. Most Pakistanis overlook the obvious difference here — a superpower, with all its might, or a burgeoning economy like that of India, can get away with such ventures. A struggling and marginalised economy — beset with endemic governance, political polarisation and a dearth of strategic vision — cannot.
Are our ruling elites thinking in the strategic way leaders in other countries think? We may be very good in tactical approaches. It has helped the country stay afloat, but is that enough for long-term peace, economic development and regional connectivity? Can the country afford policies that have drawn it into a prolonged state of conflict with both its major neighbours? The third neighbour — Iran — looks on as we hang on to the Cold War security matrix. Shouldn’t India’s growing economic proximity to Iran as well as to Saudi Arabia serve as a wake-up call to us all? That is real encirclement. Can an apologetic policy towards the Afghan Taliban really help the country end its global isolation and put it on the path to development?

Published in The Express Tribune, May 4th, 2016.

All bcoz we have failed to build a great wall along Afghanistan........ it should have happen the day US come here after 9/11..

its late but still a wall can save thousands of lives and billions of $... wall can close door for Indian ventures in shitty Afghanistan... this wall will end blame game.. India has build fence along its border, we need a wall along Iran and Afghanistan.. all our neighbor are butt-hurt piece of shit, one had dream of loy (greater) Afghanistan (as if they had complete control over what they have now ), other had dream of Akhand (united) bharat (India) which was never united .. Iran (fanatic Mullah govt always on high horse, using Pakistanis for terrorism in foreign lands)..

A Wall can save Pakistan.. stop all loans for highways, Motorways from China.. they will be all unsafe until we build a wall along neighbors.. we should talk with China for funding of a great wall with high security infrastructure...
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My Fiance was mugged by 3 afghan guys last night in Karachi . Police caught the afghan guys and those turned out to be refugees with no papers whatsoever . Somebody should just put this country out of its misery . Its a headache for its citizens , for its neighbours and for everyone . What use does Afghanistan have? half of its $ 17 billion economy is run by drugs and hash .

If there ever was a land cursed by God it has to be Afghanistan.

Sorry to hear that the savages mugged your fiance. This is a daily affair for criminal Afghan refugees inside Pakistan. Of course, not all are like that, but many are. I wish these people went to India. They just keep coming here. It is unbearable.

I hope Afghanistan recovers, but it won't. Afghanistan has always been like this and nothing much won't change for its betterment.
Lol @ Iran and Afg .Dont worry for Afg Border we already have big surprize for you local mercenaries. This time if attacked it will not be skirmished we do have more assets than you have .Iran is our brother they will not do any thing to harm us other wise we are already bound to lead a 10+ Arab nation coalition and all of us knew who this coalition will be upagainst .

You never failed to entertain me . 10 Arab nations? They will help Pakistan? Is pakistan an Arab nation?

Any way what you think is not thought by your brother in his OP. He has doubt and speculation and feeling of being encircled. You here say me that you are not worried ? Whom should I believe?
Lolz at your discussion .I am having daily meeting with guys from these region and i know what place Pak has in general public heart.
But it seems that UAE and Saudi dumped pakistan. I heard a lots of discussion on Pakistani media regarding the dumping of Pakisna by UAE and Saudi after Modi's visit.
well its the war of perceptions now and i guess our enemies are deliberately isolating our country ... but it doesnt mean we are clean ourselves... we have corrupt elites, & bureaucrats which are the problems and morover we have corrupt people too who needs to change as well... having said that i dont believe that Afghans and Iranians are the problem for Pakistanis because when it comes to India from Marrakesh to Lahore we all know how to treat indians and what they think and they will stand with us in need of hr against india ...

But it seems that UAE and Saudi dumped pakistan. I heard a lots of discussion on Pakistani media regarding the dumping of Pakisna by UAE and Saudi after Modi's visit.
it is your dream and it wont come true but there are no restrictions on dreaming:)
Its not there fault either ,people going there are some times have no idea about law /regulations and remember all are going in labour ,I have seen Indians doing white collar jobs but they even dont have any respect most of the time .
Iran and Afghanistan are not a actual threat for Pakistan , rather its just their current Governments, some how Pakistan must help other forces that are in direct confrontation with Iran and Afghanistan , to topple Mulla regime in Iran and Ashraf Ghani down, and help to bring some one sensible as Shah of Iran, and Afghan Talibans back to power,,, Tables will be turned. And when it comes to China n India their rivalry is as old as recorded history, that weakness must be fully utilized by Pakistani Think Tanks Strategists and Planners.

And those who don't agree a bit, Sir i don't give a shit . Peace !
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