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Afghan officials say government retakes Kunduz; Taliban denies

I only like it when mixed with milk.

They will because the more they distant themselves from it the more it will come close towards them.

Distant they cannot, resist well they can. All love affairs start with resistance at first :P (Mayray time may to Laila aisi he thi ub ka mujay nahi pata :p:)
What have you been smoking ? The country with 5000 years old history dont need a lesson from a chap who is sitting in the states.
For all intents and purposes it is a defacto failed state broken along ethnic lines, just go ask the pashtun residents of mazar that were brutally expelled by the thug Dostum.
For all intents and purposes it is a defacto failed state broken along ethnic lines, just go ask the pashtun residents of mazar that were brutally expelled by the thug Dostum.

I am not here to defend Dostum, he is part of the system, he is part of the Afghan state and he is a reality. I believe in the Afghan state no matter how weak it is, its far better than the alternative of Talis and their brothers.
I am not here to defend Dostum, he is part of the system, he is part of the Afghan state and he is a reality. I believe in the Afghan state no matter how weak it is, its far better than the alternative of Talis and their brothers.
I wish you folks the best of luck as contrary to popular belief a stable Afghanistan is in the interests of Pakistan.
US-Pakistan anti terror collaboration in Pakistan cannot be equated to what is happening in Kunduz .Which is that ,USAF carrying out airstrikes and even assisting troops on the ground. Pakistan was one of the key member of the coalition . Reports regarding Xe blackwater's involvement in Pakistan , were nothing but blatant conspiracy theories . Indeed , the US and ISI were taking down Al Qaeda network together in Pak. You can go check out Mike Morell's book . He was CIA's Deputy director at that time. The ISI-CIA conducted the joint raid which led to the arrest of Khalid Shiekh Mohammed the principal architect of 911.
There were only few incursions by US special forces , they were turned back by FC firing warning shots. see

US-pakistan CT cooperation cannot be compared to a terror attack in Afghanistan. both are different. but US support to Afghanistan and pakistan can be compared. in both countries, US forces had conducted joint operations as well as covert operations/black ops. Us forces had conducted drone strikes, US forces is providing training to armed forces of both country.
only difference in afghanistan and pakistan is that, Afghanistan don't have financial capacity to maintain its security forces, and it have a very weak AF with no fighter aircraft for supporting its ground troops. only its army is good. without air force the ANA is struggling.
you see, the US forces never follow orders from other countres forces..particularly those countries like Afghanistan(ANA). they cannot call for US air support. if ANA want air support then what US military will do is 1st they send some USSF for combat air control, only they can call for air support, ths is exactly happend it the operation in Kunduz,. but in case of pakistan, they have a good air force. so you can call air support when needed.
once Afghan air force get ground attack aircrafts, they can conduct air attacks to support its army.

and i didn't say CIA and ISI never cooperated in CT operation. i was just replying to him, who clams that US special forces never conducted operation in pakistan.
Man the talis sympathizer seem to be butt hurt.
US-pakistan CT cooperation cannot be compared to a terror attack in Afghanistan. both are different. but US support to Afghanistan and pakistan can be compared. in both countries, US forces had conducted joint operations as well as covert operations/black ops. Us forces had conducted drone strikes, US forces is providing training to armed forces of both country.
only difference in afghanistan and pakistan is that, Afghanistan don't have financial capacity to maintain its security forces, and it have a very weak AF with no fighter aircraft for supporting its ground troops. only its army is good. without air force the ANA is struggling.
you see, the US forces never follow orders from other countres forces..particularly those countries like Afghanistan(ANA). they cannot call for US air support. if ANA want air support then what US military will do is 1st they send some USSF for combat air control, only they can call for air support, ths is exactly happend it the operation in Kunduz,. but in case of pakistan, they have a good air force. so you can call air support when needed.
once Afghan air force get ground attack aircrafts, they can conduct air attacks to support its army.

and i didn't say CIA and ISI never cooperated in CT operation. i was just replying to him, who clams that US special forces never conducted operation in pakistan.

A strong Air force alone isnt enough to deal with a resurgent insurgency. For example , during the initial Bajuar offensive , PA's regular troops cleared the agency but the task of holding the region was given to FC (paramilitary force) . Regardless of having complete air cover , they couldnt hold on to the region.PA had to clear it again. Over time ,FC was re-equipped and reformed and now has proved in many tribal areas that it can certainly hold out on its own .

Despite a robust, broad training program , ANSF still lacks the Army tradition and professionalism to deal with the Taliban alone . Iraqi Army also suffers from the same indisposition .ANA is plagued with one of the highest desertion rate in the world . The current causality rate is too deemed "unsustainable " .The Afghan population is very diverse and that diversity actually shows in the armed forces.

Then there is the issue of Green-on-blue attacks.The Afghan armed forces are not cohesive and there are problems with checking and investigating recruits. Subsequently , the number of inside attacks have also risen.Afghan soldiers, even those soldiers who aren’t planning to kill any of their allies, still remain openly resentful of their Western trainers.

Furthermore , Afghanistan can be technically considered as a "Narco State". Since ,70% of the Afghan Economy is based on agriculture and Poppy fields make up a large chuck of it . Drug use is widespread among ANA ,just a couple of months ago a top Afghan general was arrested for drug trafficking .

The future for ANA not matter how you see it , looks incredibly bleak. To reform ANA you first have to eliminate the root causes. This will take decades not years. The U.S has always the option of jumping ship .Which they have done before ,during the 80s.

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