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Sania Mirza to marry Shoaib Malik?

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Is shoaib a kindergarten kid? why is everyone thinking Shoaib is so naive?
Wasnt he banned for a year his antics on/off the cricket field? Saying Shoaib is innocent is nothing but creating a smokescreen...

What proof does anyone have that money exchanged hands in this matter? Its just speculation....

Just give Ayesha a break....

Trolling in very first post.
This is what you people are very famous for.
Because Sania is not exactly an unbiased unconnected bystander here my friend. In fact if anything, post yesterdays coming clean of her beau, she has for posterity been relegated to the status of the 'other woman' in this sordid love, sex aur dhoka triangle.

90% Indians are liar.
More likely, the Monica Lewinsky dress being sent for semen analysis made Sania and her family cringe and come down hard on lover boy and force him to settle to save Sania the public blushes my friend. For lover boy it would have been just another conquest, albeit of the kinky variety.

Well that's another theory, but how come Monica never reviled any thing about that dress before, why only when the case was filed why the abortion came up only then. How conveniently the media and many others have forgotten all of these unanswered questions. What happened to all of those things. Why don't the cops come forward and dish out the details of their investigations. As Asim had continuously said that he was a Pakistani and that was the issue. And the whole thing was given more wind the Aisha theory was given more coverage and also Shoaibs statements were cherry picked to make him look like the aggressor. Also I remember that star news guys went nuts when Sania smiled on the question of Aishas abortion, but still since yesterday they have gone into a selective amnesia and forgotten all the past details. No more questions, only the fat lady got justice and the Pakistani is the lair.
Is shoaib a kindergarten kid? why is everyone thinking Shoaib is so naive?
Wasnt he banned for a year his antics on/off the cricket field? Saying Shoaib is innocent is nothing but creating a smokescreen...

What proof does anyone have that money exchanged hands in this matter? Its just speculation....

Just give Ayesha a break....

Ban is going to be left out with in month. And ban never means that person is a wrong.
All Indians from now to onwards must respect this man

Well that's another theory, but how come Monica never reviled any thing about that dress before, why only when the case was filed why the abortion came up only then. How conveniently the media and many others have forgotten all of these unanswered questions. What happened to all of those things. Why don't the cops come forward and dish out the details of their investigations. As Asim had continuously said that he was a Pakistani and that was the issue. And the whole thing was given more wind the Aisha theory was given more coverage and also Shoaibs statements were cherry picked to make him look like the aggressor. Also I remember that star news guys went nuts when Sania smiled on the question of Aishas abortion, but still since yesterday they have gone into a selective amnesia and forgotten all the past details. No more questions, only the fat lady got justice and the Pakistani is the lair.

I find the dress thing pretty medieval myself but I've heard its practiced in some cultures so lets leave it at that. All your points about Shoaib being Pakistani etc. are valid, but bottom line was that he was legally married to Ayesha, he did lie all along about that and deny it brazenly, and finally he had to legally divorce her in full public gaze, letting down millions of his supporters who were pretty ready to villify the 'fat moti,' and paint the cheat as a hero. Beyond that, nobody really bothers what happens moving forward, and to tell you the truth, the news channels are giving me a migraine these days.
Coz he is going to be Sania Mirza's (Daughter of India) husband.

sania is a citizen of india and above all an indpendent person.. don't be melodramatic.. with daughter of india stuff.. we could have respected him as individual..but unfortunately his deeds actions doesnt qualify to be respected..!!! So let them be married be happy or whatever... but asking for respect for shoaib is too much to ask for.. and it has nothing to do with pakistan.... :D
I find the dress thing pretty medieval myself but I've heard its practiced in some cultures so lets leave it at that. All your points about Shoaib being pakistani etc. are valid, but bottom line was that he was legally married to Ayesha, he did lie all along about that and deny it brazenly, and finally he had to legally divorce her in full public gaze, letting down millions of his supporters who were pretty ready to villify the fat moti, and paint the cheat as a hero. Beyond that, nobody really bothers what happens moving forward, and to tell you the truth, the news channels are giving me a migraine these days.

Do u have proves of his wed with Miss Ayesha....
Every Indian comes here and says same word....
When any one asks about wohs Miss Ayesa, any photo, any Nikah registration, Any Gawah ......all get silent.

Indians are pathetic....

This is his todays statement

KARACHI: Former captain of Pakistan cricket team Shoaib Malik has expressed gratitude for nation and media for supporting him.

In a statement, Shoaib said he is thankful to God and Pakistani nation who extended full support during his tough times. He said God knows everything and said he will personally thank the media friends as soon as he reach back home.

“ I apologize if anyone feels hurt as far as my decision is concerned,” Shoaib added.

On the other hand, Indian police said investigations are on as the case against Shoaib Malik has not been abolished.
Ban is going to be left out with in month. And ban never means that person is a wrong.

Then what does a ban mean??? Is it a new way to felicitate a cricketer for his good work?

There is never a smoke without a fire....
Do u have proves of his wed with Miss Ayesha....
Every Indian comes here and says same word....
When any one asks about wohs Miss Ayesa, any photo, any Nikah registration, Any Gawah ......all get silent.

Indians are pathetic....

This is his todays statement

brother.. in your part is a talaknammha signed before a nikah.. or after a nikah.. :lol:

i would suggest you read news brother.. even i did think that there might have some truth in what mallik was saying.. but then how cme that stupid sign the talaq????
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