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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Time will tell you fast , how half to Turkey been made turkeys by Russia ?
By downing a jet , turkey hadn't won any world war 3 , it has just started it , so wait. For putins master stroke , its coming & you will feel it.
Dude I can't understand half of what you're saying, for God sake go learn some coherent English.
We are always brother. China won't interfere if PAF extend help to Turkey. Actually you won't for sure. China don't have much problem with Tutkey except they provide shield for Uygher seperatism said.
Oh no not a chance , PAF is not into any equation & is not needed , turkeys needs to ask its NATO allies to bring the dam kebabs for them ?

Dude I can't understand half of what you're saying, for God sake go learn some coherent English.
Hope fully u , won't reply me again ?
Let others understand it , turks are not understanding it , that they been used , & will recevive the punch from Russia soon .
Comes from a saudi jihadi ?

Trash talking the Russians huh ? Come back when you produced a screw without "foreign assistance " .

Russia can bend turkey over and Turkey can bend saudia over .

The fact that none of them do so doesn't mean they can't.

Go play video games appropriate for your age now .
And Saudi can bend Mullahstan AKA Iran over.

And please with the foreign assistant, all your toys are refurbished 1950's U.S.-great satan- jets.

Oh wait I forgot.

Your also made this.Truly the pride of the Shites.

I doubt Russia will do much here. Turkey risked the event to come out as the hero to all the Islamists, and i think their plan will work in the short term, because I don't see how Russia can escalate it. I don't think they will even be willing to cut the gas to Turkey.

However, Russia is the one that has been learning hard lessons recently. If we ignore the fanboys here, reality is more complex. Russia needs to realize that it needs to have better allies. Since the breakup of USSR, it thought it would be accepted by Europe & USA, therefore, it never really made much effort to be considered as a reliable ally to the Asians.

But since the last decade, it seems to realize that Europe & USA don't consider them as part of their club, and without allies, Russia will remain at risk. It needs to have stronger alliances with China, with Syria, with Iran, with Pakistan, to be able to create an Asian alliance. At the moment, no Asian country will be willing to put itself at risk to defend Russia's right.

Hopefully, Putin will consider this for the future of the country, but we don't see much hope yet. Putin did nothing to help their ally in Libya, and they came to Syria's support 4 years too late, and they have been backstabbing Iran regarding nuclear files constantly. It has never also stood strong with China to better support North Korea.

Let's see if this incident will teach the Russians a lesson to the great importance of alliances.

Most sensible reply by iranian so far.

I can't believe that iranian are rejoicing this event as dooms day for turkey.

Hell not even indians and Pakistani hate each other this much as much iranian hate is on display for turkey in this thread.

this really makes me sad
Our relationship with China is same, no change. I just want to inform our Chinese brothers that in this case, we support Turkey, militarily if needed against Russia. Just for this case we cannot support Chinese demands.

Pakistani bros, I understand the tie between Pakistan and Turkey, be it Muslim or other cultural reasons. From China's perspective, one nation involved is a strategic partner on global geopolitics, while the other is a nation supporting separatist movement (ETIM), which did fire the first shot, so naturally China will be inclined to support the former aka Russia.

China and Pakistan are allies, friends, neither one is directly involved in this incident, so let's agree to disagree on this subject. Pakistani choices are understandable, and respected by China.
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Pakistani bros, I understand the tie between Pakistan and Turkey, be it Muslim or other reasons. From China's perspective, one nation involved is a strategic partner on global geopolitics, while the other is a nation supporting separatist movement (ETIM), which did fire the first shot, so naturally China will be inclined to support the former aka Russia.

China and Pakistan are allies, friends, neither one is directly involved in this incident, so let's agree to disagree on this subject. Pakistani choices are understandable, and respected by China.
Just remember Pakistan & China are all weather friends , be it any bloody weather , we will stand side by side .

I guss , he was told that NATO will support turkey by just giving statements nothing else ?
That's was the long shot , Turkey tried to play down ,to get more financial & emotional support from NATO , which is in no mood to support ISIS this time .
Both diagram is fake.. Just see the American released video where both aircraft entered each others airspace. F-16 shoot from within Syrian airspace.
Stop saying that. Our F-16 fired the missile from 60 km inside of our borders. Just shut up.
Turks are a big player in the region with a formidable military.

Turkish advance jets piloted by NATO-standard pilots would shoot any Russian asset near their borders, if given orders.

Russians can't directly attack Turkey because it'd be a suicide (attacking the biggest European power in NATO)..

I guess Russians will 'punish' Turkey by attacking Turkey's allies in Syria.
No there are not.Can you explain an air target except NATO around 30 miles? Bombing does not matter.We explained "Engagement Rules" before. If you cross the border you will be shot down. They knew it but they thought they would do whatever they want.
WTF? You share a long border with IS and other terrorist groups and they are rooted deep inside of Turkey.they are all potential targets of Russian AF and they will keep bombing them in future.deal with it.
Now it seems a joint Russian-Syrian CSAR mission rescued the second pilot, where is all this talk of the Turkish army treating them like guests to hand over to the Russians now?

Russians can't directly attack Turkey because it'd be a suicide (attacking the biggest European power in NATO)..
By what measure? Militarily that would be France or Econmically it would be Germany.

Now this is interesting. What game is Erdogan playing? I think he has massively overplayed his hand and tried too hard to be smart. His administration has massively messed up here and there is going to be a lot of bowing and apoligetic gestures from their side in the coming days, nothing about this has gone to his plan.

What would you expect him to say ? "Fvck Russia" ? We import huge amount of Natural Gas from Russia, Russian Tourists, Turkish firms is in major construction business in Russia. They are building our first Nuclear Plant and educating our nuclear scientists. Although EU and US imposed sanctions on Russia, we didn't made a move with them.

We have absolutely no problems with Russia. However Russia should learn to respect the sovereignty of Turkey.

This was said after 2012 when Syrians downed our jet. What Erdoğan says is applied in all of the borders of Turkey, except Syrian border. RoE in Syrian border changed in 2012 and we are replying every intruder with the same manner.

There is no hypocrisy in that.

Hypocrisy is in the Iranian users whom backed Syria when they downed our jet. Now you are backing Syria and Russia when we down their aircraft in a similar fashion as they did to ours.
I say again that Turkey shoot down russian jet but Iranian and Chinese azz BURNING . WHY?????

Like NATO gives its solidarity to Turkey which supports Terrorist Groups like the Turkmen Militia, FSA and ISIS, some members gives its solidarity to Russia which bombing those Terrorists.


These are the Turkmen Guys killing one of the pilots.

Is the guy on the left Erdogan himself?o_O

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