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Pune teen burned to death: Activists claim he was killed 'because he was Hindu'


Aug 13, 2012
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Pune: Days after a 17-year-old ragpicker was allegedly murdered by three persons here after setting him afire, his father and some right-wing activists on Thursday claimed he was killed because he was a 'Hindu' and the brutality meted out to him was like an act of IS.

However, police have denied any communal angle behind the murder of Sawan Rathod in Kasba Peth area of the city last week.

Sawan, a pavement dweller, was hospitalised last Wednesday after he sustained severe burns when the accused trio, suspecting his involvement in stealing vehicle batteries, poured petrol on him and set him ablaze on 13 January. He died in hospital on 15 January.

"When my son was admitted to hospital, he told me that he was set on fire by three suspects after they came to know that he was Hindu," Sawan's father Dharma claimed.

Milind Ekbote, president of 'Samast Hindu Aghadi', alleged that the amount of cruelty exerted by three suspects was "inhuman" and the act resembles the "modus operandi" of Islamic State (IS). He demanded a probe by ATS into the incident.

Ekbote said they will organise a protest at the Police Commissioner's office here on 27 January.

Activists of various right-wing bodies said the police had botched up the investigation in the case.

"We had given a video clip to the cops in which the deceased was seen telling that he was set on fire by three suspects, after they came to know that he was 'Hindu'.

"It is as good as the dying declaration and police should investigate the communal angle. They failed to take his dying statement when he was being treated at state-run Sassoon Hospital," said Ramesh Rathod, city unit president of 'Banjara Kranti Dal', the community to which the deceased belonged.

Police had arrested Ibrahim Shaikh, Juber Tamboli and Imran Tamboli in connection with the murder. When contacted, DCP (Zone I) Tushar Doshi dismissed the claim of the activists and the boy's father as an "afterthought".

"Nothing of this sort (communal) surfaced in our investigation so far," he added.


Pune teen burned to death: Activists claim he was killed 'because he was Hindu'
In India if you stand up for Hindus you will be termed as communal..So better be silent..:hitwall:
as with other such incidents i am moved to ask a simple "why??".

this burning alive of this young rag-picker ( a male sati ) is a anti-human act and those who did this may be obsessive goers to mosques and wearers of above-ankle pajamas but they are not true muslims... the criminals must be publicly shot by a police firing squad.

but sanghi terrorists are nobody to talk of the depravity by these three criminals. :)

i point to two things that scream that india is largely not a gentle and certainly not a progressed society - (a). the young victim was a rag-picker, who i don't see how by birth he was inferior to some bangalore software engineer or poona mba or a isro scientist, yet he was in poverty, (b). the three psychos thought of the victim's life subordinate to the cost of batteries.

This Dalit was killed by secular forces and not Sanghis. Why should Rahul, Kejriwal or anybody be bothered ?? National media has camped in Hyderabad. Dont distract them please

1. you are not really bothered about the cruelty done with the poona victim... you are simply using his case to declare "oh, i have better things to do" when confronted with the case of the suicided hyderabad student, rohit vemula. :)

2. how did you and your friends here react to the case of mohammad akhlaq being broken, strangled, twisted, mangled, stabbed over maybe 45 minutes by sangh terrorists??

Bengal model at work by seculars-

do they respect you in germany?? :)

"We had given a video clip to the cops in which the deceased was seen telling that he was set on fire by three suspects, after they came to know that he was 'Hindu'.

parul, why did you highlight in blue that part of the article and not this below...
When contacted, DCP (Zone I) Tushar Doshi dismissed the claim of the activists and the boy's father as an "afterthought".

another example of your "leaving religion at home when you login to pdf" and "i don't ascribe to any reactionary thought, including saffroni". :)

In India if you stand up for Hindus you will be termed as communal..So better be silent..:hitwall:

still waiting for you ( you supposedly being a dalit ) to be sympathetic with the goings on in "hyderabad university" campus.
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Pune: Days after a 17-year-old ragpicker was allegedly murdered by three persons here after setting him afire, his father and some right-wing activists on Thursday claimed he was killed because he was a 'Hindu' and the brutality meted out to him was like an act of IS.

However, police have denied any communal angle behind the murder of Sawan Rathod in Kasba Peth area of the city last week.

Sawan, a pavement dweller, was hospitalised last Wednesday after he sustained severe burns when the accused trio, suspecting his involvement in stealing vehicle batteries, poured petrol on him and set him ablaze on 13 January. He died in hospital on 15 January.

"When my son was admitted to hospital, he told me that he was set on fire by three suspects after they came to know that he was Hindu," Sawan's father Dharma claimed.

Milind Ekbote, president of 'Samast Hindu Aghadi', alleged that the amount of cruelty exerted by three suspects was "inhuman" and the act resembles the "modus operandi" of Islamic State (IS). He demanded a probe by ATS into the incident.

Ekbote said they will organise a protest at the Police Commissioner's office here on 27 January.

Activists of various right-wing bodies said the police had botched up the investigation in the case.

"We had given a video clip to the cops in which the deceased was seen telling that he was set on fire by three suspects, after they came to know that he was 'Hindu'.

"It is as good as the dying declaration and police should investigate the communal angle. They failed to take his dying statement when he was being treated at state-run Sassoon Hospital," said Ramesh Rathod, city unit president of 'Banjara Kranti Dal', the community to which the deceased belonged.

Police had arrested Ibrahim Shaikh, Juber Tamboli and Imran Tamboli in connection with the murder. When contacted, DCP (Zone I) Tushar Doshi dismissed the claim of the activists and the boy's father as an "afterthought".

"Nothing of this sort (communal) surfaced in our investigation so far," he added.


Pune teen burned to death: Activists claim he was killed 'because he was Hindu'

Finally efforts of Indian (Anti) National Congress showing up.
Jay Ho Sickularism.
Jay Ho bar dancer
jay ho breakup India.
@Abhijeet Sarkar, look at the the last item in the end section of this very thread...

@Abhijeet Sarkar, look at the the last item in the end section of this very thread...
View attachment 289079

What would I do seeing your screenshot?Do you want me to accept Islam?Nah.More than 80% of us would agree to me I am sure.India is getting over of such thing & on the other way Islam is going backward.That would be my first concern,not your's..
BTW Muslims here before burning him didn't ask about whether he is dalit or not.
I am sure about my identity.My mother was Kshatriya & my father belongs to SC community .So logically I am Dalit...I know how to differentiate valid facts.
I knew that from first which I have just posted..
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It's India people die or get killed violently or from natural death just like people die/killed in the rest of the countries. When you have billion plus people, sh!T like this is bound to occur. People will still go about there business. Nothing will stop this juggernaut from developing and prospering.

the father is giving a pointless statement... would his late son, rohith vemula, have agreed with him??

i quote some sections of rohith's last letter[1]...
I loved Science, Stars, Nature, but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced from nature. Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt.
The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust. In very field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living.
I am writing this kind of letter for the first time. My first time of a final letter. Forgive me if I fail to make sense.
May be I was wrong, all the while, in understanding world. In understanding love, pain, life, death. There was no urgency. But I always was rushing. Desperate to start a life. All the while, some people, for them, life itself is curse. My birth is my fatal accident. I can never recover from my childhood loneliness. The unappreciated child from my past.
To ASA family, sorry for disappointing all of you. You loved me very much. I wish all the very best for the future.

For one last time,

Jai Bheem

1. what do you think the underlined section means??

2. "jai bheem" is the salutation to bheem rao ambedkar.

3. asa is "ambedkar students association", which champions the rights of dalit students in "hyderabad university"[2]...
Vemula, an active member of the Ambedkar Students’ Association at Hyderabad Central University, killed himself after he and four other Dalit students were suspended for allegedly assaulting a member of the ABVP, the student wing of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Even though a university-appointed proctorial board had investigated the incident and found no substance to the allegations, the five students were suspended in the wake of a letter written by BJP union minister Bandaru Dattatreya to the Human Resource Development Ministry describing the ASA students as “anti-national, casteist” elements on campus.
According to its current and former members, the ASA has grown into a powerful force asserting Dalit rights at Hyderabad Central University for the past 23 years. And in its early years, members admit, violence did form a part of the Association’s response to casteist harassment.
The Ambedkar Student’s Association was founded in 1993 by a small group of Dalit students at Hyderabad Central University, led by PhD scholar Rajasekhar.
But before the ASA, there was the Progressive Students’ Forum, a group formed in 1990 when attempts were made to implement the Mandal Commission’s recommendations of caste-based reservations in government jobs. “HCU was the main centre of upper-caste protests against the Mandal Commission, and our protests in retaliation to this led to the closing of the university for nearly 20 days,” said Satyanarayana, who had been the convener of the Progressive Students Forum.
Soon, Rajasekhar and other members of the Forum felt the need for a more specific Ambedkarite organisation on campus, one that would address issues of discrimination and harassment faced by Dalit students. “There was a high dropout rate among SC-ST students and at the PhD level, especially in science, there was almost no Dalit student,” said Satyanarayana.
In its first few years, the ASA had less than 50 members, but received support from Ambedkarite and leftist organisations from outside the university. “But the university’s administration was against the ASA, because the Association was bringing to light issues like vacant seats in the SC-ST quotas and the non-allocation of guides to Dalit scholars,” said Prashanth Badge, a political science PhD student at the university and a current member of the ASA’s core committee.
Another problem on campus in the 1990s was the ragging and harassment of Dalit students. At the time, says Bagde, the ASA developed a reputation for responding aggressively.

“They took a radical stand and would beat up people who would rag Dalit students,” said Bagde. When the ABVP began to rise on campus, there were a few physical fights between members of the two groups. “But today the ASA is very democratic in its approach. The Association has been contesting student elections for more than 10 years and we have to be careful about not being aggressive or violent.”
In 2011-'12, striking an alliance with the Communist Party of India (Marxist)'s Students’ Federation on India, the ASA won the campus election and member Dontha Prashanth became the president of the students’ union. Today, the Association has more than 500 members and manages to draw at least 800 votes from across the student community.
“We are also very diverse today – we have members representing all kinds of marginalised groups, from Muslims to Adivasis to students from Kashmir and the North East,” said Bagde. The ASA now also has branches in Hyderabad’s Osmania University, the Pondicherry University and also the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai.
If there is one consistent criticism of the ASA, says Badge, it is that its gender ratio is quite drastically skewed. The Association’s core committee currently has 30 members, of which barely two or three are women. “I don’t know why Dalit women don’t come out and participate in public spaces as much, but I would like to see a Dalit feminist movement on our campus,” said Bagde. “The ASA has been criticised quite a bit for coming across as too patriarchal.”

What would I do seeing your screenshot?

to see that you are again incorrect about there being no discrimination against dalits in india.

Do you want me to accept Islam?

no, i want you to accept socialism.

this is a sincere wish.

India is getting over of such thing & on the other way Islam is going backward.That would be my first concern,not your's..

you are right that it should be my concern and it is... maybe you have not seen my recent thread "the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now"[3].

BTW Muslims here before burning him didn't ask about whether he is dalit or not.

i don't see your point.

I am sure about my identity. My mother was Kshatriya & my father belongs to SC community .So logically I am Dalit...I know how to differentiate valid facts.

so your religion/traditional-society accorded you the "low caste" status despite your mother being of "high caste" and being progressive in marrying a man of "low caste"... what should that tell you?? :)

i am simply being logical here.

It's India people die or get killed violently or from natural death just like people die/killed in the rest of the countries. When you have billion plus people, sh!T like this is bound to occur. People will still go about there business. Nothing will stop this juggernaut from developing and prospering.

spoken like a true indian nationalist !! :tup:


lastly, i leave you readers with three comments on the raiot.in article[1]... notice the difference between the first two sensible and sensitive comments and then the last comment from a nationalist...



[1] Last Words of Rohith Vemula – Raiot

[2] How Hyderabad's Ambedkar Students' Association grew to establish a national footprint

[3] the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now
the father is giving a pointless statement... would his late son, rohith vemula, have agreed with him??

i quote some sections of rohith's last letter[1]...

1. what do you think the underlined section means??

2. "jai bheem" is the salutation to bheem rao ambedkar.

3. asa is "ambedkar students association", which champions the rights of dalit students in "hyderabad university"[2]...

to see that you are again incorrect about there being no discrimination against dalits in india.

no, i want you to accept socialism.

this is a sincere wish.

you are right that it should be my concern and it is... maybe you have not seen my recent thread "the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now"[3].

i don't see your point.

so your religion/traditional-society accorded you the "low caste" status despite your mother being of "high caste" and being progressive in marrying a man of "low caste"... what should that tell you?? :)

i am simply being logical here.

spoken like a true indian nationalist !! :tup:


lastly, i leave you readers with three comments on the raiot.in article[1]... notice the difference between the first two sensible and sensitive comments and then the last comment from a nationalist...

View attachment 289096


[1] Last Words of Rohith Vemula – Raiot

[2] How Hyderabad's Ambedkar Students' Association grew to establish a national footprint

[3] the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now

Dear firstly I appreciate your efforts and understand your pain.

Lastly there is a famous saying" If you think everyone else has got a same heart like yours you will be left hurt and broken"

You expect these people to call a spade a spade but they will never do it they will call it spade when it suits them and they will call it any other thing when that suits them.

Just relax try to get the best education you can and get out of this country and later call your family out as well.

That's my advise to all Muslims , Sikhs , Naxals , Maoists and Dalits of India .
the father is giving a pointless statement... would his late son, rohith vemula, have agreed with him??

i quote some sections of rohith's last letter[1]...

1. what do you think the underlined section means??

2. "jai bheem" is the salutation to bheem rao ambedkar.

3. asa is "ambedkar students association", which champions the rights of dalit students in "hyderabad university"[2]...

to see that you are again incorrect about there being no discrimination against dalits in india.

no, i want you to accept socialism.

this is a sincere wish.

you are right that it should be my concern and it is... maybe you have not seen my recent thread "the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now"[3].

i don't see your point.

so your religion/traditional-society accorded you the "low caste" status despite your mother being of "high caste" and being progressive in marrying a man of "low caste"... what should that tell you?? :)

i am simply being logical here.

spoken like a true indian nationalist !! :tup:


lastly, i leave you readers with three comments on the raiot.in article[1]... notice the difference between the first two sensible and sensitive comments and then the last comment from a nationalist...

View attachment 289096


[1] Last Words of Rohith Vemula – Raiot

[2] How Hyderabad's Ambedkar Students' Association grew to establish a national footprint

[3] the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now
Bro he even badmouthed Swami Vivekananda & APJ Abdul Kalam sir on fb & termed them as fake. Seriously!
He himself is a victim of union politics & badly involved with this.
If you really want to go by his statements then he also haven't blame anyone in his last letter particularly...
the father is giving a pointless statement... would his late son, rohith vemula, have agreed with him??

So the statement of the deceased's father is pointless, but the statements of the likes of Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi and other champions of secularism is very much relevant !
Dear firstly I appreciate your efforts and understand your pain.

Lastly there is a famous saying" If you think everyone else has got a same heart like yours you will be left hurt and broken"

You expect these people to call a spade a spade but they will never do it they will call it spade when it suits them and they will call it any other thing when that suits them.

Just relax try to get the best education you can and get out of this country and later call your family out as well.

That's my advise to all Muslims , Sikhs , Naxals , Maoists and Dalits of India .
Don't you think they have option right now?:D
@jamahir Isn't the Part which you are referring to is in "Italic" font? :angel:

parul, why did you highlight in blue that part of the article and not this below...

Exposing the Hypocrisy of Presttitues, Pesudo Seculars etc. who are not debating this issue Or, Politicians not visiting his house is Religious to you? :lol:

I posted the article the way News Website Reported it. Did I altered it's text, tittle etc.?

It's you who are ascribing this issue to Religion as usual by seeing it from lenses of Religion, don't you?

another example of your "leaving religion at home when you login to pdf" and "i don't ascribe to any reactionary thought, including saffroni"
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