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What happened When Right-wing activist Tried to Raise Indian Flag in Occupied Kashmir

Keeping in mind our substantial minority population, an Israel like approach would leave nothing but ashes.

Time to change the narrative about Muslims in India.

They are not and never were a "minority."

180 million people acting largely as a single monolithic group is not going to be a minority anywhere in the world.

Not in India. Not in China.

Baaki kya bacha koi euivalent size ka?

Transplant them to Europe or the US and see if they get called a minority there.

Point is that the Muslims are actually the one and only majority group in India.

The Hindus never were and never will be.

Too different. Too fractured.

Hell with the kind of polarisation we saw in 2014, all they could give Modi ji was a measly 30 odd per cent of the vote.

Aur batao.

Cheers, Doc
If it would be you who would be deciding then partition wouldn't have ever happened and whole of Kashmir would be with you at least. You are so powerless and weak that you can't get respect for your flag in piece of land that you claim to occupy always.

This is the denial I was talking about. Go on buddy. keep fooling yourself.

Partition happened due to ego and greed of some rulers from both sides .
But Kashmir happened because other side try to use force with the help of Afghanis .Had it been a peaceful negotiation and transition ,it would have been a different case now .Or it means some of your leaders forced us to take decisions decisivly .
May be powerless and weak but it would have been worthful words if it from an American not a Pakistani.

Ok .We are done this debate.
Partition happened due to ego and greed of some rulers from both sides .
But Kashmir happened because other side try to use force with the help of Afghanis .Had it been a peaceful negotiation and transition ,it would have been a different case now .Or it means some of your leaders forced us to take decisions decisivly .
May be powerless and weak but it would have been worthful words if it from an American not a Pakistani.

Ok .We are done this debate.

And in all the above cases you were powerless and couldn't avoid the inevitable. Just like freedom of Kashmir. :)

Unfortunately, @Areesh , he is right; there has been a turn in the situation. Literally hundreds of Kashmiri students study in non-Kashmiri India, starting from Jammu, all through the north and into the south. They don't go east except to Bangladesh, for medical and dentistry courses. There are hundreds of 'non-Kashmiris' studying in Kashmir as well. After last week's incidents, there is no longer any leeway for softness and sentiment, and they will be hurt if they continue. Kashmiri students first behaved exactly as they had accused others of behaving to them, as an arrogant, brutal majority. The moment they did that, we lost years of building up mutual trust, they lost years of accrued goodwill.

Now Kashmiris are not trusted outside. Their loss.

It is natural and obvious. The real problem is "Indian occupation" and not any "lack of trust". Till there is occupation this lack of trust and divide between Kashmir and India would increase. I would appreciate that obviously.
And in all the above cases you were powerless and couldn't avoid the inevitable. Just like freedom of Kashmir. :)

It is natural and obvious. The real problem is "Indian occupation" and not any "lack of trust". Till there is occupation this lack of trust and divide between Kashmir and India would increase. I would appreciate that obviously.

Republic of India fought 4 war with western neighbour .If we were that powerless the fate of ours and 1971 would have been different :D
Republic of India fought 4 war with western neighbour .If we were that powerless the fate of ours and 1971 would have been different :D

I wish to make some simple statements:
  1. The people of the Vale are not uniformly against remaining in India;
  2. They are not uniformly for independence from all countries involved;
  3. They are not uniformly for merger with Pakistan.
Interference by the central government bureaucrats and their absolute lack of knowledge of affairs at street is the biggest single cause that has driven Kashmiris into a rebellious mood.
I wish to make some simple statements:
  1. The people of the Vale are not uniformly against remaining in India;
  2. They are not uniformly for independence from all countries involved;
  3. They are not uniformly for merger with Pakistan.
Interference by the central government bureaucrats and their absolute lack of knowledge of affairs at street is the biggest single cause that has driven Kashmiris into a rebellious mood.

Putting aside aside Article 1970 for a minute here, what is the end-game with Kashmir that you have in mind?
But I thought there were over 900000000 Indian soldiers brutally oppressing the Kashmiris :woot:

Who told you that stupid story?

There are no indian soldiers in IOK. There are 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists in IOK.
Republic of India fought 4 war with western neighbour .If we were that powerless the fate of ours and 1971 would have been different :D

You are good at claiming stalemates as victories. But still powerless to avoid the inevitable. :)

I wish to make some simple statements:
  1. The people of the Vale are not uniformly against remaining in India;
  2. They are not uniformly for independence from all countries involved;
  3. They are not uniformly for merger with Pakistan.
Interference by the central government bureaucrats and their absolute lack of knowledge of affairs at street is the biggest single cause that has driven Kashmiris into a rebellious mood.

Absolutely Right Sir .
.Ours is a Federal system.Individual states and peoples in that states wont like unwanted interference of Centre.
In Kashmir case ,they have so many other sentiments including religious .3 people shot dead in Kashmir recently .If anyone in the Army involved ,establishment should take action against him and should intitate court martial procedure .That is the only way in front us to earn the trust from Kashmiris.
Anything but status-quo

  1. The Army, paramilitary police and related forces measures
    1. Withdrawal of all non-State police forces except the BSF
    2. Re-grouping Army concentrations
    3. Raising a dedicated force to intermediate between J&K State police and the Army
    4. Maximal release of sequestered land
    5. APCA (Army, Police, Civil Service and Aam Admi) groups - civilians to be chosen by random lot and identities to be confidential - to be set up for inquiry into any public stone-throwing or firing incident
    6. Combined Public Information services set up
    7. Replace AFSPA with J&K specific empowering act to eliminate AFSPA syndrom
  2. Measures related to the Constitutional arrangements in the State
    1. Submit every piece of legislation other than Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications to J&K Assembly for review and re-create legislation as J&K acts
    2. Devolve Assembly legislative power down to city and district sub-division level
    3. Empower J&K High Court to provide constitutional review of all State-level legislation and below
  3. Measures related to civic life
    1. Increase facilities for cross-border movement
Put this in place first; everything else after some degree of normalcy and freedom from stone-pelting has been achieved.
Putting aside aside Article 1970 for a minute here, what is the end-game with Kashmir that you have in mind?

The day the state decides to step back, guard the border, and unleash civil retribution on the Valley.
Absolutely Right Sir .
.Ours is a Federal system.Individual states and peoples in that states wont like unwanted interference of Centre.
In Kashmir case ,they have so many other sentiments including religious .3 people shot dead in Kashmir recently .If anyone in the Army involved ,establishment should take action against him and should intitate court martial procedure .That is the only way in front us to earn the trust from Kashmiris.

What happened in reality was shocking.

A girl was molested by a civilian who wanted her to claim that the Army soldiers standing nearby had manhandled her. He and his friends pulled her away for 'examination' and started shouting slogans. Stone-pelting started soon after. The J&K Police arrived there, and shot two civilians who had nothing to do with the stone-pelting. The Army has announced an investigation, and punishment of the guilty, in spite of knowing that there is zero involvement of the Army in the incident, merely in order to cool down heated tempers and allow the truth to come out.

There is already a backlash among middle of the road civil society people against the gross manipulation of the situation by the Tehreek.
What happened in reality was shocking.

A girl was molested by a civilian who wanted her to claim that the Army soldiers standing nearby had manhandled her. He and his friends pulled her away for 'examination' and started shouting slogans. Stone-pelting started soon after. The J&K Police arrived there, and shot two civilians who had nothing to do with the stone-pelting. The Army has announced an investigation, and punishment of the guilty, in spite of knowing that there is zero involvement of the Army in the incident, merely in order to cool down heated tempers and allow the truth to come out.

There is already a backlash among middle of the road civil society people against the gross manipulation of the situation by the Tehreek.

You do know that much worse happened with the Pandits.

I do not see Kashmiri Sunnis as my countrymen or women.

I see them as squatters. Who are on the wrong side of history and the border. And would have us deal with them similarly.
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