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Why Pakistan should recognize Israel

Israel don't post any threat to Pakistan though some of the Arab worshiping conspiracy theorists in Pakistan will try to drag Israel in every anti-Pakistan agenda. Pakistan has to move on, its not 70s or 80s anymore
Molvies of all kinds wont be able to digest this and may go super nuts this will
Result in burning and damaging Pakistanis properties so we need another decade at least

It's not all about Molvis, its about the reality that you don't want to accept. Alright, I am in a huge favor of it that Pakistan should consider building relations with Israel. But have you ever asked any Israeli that do they really want to build relations with Pakistan? They consider us the biggest threat of their existence, not because we have radical Molvis between us but because we have Nuclear weapons and we are a Muslims state and this is the fact. You think only Pakistan has radical Molvis? Go on mate, go visit Israel and you will find the worst kind of a radicalized Jewish Molvis in Israel and they call them Rabbis. You wanna know more? Here are few examples for you!!

Israel Cracks Down On Jewish Extremists
Jewish Extremists
Church In Israel Partially Burned In Arson Attack, Authorities Suspect Jewish Extremists

They don't even spare kids mate, they spit on woman in public. Have you ever seen a Molvi spitting on Woman in Public here in Pakistan?

Orthodox Israelis Spit On Whorish 8-Year-Old Girl For Going To School

Oh man, I have so much to show you, I wish we had a cam chat available on this forum, believe me you would have regretted what you have written just now.
If you want to recognize the occupation and colonization of Palestine by Zionazis then also at the same recognize occupation of Kashmir by Indians and withdraw from Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. Then we can cut our defence budget by 75% and spend that money on development.

That's our Country and we know what we should be doing with it :)
you can stay in Canada ..
and please go and preach that BS somewhere else ..
If anyone wants to have relations with israel then simply go to

The middle of Karachi
Or Lahore
Or Peshawar
Or multan
Stand outside any army barracks or college

Then try to propose friendship with israel

You will be lynched

Bottom line the Pakistani people hate israel
It's not all about Molvis, its about the reality that you don't want to accept. Alright, I am in a huge favor of it that Pakistan should consider building relations with Israel. But have you ever asked any Israeli that do they really want to build relations with Pakistan? They consider us the biggest threat of their existence, not because we have radical Molvis between us but because we have Nuclear weapons and we are a Muslims state and this is the fact. You think only Pakistan has radical Molvis? Go on mate, go visit Israel and you will find the worst kind of a radicalized Jewish Molvis in Israel and they call them Rabbis. You wanna know more? Here are few examples for you!!

Israel Cracks Down On Jewish Extremists
Jewish Extremists
Church In Israel Partially Burned In Arson Attack, Authorities Suspect Jewish Extremists

They don't even spare kids mate, they spit on woman in public. Have you ever seen a Molvi spitting on Woman in Public here in Pakistan?

Orthodox Israelis Spit On Whorish 8-Year-Old Girl For Going To School

Oh man, I have so much to show you, I wish we had a cam chat available on this forum, believe me you would have regretted what you have written just now.

pakistan a muslim state lol .. Really u think so .. Pakistan is more a molvie state than muslim state and thats a fact .. !! Israelis extremists are way less in no's its a small percentage .. We have a bigger share of molvies and extremists than israel hint : pakistan fighting war with islamist militants .. So plz Stop turning and twisting things into conspiracy theories like nuclear state and they consider us no 1 enemy we are way far too have any effect on the state of Israel ..fact and our interest lies in having relation shop with the stAte of Israel
pakistan a muslim state lol .. Really u think so .. Pakistan is more a molvie state than muslim state and thats a fact .. !! Israelis extremists are way less in no's its a small percentage .. We have a bigger share of molvies and extremists than israel hint : pakistan fighting war with islamist militants .. So plz Stop turning and twisting things into conspiracy theories like nuclear state and they consider us no 1 enemy we are way far too have any effect on the state of Israel ..fact and our interest lies in having relation shop with the stAte of Israel
Your ahmedi arent you?
Molvies of all kinds wont be able to digest this and may go super nuts this will
Result in burning and damaging Pakistanis properties so we need another decade at least

Id perfer being called a mullah than believe in a zionist fairytale of God given land and bloody chosen people of God. Mullah over zionist lies anytime my friend
Your ahmedi arent you?

Sad state of affairs .. Any how how did u figure that I am ahmedi and if i am what has my or ahmedi sect has to with this thread .. Lets hear the conspiracy

Id perfer being called a mullah than believe in a zionist fairytale of God given land and bloody chosen people of God. Mullah over zionist lies anytime my friend
Good luck with that ..
Sad state of affairs .. Any how how did u figure that I am ahmedi and if i am what has my or ahmedi sect has to with this thread .. Lets hear the conspiracy

Good luck with that ..

It would just explain why you would support a jew state made up of Poles and Russians snd all sorts oppressing muslims, occupying their land and surrounding Al Aqsa
pakistan a muslim state lol .. Really u think so .. Pakistan is more a molvie state than muslim state and thats a fact .. !!

Pakistan a Molvi State? Alright, First of all I have no idea about your intentions of mentioning Molvis. If you are referring to extremists than u must have to to more precise on your intended statements. If you think Pakistan is not a Muslims state than I don't know what to say, because I find Muslims in every street and every corner of Pakistan, but whether Pakistan follows the rules of Islam, that is another debate.

Israelis extremists are way less in no's its a small percentage .. We have a bigger share of molvies and extremists than israel hint

Alright, if Israeli extremists are in small numbers it means Israel shouldn't be considered as a terrorist state, since Pakistan has a huge number of religious extremists that's why Pakistan should be considered as a terrorists state, according to you?
So apparently you are calling Pakistan a terrorist state indirectly, wow isn't this getting more obvious that we are producing more traitors than any other Nation in this world guys?
Since the creation of Israel hundreds and thousands of Palestinians died in a result of Israel's oppression, how would you justify that? or the People who were killed were not humans, as the Israel head of civil administration once said.

“[Palestinians] are beasts, they are not human.” — MK Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, Aug 1, 2013. (Hebrew)

“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual.” — MK Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, Dec 27, 2013. (Hebrew/English)

Next head of ‘Civil Administration’ said Palestinians are sub-human | +972 Magazine

pakistan fighting war with islamist militants

Alright I understand I am completely aware of it too, but have you ever tried to find out that from where do these Islamic militants are receiving funds? How have they become so powerful? Don't tell me you think Pakistani establishment is helping them out, you think that? You must have to clarify yourself mate, it ain't going to be a joke. If you find an Islamic extremist here in Pakistan go ahead and ask them this question that where the heck did they received this funding, and what do you call those MQM target killers? Are they simply criminals in your eyes?

So plz Stop turning and twisting things into conspiracy theories like nuclear state and they consider us no 1 enemy we are way far too have any effect on the state of Israel

If you would have read my early posts, you would have never said this thing. The conspiracy theories that you are mentioning are not coming out of my mouth of any Maulvi mouth you ignorant, its coming out of the mouths of your beloved Israelis. Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

And also read the other People views too.

Why does Israel fear a nuclear Iran and does not seem moved by a nuclear Pakistan? - Quora

fact and our interest lies in having relation shop with the stAte of Israel

Your personal interests, not the Pakistan's National Interests.
I fully sympathize with your misinformation the reason why Muslims feels that they can coexist with Jews is simple because our religion tells us , yes try to live in peace. Please wake up from the slumberville and the images of the Holocaust Jews have casted on people with Hollywood imagery to entice people to feel that jews were some how victims of civilization.

However , Jews are not Muslims and their religion does not teaches tolorence , in fact it is the opposite.

1 . Jews , their religion states Jews are "ABOVE" all non jews , and they call none jews as Goyims/Gentile specially, the ones that worship idols.

2. The religion clearly states - do not teach non jews the faith as it is "SIN" to teach Goyim/Gentile religion

3. The religion states , Goyim/Gentile have no soul they are like objects that can be moved / killed or abused
or enslaved

4. The religion clearly states that a jew can kill a Goyim , and he can go to court and be his own witness and claim
he was defending himself and it would be "OK" for him to walk away

5. The religions teaches , that Jew can take anything that does not belong to him from Goyim/Gentile and has not to
pay retribution or ransom or tax

6 Jew should try to take Maximum Interest from Goyim/Gentile but should show reason when dealing with another

7. Jew should be killed if he marries non Jew (Goyim / gentile), the status of Jew is lost and the person becomes
a gentile (applies to women)

8 . Jewish law states that jew policeman , should not stop a mob trying to kill a goyim or gentile its against faith to do it
Let them finish and then sort out things, if the police man tried to stop he would be guilty of crime

9 . Jew doctor or nurse should not treat Goyim/Gentile

10. It is ok for JEW to kill best of "Gentile or Goyim" , best of jew are (Secular, non combatants , civilians , children ,
women and old people)

11. All babies born will have their penis blood sucked on by Rabbie (This is real you can search it on internet) Very devil/pagan like ritual

So , these are just few areas which are "legal" according to faith , this is why you see killing in Palestine
This is why you see women/children dieing
This is why you see homes of people being demolished in Palestine
This is why you see people dieing in ambulances
This is why you see people being assassinated, this is why you see , F16 destroying small towns size areas

I mean I used to wonder how can the policeman or Jewish soldier sleep at night knowing he killed 30-40 Civilians or bombed town of appartment buildings

However, now I know...their religion says its ok ... you go home and sleep with no guilt
becasue every one except your kind has no SOUL

You really !!! think We have anything in common with Israel / Zion land

One cannot have peace with religion that says None Jew (Your mother/father , you , your children) have no soul

When you view the killing in Palestine by Israeli Extremist , you then connect the dots between their extremist teachings and what they do in their occupied areas not in USA or else where

This is why Jew , prays daily a line
This is their morning prayer

"Thank God for not making me a Goyim/Gentile"
"Thank God for not making me a women"
"Thank God for not making me a slave"

Peace can only be negotiated with humans who understand humanity
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pakistan a muslim state lol .. Really u think so .. Pakistan is more a molvie state than muslim state and thats a fact .. !! Israelis extremists are way less in no's its a small percentage .. We have a bigger share of molvies and extremists than israel hint : pakistan fighting war with islamist militants .. So plz Stop turning and twisting things into conspiracy theories like nuclear state and they consider us no 1 enemy we are way far too have any effect on the state of Israel ..fact and our interest lies in having relation shop with the stAte of Israel

If I was an Israeli strategist I would be concerned with Pakistan's nuclear capabilities as they have the range to challenge Israeli strategic and even tactical objectives.
Pakistan a Molvi State? Alright, First of all I have no idea about your intentions of mentioning Molvis. If you are referring to extremists than u must have to to more precise on your intended statements. If you think Pakistan is not a Muslims state than I don't know what to say, because I find Muslims in every street and every corner of Pakistan, but whether Pakistan follows the rules of Islam, that is another debate.

Alright, if Israeli extremists are in small numbers it means Israel shouldn't be considered as a terrorist state, since Pakistan has a huge number of religious extremists that's why Pakistan should be considered as a terrorists state, according to you?
So apparently you are calling Pakistan a terrorist state indirectly, wow isn't this getting more obvious that we are producing more traitors than any other Nation in this world guys?
Since the creation of Israel hundreds and thousands of Palestinians died in a result of Israel's oppression, how would you justify that? or the People who were killed were not humans, as the Israel head of civil administration once said.

“[Palestinians] are beasts, they are not human.” — MK Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, Aug 1, 2013. (Hebrew)

“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual.” — MK Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, Dec 27, 2013. (Hebrew/English)

Next head of ‘Civil Administration’ said Palestinians are sub-human | +972 Magazine

Alright I understand I am completely aware of it too, but have you ever tried to find out that from where do these Islamic militants are receiving funds? How have they become so powerful? Don't tell me you think Pakistani establishment is helping them out, you think that? You must have to clarify yourself mate, it ain't going to be a joke. If you find an Islamic extremist here in Pakistan go ahead and ask them this question that where the heck did they received this funding, and what do you call those MQM target killers? Are they simply criminals in your eyes?

If you would have read my early posts, you would have never said this thing. The conspiracy theories that you are mentioning are not coming out of my mouth of any Maulvi mouth you ignorant, its coming out of the mouths of your beloved Israelis. Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

And also read the other People views too.

Why does Israel fear a nuclear Iran and does not seem moved by a nuclear Pakistan? - Quora

Your personal interests, not the Pakistan's National Interests.
Same old rubbish conspiracy theories .. No proof so far ..

If I was an Israeli strategist I would be concerned with Pakistan's nuclear capabilities as they have the range to challenge Israeli strategic and even tactical objectives.
Range .. Really how did u figure that ??

It would just explain why you would support a jew state made up of Poles and Russians snd all sorts oppressing muslims, occupying their land and surrounding Al Aqsa

So did the indian muslims of up and bihar pre partition karachi was mostly
Hindu and parsi majority after partition demographics changed so ..!!!!

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