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With or without the F-16s, Pakistan will remain a regional game changer

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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With or without the F-16s, Pakistan will remain a regional game changer
By Abid M. Hassan 4 hours ago


A U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jet flies over the NATO airbase in Aviano, northern Italy, in this March 21, 2011. PHOTO: REUTERS

Fighting FalconF-16, an American built multi-role fighter jet, has enjoyed a deep-rooted relationship with Pakistan for over three decades. Thanks to its design, it offers an almostcomplete solution to the tactical and narrowed strategic demands of a compact Air Force like Pakistan’s. Its matchless aerodynamics and upgraded avionics put it a notch above its peers of third generation fighters.

The prime factor of its marriage to Pakistani Air Force is its war tested (Afghan-Soviet) history. It was the first advance jet fighter of the American region that became the green tail, replacing the renowned F-86, the Sabre. F-16, just after its induction, was very promptly employed and operationally proved its lethality against one of the world’s superpowers. Exactly like its predecessor, it enjoyed the best multi-role utility and discovered its utmost war potentials in Pakistan than in the US itself. The Americans themselves must have had a jaw-dropping moment when they saw its employment in both tactical and strategic theatres by Pakistan. It was, and still is, the most romantic of unions.

Soon after the Cold War, the US, cautious of its future designs in the region, initially deferred and subsequently cancelled the next F-16 deal with Pakistan. Realising the need for a regional power balance, Pakistan looked for alternatives and focused on its Super Sabre (now the JF-17) program with China. With committed devotion and sheer hard work, it proved to be quite successful. Pakistan became the only Muslim country to design, develop and produce a high-tech modern combat aircraft. This was not expected by the global and regional hegemons.

Pakistan, once again, attempted an F-16 deal with an upgraded package, which due to obvious reasons was overwhelmingly accepted. Meanwhile, the JF-17 program was also pursued with the same diligence. Diplomatic efforts were employed to entice Pakistan into acquiring upgrades from foreign powers and abandon its indigenous development of weapons. Pakistan, however, chose to be self-reliant. Finally, the long awaited dream came true and the JF-17 was fully in service in 2012.

Recent developments in the US Senate, to stall the sale of eight F-16 jets to Pakistan, find their roots in the same fears I’ve mentioned above. The emerging role of Pakistan in the regional tug of war has further raised the apprehension of US policymakers. The increased Indian influence in both the US Congress and Senate has added fuel to the fire by raising false alarms against the Sino-Pak economic handshakes. It is not worthless to highlight that Henry Kissinger’s recent publication “World Order admits the underestimation of the regional importance of Pakistan as a whole. He further adds that it would now be impossible to arrest the increased role of Pakistan in both regional and Islamic platforms. With sustained and stabilised continuation of diplomatic and strategic policies, Pakistan will perform a copious role in the region.

US congressmen and think-tanks have not realised the obvious reality that the supplementary sale of F-16s will not distract Pakistan from indigenisation but would further strengthen its war potential. The world is also cognisant that Pakistan has embedded the F-16 in its tactical nuke delivery system, which can again be an extremely unconventional potential affecting the new world orderin the Middle East. However, Pakistani military minds have already envisaged this development, and have gone far in developing alternative options.

Pakistan is and will remain a regional game changer, now and forever.

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Abid M. Hassan
The author has a military aviation background.
The views expressed by the writer and the reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of The Express Tribune.
A nation with $ 19 billion in her savings account, for national security purposes, can spend $ 2 billion tomorrow and get stuff on cash. The only thing like I've said many times is, Pakistan is being smart about it. She doesn't want to tick off the WB and the IMF (both of which have a lot of Indian influence).

So if Pakistan can push ahead making economic progress for two more years, by the end of 2017, part of the CPEC would be functional, electric issue would be resolved, the country would be sitting around $ 30 billion cash, so middle finger for the IMF. It can secure loans directly from the manufacturing country for anything due to loan to cash ratio.

This is where both Shariffs are playing great together. Bad Cop (Gen. Raheel) and Good Cop (NS) when it comes to India. Gen. Raheel will issue a strong war-like message to keep Indian in reality check, the next week, NS will send MANGOS to keep their leadership calm. This is perfect aggressive-passive diplomacy and it works. Tells the Indians to remain at bay and at the same time, with a smile, it says "we don't want war, here, have some Mangos". All this is buying time for 2 more years. Then, India won't be issuing these silly statements, knowing there are over 400 4th gen jets to intercept whatever they have to send. Just like the Cold Feet doctrine has seen its end, and just like the "Naval Blockade" has seen its end.

So in the next 2+ years, you'll see a bump in the defense spending. By 2018, the defense budget of Pakistan will be around $ 12-14 billion. And heavies would come, the JFT's will be further advanced to block III.

In the current scenario, the JFT fires a BVR missile from JUST as much distance as the SU-30 and the Mirage 2000 or the F-16 would, in the Indo-Pak scenario. So majority of the work is going to be depending upon missiles. In dog fight, JFT can take on all Indian strike platforms but SU-30 and Rafale (when it comes). The -16 can take on the SU-30 and Rafale. Starting 2018, you'll see orders on the table for more assets and much modern at that. You just have to wait.

Like i said, the Pakistan running on little budget till the 2010,isn't the Pakistan now, sure isn't the Pakistan of 2018. A faster growing economy with a potential to be the top11th economy in years to come, requires a much stronger defense. Now there is money, and only time required for two more years to establish the system, strengthen it and get a few big project live or parts of those, live.

A LOT of new stuff is coming to Pakistan's all three forces. Just watch how it unfolds by 2018!!
PAF invest money of F16s in Future Projects with Turkey China and south Korea for future fighter programes it will Give benefiting advantage to PAF in future because now PAF has base center of PAC to do different experiement by combining technologies to create wonderfull fighter after gaining more technological know how from different countries after 10 to 15 years later when PAF will be partner with invested projects they have the right to bring technology to Pakistan and then PAC can do wonderfull job after getting Chinese, South Korean and Turkish Mix Technologies.
USA has shown its true color once again so it's time to either buy Fighter Jets from Russia or China. J-10 B or C and SU-35 should come before J-31
A nation with $ 19 billion in her savings account, for national security purposes, can spend $ 2 billion tomorrow and get stuff on cash. The only thing like I've said many times is, Pakistan is being smart about it. She doesn't want to tick off the WB and the IMF (both of which have a lot of Indian influence).

So if Pakistan can push ahead making economic progress for two more years, by the end of 2017, part of the CPEC would be functional, electric issue would be resolved, the country would be sitting around $ 30 billion cash, so middle finger for the IMF. It can secure loans directly from the manufacturing country for anything due to loan to cash ratio.

This is where both Shariffs are playing great together. Bad Cop (Gen. Raheel) and Good Cop (NS) when it comes to India. Gen. Raheel will issue a strong war-like message to keep Indian in reality check, the next week, NS will send MANGOS to keep their leadership calm. This is perfect aggressive-passive diplomacy and it works. Tells the Indians to remain at bay and at the same time, with a smile, it says "we don't want war, here, have some Mangos". All this is buying time for 2 more years. Then, India won't be issuing these silly statements, knowing there are over 400 4th gen jets to intercept whatever they have to send. Just like the Cold Feet doctrine has seen its end, and just like the "Naval Blockade" has seen its end.

So in the next 2+ years, you'll see a bump in the defense spending. By 2018, the defense budget of Pakistan will be around $ 12-14 billion. And heavies would come, the JFT's will be further advanced to block III.

In the current scenario, the JFT fires a BVR missile from JUST as much distance as the SU-30 and the Mirage 2000 or the F-16 would, in the Indo-Pak scenario. So majority of the work is going to be depending upon missiles. In dog fight, JFT can take on all Indian strike platforms but SU-30 and Rafale (when it comes). The -16 can take on the SU-30 and Rafale. Starting 2018, you'll see orders on the table for more assets and much modern at that. You just have to wait.

Like i said, the Pakistan running on little budget till the 2010,isn't the Pakistan now, sure isn't the Pakistan of 2018. A faster growing economy with a potential to be the top11th economy in years to come, requires a much stronger defense. Now there is money, and only time required for two more years to establish the system, strengthen it and get a few big project live or parts of those, live.

A LOT of new stuff is coming to Pakistan's all three forces. Just watch how it unfolds by 2018!!

In Sha Allah.....In Sha Allah zaror kaha karen warna Kaam nh hota aur nazar b lag sakti h. :pakistan:
A nation with $ 19 billion in her savings account, for national security purposes, can spend $ 2 billion tomorrow and get stuff on cash. The only thing like I've said many times is, Pakistan is being smart about it. She doesn't want to tick off the WB and the IMF (both of which have a lot of Indian influence).

So if Pakistan can push ahead making economic progress for two more years, by the end of 2017, part of the CPEC would be functional, electric issue would be resolved, the country would be sitting around $ 30 billion cash, so middle finger for the IMF. It can secure loans directly from the manufacturing country for anything due to loan to cash ratio.

This is where both Shariffs are playing great together. Bad Cop (Gen. Raheel) and Good Cop (NS) when it comes to India. Gen. Raheel will issue a strong war-like message to keep Indian in reality check, the next week, NS will send MANGOS to keep their leadership calm. This is perfect aggressive-passive diplomacy and it works. Tells the Indians to remain at bay and at the same time, with a smile, it says "we don't want war, here, have some Mangos". All this is buying time for 2 more years. Then, India won't be issuing these silly statements, knowing there are over 400 4th gen jets to intercept whatever they have to send. Just like the Cold Feet doctrine has seen its end, and just like the "Naval Blockade" has seen its end.

So in the next 2+ years, you'll see a bump in the defense spending. By 2018, the defense budget of Pakistan will be around $ 12-14 billion. And heavies would come, the JFT's will be further advanced to block III.

In the current scenario, the JFT fires a BVR missile from JUST as much distance as the SU-30 and the Mirage 2000 or the F-16 would, in the Indo-Pak scenario. So majority of the work is going to be depending upon missiles. In dog fight, JFT can take on all Indian strike platforms but SU-30 and Rafale (when it comes). The -16 can take on the SU-30 and Rafale. Starting 2018, you'll see orders on the table for more assets and much modern at that. You just have to wait.

Like i said, the Pakistan running on little budget till the 2010,isn't the Pakistan now, sure isn't the Pakistan of 2018. A faster growing economy with a potential to be the top11th economy in years to come, requires a much stronger defense. Now there is money, and only time required for two more years to establish the system, strengthen it and get a few big project live or parts of those, live.

A LOT of new stuff is coming to Pakistan's all three forces. Just watch how it unfolds by 2018!!
can you explain hoe pakistan defence budget will double in the space of just 2 years? also the "money" you haveis on high intrerest loans and would need to be serviced every year. and with exports falling and imports increasing it not looking so good for your country.
can you explain hoe pakistan defence budget will double in the space of just 2 years? also the "money" you haveis on high intrerest loans and would need to be serviced every year. and with exports falling and imports increasing it not looking so good for your country.

Ignore him ... he have just copied the post and pasted it ..... i remember this post was written by @Viper0011. in another thread .... i think original writer can explain not this guy .... :-):-) he is just a fan boy
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