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Trump wants to chip all Muslims with special ID noting their religion

How is securing an international border hatred and militarism ?
How is deporting ILLEGAL immigrants wrong ?

Remember there are millions of LEGAL immigrants peacefully living in USA without any trouble. He talked only of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all Mexicans in general. The only way Mexicans would find deportation of ILLEGAL Mexicans offensive would be if ILLEGALLY crossing international border to settle ILLEGALLY in USA was a part of their culture or something.

People are quick to point out that USA is not letting legal immigrants in that easily, but they forget to take a look at things the other way. Can a US citizen immigrate to Mexico as easily as a Mexican citizen can immigrate to the US and obtain a nationality ? The answer is a clear no.

There's nothing wrong with deporting illegals but what results from the policy that Trump is endorsing is racial profiling of Mexicans and others, even those that are legal. This happens quite a bit near the Arizona/Texas borders and I personally know educated Mexican Americans that were the subject of this harassment.
He should stick to Real Estate .. rather then politics guy is sick in the head and a racist .
There's nothing wrong with deporting illegals but what results from the policy that Trump is endorsing is racial profiling of Mexicans and others, even those that are legal. This happens quite a bit near the Arizona/Texas borders and I personally know educated Mexican Americans that were the subject of this harassment.

So because many Americans are stupid and racist, a sensible policy towards illegal immigration is wrong...?

Is that what you're saying ?
So because many Americans are stupid and racist, a sensible policy towards illegal immigration is wrong...?

Is that what you're saying ?

Those Americans are goaded into believing every Mexican is an illegal and every Muslim is a terrorist thanks to Trumps campaign rhetoric which is parroted by media outlets like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh etc. The idea of a wall being built to isolate the US from Canada and Mexico is so insanely stupid that only a brain dead idiot would think it makes sense. But seeing how you're apparently in support of Trump and defending him, maybe you fall into that category.
First of all

People already carry a chip , its called your Passport and your ID card

All people who enter USA , are tracked with a entrance ID , in a database , shared by all organizations

When you open your bank account all data is shared with agencies (including photo copies of your info)

People are issued taxation ID and passport which has place of birth clearly mentioned

The new bank cards have special ID chips which may help track your purchasing history

Your credit card transactions are tracked what you purchased

There are video cameras in malls and stores which track if you purchased item by cash (in case you used counterfeit money)

And folks whose name is "Mohammad" they don't need any need for telling folks what their religion is.

Surveillance agencies, harvest facebook , searches done from IP and partnerships with Google allow folks to track which sites you visit.

When you send money to Pakistan that is recorded in your profile that you sent money to Pakistan for future reference

All telephone numbers are tracked , meta data info who you call or talk to

So I am not sure which new chip is being discussed because all the measures are already in place

Every person who enters USA gets a resident alien number designated to them , and when they leave country their information is recorded

Every thing is already there !!! It is Universally applied

While Mr Trump is a good Business man , I hope that he focuses on economy and building positive relations , religion is not his strength

Also worth noting is that Pakistan also have introduced similar measures to track people crossing borders , with emphasis on ID cards , unsure about chipped credit cards or banking cards.

Pakistan was also doing Retina Scan , when you make your Nadra card for ID purpose
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Lol india top by recruiting Terrorist PM mody who wants to convert whole country..invitation to terrorist org india become fertile for terrorist. Good luck
I won't expect any thing from a person who comes from a nation which has comprehension problems with the word terrorist.
I won't expect any thing from a person who comes from a nation which has comprehension problems with the word terrorist.

Surprise surprise... you must be one of RSS sleeper cell.. other wise every sane sud worry about word terrorist or terrorism its gaining grounds in India while its losing grounds in Pakistan.. clear as Black and white
Surprise surprise... you must be one of RSS sleeper cell.. other wise every sane sud worry about word terrorist or terrorism its gaining grounds in India while its losing grounds in Pakistan.. clear as Black and white
I will worry about RSS when they start blowing people ,as long as they only talk or don't do anything to hurt or kill people I am least bothered. I wish terrorism really really goes down in Pakistan ,but when I see people like you wth problems with comprehension of the word terrorist ,I feel its hard,any way best of luck.
I will worry about RSS when they start blowing people ,as long as they only talk or don't do anything to hurt or kill people I am least bothered. I wish terrorism really really goes down in Pakistan ,but when I see people like you wth problems with comprehension of the word terrorist ,I feel its hard,any way best of luck.

you waiting till they start blowing.. lemme tell you somthing that terrorist blow themselves when dont find another way its mean Pakistan grab them from neck...where in india its other way around . they openly forcing everyone to convert killing minorities cuz they eat Cow,, if this animal is so scatter then why dont hindu attact on the whole world.
Terrorism find its Home which is india.. as their biggest terrorist head is PM.
Those Americans are goaded into believing every Mexican is an illegal and every Muslim is a terrorist thanks to Trumps campaign rhetoric which is parroted by media outlets like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh etc. The idea of a wall being built to isolate the US from Canada and Mexico is so insanely stupid that only a brain dead idiot would think it makes sense. But seeing how you're apparently in support of Trump and defending him, maybe you fall into that category.

But what's wrong with the policy of deporting 11 million illegal immigrants ?
And after that I suppose he will suggest Mexicans and all Latinos in the US be chipped as well.
he helped a hashtag go famous...

A Muslim Marine's retort to Donald Trump - BBC News

Muslim marine's response to Donald Trump goes viral - CNN.com

Mr Trump has refused to respond to comparisons of his proposal with Hitler’s treatment of Europe’s Jews.

Doctors, veterans and students tweet Donald Trump photos of their 'Muslim IDs' following his calls for a database | Americas | News | The Independent

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