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Indians may quietly be told to let US, Pakistan work out Afghan peace policy


May 17, 2015
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WASHINGTON: Intense discussions lasting about two and a half hours between US Vice President Joe Biden and Pakistan Army chief General Raheel Sharif at the White House on Thursday have spurred widely believed speculation that the US side now understands Pakistan better.

“Not just our international and regional, but even domestic constraints and compulsions in the war against terror are also very clearly understood in Washington and most of them agree with our outlook,” a highly-placed member of the civil and military team said after meeting Joe Biden.

As against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s recent visit and meeting with President Obama, the nature of talks between the US national security team and top Pakistani generals, as one diplomat put it, “meant real business, thrashing out the nitty-gritty.”

General Raheel met almost every tier of the US security, civil and military establishment, beginning at the CIA and ending at the NSA on Friday before flying off to Brazil and in between these meetings he saw the full spectrum of US politicians and decision makers on The Hill.

A member of his team said “there was complete understanding of our positions on both the Republican and Democratic party sides” while the military understood that Pakistan had to play a critical role in the Afghan solution and thus had to be helped and not distracted by others playing dirty games.

This position was articulated by chief spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa in his media briefing who said the US now sees Pakistan “not from the Indian prism” but as a country which had to be handled independent of others.

One interpretation of this comment was that this could mean that the Indians may be quietly told to let the US and Pakistan work out contours of a regional reconciliation policy in Afghanistan “in peace.”

Army chief Gen Raheel also referred to these developments in his address to the Pakistani community on Thursday night which was marred by a lot of confusion about whether it could be, or should be, reported by the media.

We were first told that the speech would be off-the-record. No phones, recorders and even pads and pens were allowed in the hall. Everyone heard in rapt silence and a lot of ovation was given when Gen Raheel made some comments about the ongoing operations and the will of the army to take them to the logical conclusion, come what may.

Then the army chief visited every table to meet guests and when he came to the media table he was politely asked why his speech had been barred from the media. He laughed off the suggestion and referred the matter to Gen Bajwa, who said a briefing was to be given soon.

He did brief the media and gave salient points of the visit, the talks and the speech. But then a TV channel started reporting Raheel’s speech in news tickers and confusion was compounded.

The main points of the speech were picked up by other TV channels and nothing was left off the record. The Pakistan Embassy joined the fray on Friday morning by issuing a censored and tailored version of the speech.

What the embassy missed out were references made by Gen Raheel on the ongoing operation in Pakistan and discussion of internal civil-military relations was totally off the table.

The embassy press release stated: “General Raheel Sharif expressed the unflinching commitment of the armed forces to ensuring peace and security in the country as well as in countering the external threats. He asserted that the Armed Forces of Pakistan would take the war against terrorism to its logical conclusion and would not let the sacrifices of martyrs go in vain.”

What the embassy tried to omit were the very explicit and categorical remarks by Gen Raheel that the financiers, abettors, helpers and supporters of terrorism will be pursued at a great speed and there was no time to waste.

This obviously referred to some of the high-profile cases now being pursued but this was not something which had not been said earlier by the army many times. So why ban it now.

Gen Raheel repeated this twice, once at the beginning and then ending his speech.The security at the event was so tight that even a top level delegation of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), now visiting the US, was kept out as there were no seats available.

But curiously two very controversial men made their way to the banquet hall, one named in the current Dr Asim Hussain investigation of money laundering and another brother of a PPP minister who was named in the Ayyan Ali money laundering case.

What these guys were trying to do was not clear and who let them in, with such tight security around, is also a mystery.

But the tone and confidence of Gen Raheel to continue with the operation in Pakistan assured the audience, which gave him a big ovation. It was clear that soon the pace of the operations will pick up speed and at one point the army chief used the specific words: “No reversal, come what may.”

A general in his delegation quietly said this freight train of the ops was “without a reverse gear and even without brakes.”The official briefing by Gen Bajwa indicated the Afghan “recon” policy, a word used repeatedly in talks and speeches, will pick up pace and regional moves will be soon visible.

This was also true for the operations against the financiers and supporters of terrorists and he told his briefing “You will soon see the pace and the priorities that have been decided.”When I asked Gen Bajwa at his briefing if he could specify what are the elements of the priority list which the army thinks have not yet been addressed with speed, he said: “Don’t let us give out our strategy to the enemies. You will see what happens soon.”
Source: The News
If i recall correctly last time it was pak, china, US and Afghan with taliban trying to reach accord by having two meetings in pakistan, india was never involved at all. so whats the new this time around ? India will continue to protect its intrests there by seeing to it no taliban like govt comes into power there again
As they say learning is a life long process....

We have seen what happened in Afganishtan and the statements of top Afghan leaders who were friendly to Pakistan themselves about the role of Pakistan in recent troubles of Pakistan. As usual all I see in the OP are lot of comments by Pakistani sources but none quoted from US confirming the chief assertion made.
As they say learning is a life long process....

We have seen what happened in Afganishtan and the statements of top Afghan leaders who were friendly to Pakistan themselves about the role of Pakistan in recent troubles of Pakistan. As usual all I see in the OP are lot of comments by Pakistani sources but none quoted from US confirming the chief assertion made.

See, the wording in the title is carefully correct. India may be told, but then again it may not be told.
Pakistan doesn't have much experience with working democracy hence such statements. The wider the base of support for any final agreement the more stable and likely to succeed that agreement will be. That means , Unfortunately for you, nobody can ignore India's interests in Afghanistan.
See, the wording in the title is carefully correct. India may be told, but then again it may not be told.

Frankly it doesn't matter - the target audience is neither in US nor in India. The statement had a specific intent for specific audience. When an India leader visit US or vice versa we hear similar things without any change in the grand realities.

I just wish that journalists were bit more discerning but perhaps they are and doing the job which was expected.
Frankly it doesn't matter - the target audience is neither in US nor in India. The statement had a specific intent for specific audience. When an India leader visit US or vice versa we hear similar things without any change in the grand realities.

I just wish that journalists were bit more discerning but perhaps they are and doing the job which was expected.

Pakistani journalists only can do what they are told to, or pay the price. No discernment needed here.
Washington backs early Kabul-Taliban talks - The Express Tribune

Washington backs early Kabul-Taliban talks
By APP / Kamran Yousuf
Published: November 21, 2015
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US Vice President Joe Biden receives Gen Raheel at the White House. PHOTO: INP

Army chief General Raheel Sharif and US Vice President Joe Biden on Friday called for the early resumption of the stalled peace talks between the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban to bring lasting peace to the war-torn country.

The two met at the White House and discussed wide-ranging issues including the current regional security situation. Gen Raheel’s meeting with Biden was the high point of his five-day visit to the US during which he also interacted with US secretary of state, secretary of defence, CIA chief and top military commanders.

China offers to ‘host’ Afghan peace talks

According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Lt-Gen Asim Salim Bajwa, Biden and Gen Raheel exchanged views for nearly two hours on issues of mutual interests, regional security and stability in a candid and cordial atmosphere.

“They stressed the early resumption of the reconciliation process to achieve lasting peace in Afghanistan, which is critical to peace and stability in region,” said the chief military spokesperson, who also attended the meeting.

Acknowledging Pakistan’s crucial role for peace, Bajwa said Biden had recognised Pakistan’s immense sacrifices both in terms of human lives and economic losses.

“The US vice president appreciated Pakistan’s contributions in the war on terror. The US wants to further the growing relationship,” he added.

US, China envoy visits lay ground for stalled peace talks

Biden reiterated firm US commitment to work closely with Pakistan in all areas of mutual interest, deepening and expanding cooperation to counter new and emerging threats.

The army chief gave Pakistan’s perspective of security and stability in region, which he emphasised, needed to be understood.

Later, Gen Raheel told the Pakistani community in Washington that the armed forces were committed to the restoration of peace in Pakistan and will take Operation Zarb-e-Azb to its logical conclusion. He added that Pakistan wants cordial relations with all neighbouring countries.

No tolerance for Da’ish

Lt Gen Bajwa said Pakistan has zero tolerance for the militant group Da’ish (also known as Islamic State) but a global response was needed to counter this global threat.

US, Pakistan to expand cooperation on emerging threats, Biden tells Gen Raheel

“There is a zero tolerance for Da’ish in Pakistan. Not even a shadow of Da’ish will be allowed in Pakistan,” he told reporters at a briefing in Washington on Thursday.

Vowing to take action against any visible signs of the militant group in Pakistan, he said the Pakistani society had rejected the group which has claimed responsibility for attacks such as the bombing of the Metrojet flight and last week’s Paris massacre.

“People were already fed up with terrorism and there was no acceptance for it [Da’ish] in the society and they will be defeated in coming days.”

While the group had some elements in neighbouring Afghanistan, Lt Gen Bajwa said space for militant organisations was being squeezed in Pakistan.

US defence secretary lauds Pakistan’s efforts in war on terror

Detailing salient points of Gen Raheel’s visit, Bajwa said Pakistan’s perspective was presented to the US civilian and military leadership.

“The acceptance and understanding of Pakistan’s perspective was visible more than ever,” DG ISPR said, adding “The biggest thing is that your perspective is being recognized and there is also an understanding; discussions were held based on that understanding.”

Discussions were also held with regard to India and the situation on the eastern border and Line of Control and the long-running Kashmir dispute. Bajwa said that the US leadership has been told that long-term security and stability in the region required resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

On Afghanistan, he said there was a clear realisation that the Afghan reconciliation process could not be delayed further and there was a seriousness and urgency in moving forward this process. All stakeholders need to support this reconciliation process, he added.

The army chief will now travel to Brazil for a three day tour before stopping over in Ivory Coast where troops serving with the UN Peacekeeping contingent had received an award on Friday.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 21st, 2015.
“The acceptance and understanding of Pakistan’s perspective was visible more than ever,” DG ISPR said

It needs more than furious nodding to visibly accept and understand, right? The proof will be only in the changes in /US policy that Pakistan seeks.
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