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CPEC a double edged sword???

Jewani to Chahbahar it is below 100 KM.

Mumbai and Dwarka are on the eastern side, and after enhanced EEZ waters our navy can sail very near to the cities

How is Chabahar pertinent here? Chabahar is not connected to IN or IAF in anyway. It is an Iranian port which India is funding i.e. all. Iran will never let IN or IAF set up a base.

You don't need enhanced EEZ for military purposes - your navy can sail close by to Indian cities - atleast as close as 12 nm or 24 kms with EEZ or without EEZ. This is the point I have been at pains to explain repeatedly in this thread.
How is Chabahar pertinent here? Chabahar is not connected to IN or IAF in anyway. It is an Iranian port which India is funding i.e. all. Iran will never let IN or IAF set up a base.

You don't need enhanced EEZ for military purposes - your navy can sail close by to Indian cities - atleast as close as 12 nm or 24 kms with EEZ or without EEZ. This is the point I have been at pains to explain repeatedly in this thread.

What I realize from the starting of the chahbahar port most of the Indian are screaming that it will be used by IN for encircling Pakistan.

@Viper0011. was also making the point that if Indian army setting up a naval base out there the minimum we can do is to setup a naval base at Jewani
What I realize from the starting of the chahbahar port most of the Indian are screaming that it will be used by IN for encircling Pakistan.

Most of those Indians are just trolling or daydreaming.
Yes, your right. It's just a road. Just strip of tarmac. Just a ribbon. What will it do? Well it will flood the Pakistani market. It will destroy our industry. So what is good about it?

Everything. The problem with Pakistan is we have stuck our heads up our backsides. This has allowed the world to move on while we are still sat there in our villages swatting flies. Have you ever thought why a country of 200 million people has exports less than 3 million Ireland?

Where is our so called industry? Well we don't have industry like most of the world. We have parasites going as industry. Now this is how "parasite industry" works. The elite make the poor go abroad to slave away in Saudia Arabia or other countries. The billions that comes to Pakistan then is spent on cars, motorbikes, houses, food, fridges, electrical products etc.

Then the elite create a import restriction that either stops anything being imported or attracts high taxes. That means when you want to buy a car, fridge etc you can't buy it from abroad. Then the ruling elite give a licence to one of their favourites to make friidges. The factory that makes fridges can be utterly inefficent and the fridge could be rubbish but it still sells because onsumers have no choice. So these lame duck industries that really are just parasites and survive because of regulated market keep making money for the elite.

Comes alonng CPEC. destroys these industries. Consumer get choice. If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese? If our industry shuts it is because it was incompetant parasite. As industry shuts down that effects the market. The Chinese companies will soon start moving their prodiction units along the CPEC to supply local market as well as abroad. This then over time introduces nerw ideas, new ways of running things and introdices competion. Over time some of our people start comepting and the best go on to then compete with the world. This is why CPEC is good for us in the long run.

Agreed but there is 1 little problem,before opening up your market you(Pakistan) must have some kind of Industrial capacity,like some products where you are good (textiles I think is your strong point)

Good thoughtful critique.

On the 3rd point, if CPEC is deemed potentially successful then there is potential risk that Pakistan could become a play ground between West on one side and Russia/China on the other side.

Pakistan could become another Ukraine or Syria.

That's for Pakistan to decide, if you become a strong power than the possibility of that happening is less
Yes sometimes it happens and the local industries got crushed, once a small town in tamil nadu contributed to 90% of fireworks production of entire India. After chinese fireworks entered, now even well renowned local industries informed their workers they are going to shut the factory for 3months. Our local manufacturers made fireworks from aluminium powder which is less inflammable and costly, chinese fireworks are made of potassium powder which is highly inflammable and cheap.

The same town was flourishing in printing as well due to the fireworks production and contributed more than 60% of India's entire printing works, now everything got a big hit.

Ensure that you don't allow products which are well available in the local market to save your local industrial base.
OFF TOPIC: AP govt is looking to BAN chinese fireworks because ....patassium fumes are dangerous ( if inhaled)and causes pollution.
For the past few weeks i have been reading a lot about this economic corridor but only the good thing like how this road is gonna boast our economy and make lives of 20mil people better. So I feel like be the critic here. At the moment I have three Potential risks of this project.

1. Despite the positive outlook of the CPEC, we also need to understand the potentially long run negative impact it shall have on Pakistan’s industrial sector. The goods from China will likely flood Pakistan’s market more rapidly, which will potentially slow down or in worse case cripple the local industry.

2.Excess of every thing is bad, & in this case it is our reliance on china. Pakistan needs to secure its own national interests and keep the balance of its relations with both China and the West for relying on one sphere of influence can damage relations with the other. By becoming a diplomatic balancer, as pointed out previously, Pakistan can get the best from both powers and bridge their sloppy relations.

3.(very pessimistic case) If every thing get out of hand and pakistan becomes the life line of china & russia. we will be ideal target for any agressor. and yes i dont think we have enough fire power to handle such an event, and we must not , we can not allow chinese armed forces on our soil in any case. (thats how the british came, just trade). So, I think with our bugdet and resources, It is wise not to become a point of interest.

So, the conclusion would be, that we must be very careful in the negotiation, our limited focus can hurt us in the long run. And the whole thing has the potential to blow up in our face. And due to our incompetency this thing can turn out to be the worst thing thing that ever happened to pak rather than the best thing.


(+ve,-ve, neutral) reviews & views are welcomed
Does CPEC include making of:
Business Centers
Real Estate Buildings like they way Hong Kong/Singapore is?

I am sure giving a house to everyone there is not possible at all. Rather, it's better to build building of 30+ stories there in.
Pakistan has been refusing to give MFN status to India for the reason that cheap and better quality Indian goods will flood Pakistan's markets destroying local industry. That's exactly what is going to happen when Chinese goods start flooding Pakistan's markets when the CPEC opens for business.

The fact is that the Chinese are making this 'economic corridor' for their own strategic and national interests. Their strategic aim is to establish a PLAAN base at Gwadar to try and dominate the Strait of Hormuz from where a large proportion of the world’s oil flows. Not only the Strait of Hormuz but also to try and dominate the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. The CPEC is the only viable option for providing logistics support to their future naval base at Gwadar.

Pakistan is just a side show in this project. The sooner this is realized by the Pakistanis, the better. All this talk of them achieving super power status due to the CPEC is a lot of bull and hot air - unfortunately!

:rofl: the more progress is being made on CPEC, the more and more interesting posts are being written by the Indian members on here and through the Indian media.

This isn't the FIRST trade corridor that the China has built. There are others too. And based on the economic data and research, I've yet to see the local markets getting destroyed with the Chinese products. So What you and other members say about CPEC, we call it "Red Lining". Meaning, scaring people off due to something or someone's actions opposite to the actual reality!!!

Not giving MFN status to India makes perfect sense. Who would want to do that when the other country is DYING to involve you in a "limited warfare" so that they can destroy the country economic progress and push it back by 20 years? And the country looking for the MFN status is too busy spreading terror in the other country, including killing young children who have NO conflict with anyone!!!!:tdown: and :angel: logic!!!

The CPEC will take Pakistan's goods and services, and Chinese goods to across the globe. Chinese have a language issue. India doesn't and that's why her economy has grown so much. Today, Indian IT, Medical and Engineering labor works in almost every modern country. Well, Pakistan has over 110-120 million male population between 16 and 23, and just like India, there is English in Pakistan too. Specially the younger generation speaks it very well.

20-30 million of these men and women, working in Engineering, Medical and IT professions across the globe, through the Chinese influence initially will change Pakistan's entire landscape in the next 10-15 years, just like how India's been transformed since 1995 with the US's help. So the Chinese are doing the same for Pakistan. No need to panic, but do get ready for a head on, tooth to nail labor competition with the Pakistanis in terms of IT, Medical, Research, Engineering and all :enjoy:. The SAME Pakistan you want to have a limited war with, you won't be able to look them straight in their eyes, due to their power projection in 2025. I can stamp on this and wait for ten years to see how right I was!

Does CPEC include making of:
Business Centers
Real Estate Buildings like they way Hong Kong/Singapore is?

I am sure giving a house to everyone there is not possible at all. Rather, it's better to build building of 30+ stories there in.

ALL the above!!!! If you have over 2 million trucks and plus, Pakistan's own, regular traffic going through a highway, common sense will tell you, you'll need gas stations to get oil and diesel for these vehicles, you'll need mechanic shops, restaurants so people can stop and have lunch or dinners, truck stops, hotels, and obviously, people owning or running these businesses will stay close in instead of driving every day from a near city 4 hours away, so that means housing will be needed, hospitals and schools come automatically.

The US's economy's growth was solely dependent upon her highway system Al-Gore's father conceptualize in late 1950's. The land becomes super expensive around a high announced to be built as people know their agriculture land will now host the above, homes, commercial and master planned communities. So you want to make money in real estate, go follow the highway. You'll never lose money!!!In Lahore, around the Ring Road, some of the remote areas were cheaper just a few years ago. Now, the prices have gone WAY up. I was looking at a Real Estate report about Pakistan and India. Similarly, in Bangalore, even a 1000 SQFT apartment has become very expensive inside the city limits. So when there is infrastructure put in and jobs exist, the Real Estate jumps up!!!
Yes, your right. It's just a road. Just strip of tarmac. Just a ribbon. What will it do? Well it will flood the Pakistani market. It will destroy our industry. So what is good about it?

Everything. The problem with Pakistan is we have stuck our heads up our backsides. This has allowed the world to move on while we are still sat there in our villages swatting flies. Have you ever thought why a country of 200 million people has exports less than 3 million Ireland?

Where is our so called industry? Well we don't have industry like most of the world. We have parasites going as industry. Now this is how "parasite industry" works. The elite make the poor go abroad to slave away in Saudia Arabia or other countries. The billions that comes to Pakistan then is spent on cars, motorbikes, houses, food, fridges, electrical products etc.

Then the elite create a import restriction that either stops anything being imported or attracts high taxes. That means when you want to buy a car, fridge etc you can't buy it from abroad. Then the ruling elite give a licence to one of their favourites to make friidges. The factory that makes fridges can be utterly inefficent and the fridge could be rubbish but it still sells because onsumers have no choice. So these lame duck industries that really are just parasites and survive because of regulated market keep making money for the elite.

Comes alonng CPEC. destroys these industries. Consumer get choice. If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese? If our industry shuts it is because it was incompetant parasite. As industry shuts down that effects the market. The Chinese companies will soon start moving their prodiction units along the CPEC to supply local market as well as abroad. This then over time introduces nerw ideas, new ways of running things and introdices competion. Over time some of our people start comepting and the best go on to then compete with the world. This is why CPEC is good for us in the long run.

Comes alonng CPEC. destroys these industries. Consumer get choice. If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese? If our industry shuts it is because it was incompetant parasite. As industry shuts down that effects the market. The Chinese companies will soon start moving their prodiction units along the CPEC to supply local market as well as abroad. This then over time introduces nerw ideas, new ways of running things and introdices competion. Over time some of our people start com. epting and the best go on to then compete with the world. This is why CPEC is good for us in the long run.[/QUOTE]

Problem with your argument here is that you think too high of our industries, do u really think our products can compete with chinese' .... If their products comming all they way via south china sea, are hitting our industries .. what do u think would happen to our local industries Then...
so, what would be the point in exports if they give a slight portion of profits as tax and keep the rest, & in resturn we shut our local industries for them

And if we let them or any other forigners set up their industries with 100% forign shared/stakes. & let them keep the money in forign banks, and import forign technical,professional work force, we will be forign slaves in our own country..
Yes sometimes it happens and the local industries got crushed, once a small town in tamil nadu contributed to 90% of fireworks production of entire India. After chinese fireworks entered, now even well renowned local industries informed their workers they are going to shut the factory for 3months. Our local manufacturers made fireworks from aluminium powder which is less inflammable and costly, chinese fireworks are made of potassium powder which is highly inflammable and cheap.

The same town was flourishing in printing as well due to the fireworks production and contributed more than 60% of India's entire printing works, now everything got a big hit.

Ensure that you don't allow products which are well available in the local market to save your local industrial base.

Sounds like 19th century all over again when machine made textiles from Britain flooding Indian market!! :rofl:

But seriously,the local industries should change their ways in order to stay competitive,India will never grow if the govt keeps this trade protectionism mindset.
Well but the OP is right about capturing the market nonetheless. I understand it will raise the bar for industry in Pakistan but still will Pakistan's industry will grow?....No

Cheap Chinese Products: Destroying Indian Producers

How will Pakistan's industry gonna progress when they will gonna loose the demand for their products?

P.S Sir plz reply to me and not my flag :partay:

Buying expensive American weapons with your extremely limited hard currency reserve is destroying your extremely limited defence industry。

Stop buying foreign weapons and start making your own,starting from bloody rifles。

By the way,India should also stop all manners of Chinese investments in India which are absolutely destroying your local industries as I write these words。
Does China require Pakistan's Scientific technology, expert labour or funds? Answer is big NO! All they need is an alternative/shortest route to middle east and it is the smartness of Chinese government that they have projected themselves as if they are doing it out of love and friendship to prop up Pakistan's economy and gullible people are eagerly lapping it up.
To those who are dreaming that China (even few) will shift its industries to the corridor my advice is wake up and smell the coffee. With the general slowdown in world economy that would be the last thing any nation with surplus labor and huge population would do, getting employment for Chinese people would be their first priority. All they want is your natural resources and a route to dump their products in middle east in a cost effective way.
Purane bazaar ka halwai agar Mc donalds ko apni dukaan ke aage thela lagane ki jagah dega to kuch dino mein uske samoso par makhia hi bhinkegi. Sooner or later McD will take over halwai and employ him for waiting on tables.
Yes, your right. It's just a road. Just strip of tarmac. Just a ribbon. What will it do? Well it will flood the Pakistani market. It will destroy our industry. So what is good about it?

Everything. The problem with Pakistan is we have stuck our heads up our backsides. This has allowed the world to move on while we are still sat there in our villages swatting flies. Have you ever thought why a country of 200 million people has exports less than 3 million Ireland?

Where is our so called industry? Well we don't have industry like most of the world. We have parasites going as industry. Now this is how "parasite industry" works. The elite make the poor go abroad to slave away in Saudia Arabia or other countries. The billions that comes to Pakistan then is spent on cars, motorbikes, houses, food, fridges, electrical products etc.

Then the elite create a import restriction that either stops anything being imported or attracts high taxes. That means when you want to buy a car, fridge etc you can't buy it from abroad. Then the ruling elite give a licence to one of their favourites to make friidges. The factory that makes fridges can be utterly inefficent and the fridge could be rubbish but it still sells because onsumers have no choice. So these lame duck industries that really are just parasites and survive because of regulated market keep making money for the elite.

Comes alonng CPEC. destroys these industries. Consumer get choice. If our fridge is better why would we buy Chinese? If our shoes are better why would we buy Chinese? If our industry shuts it is because it was incompetant parasite. As industry shuts down that effects the market. The Chinese companies will soon start moving their prodiction units along the CPEC to supply local market as well as abroad. This then over time introduces nerw ideas, new ways of running things and introdices competion. Over time some of our people start comepting and the best go on to then compete with the world. This is why CPEC is good for us in the long run.

I have a genuine question, if you could answer please.

How will CPEC change this exploitative attitude of these elites? Sorry but will add one more short question

With Chinese setting up manufacturing bases in Pakistan how can competition happen when local units unable to compete with Chinese technology, money power will either wind down or get absorbed?

Thanks for your reply in advance.
Buying expensive American weapons with your extremely limited hard currency reserve is destroying your extremely limited defence industry。

Stop buying foreign weapons and start making your own,starting from bloody rifles。

By the way,India should also stop all manners of Chinese investments in India which are absolutely destroying your local industries as I write these words。

Stop being such a fool I asked a genuine question without any intent of trolling you have an answer please share it with me and spare me you insecurities.

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