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Could Pakistan help ANA retake Kunduz?


May 31, 2014
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OK, apologies for the click-bait title. Here is a hypothetical, say war games like, scenario;

  1. Pakistan army supports the ANA in retaking the fallen city. By support I mean boots on ground, jets and drones in the sky, ISI in the shadows full head on bare knuckles support like our life depended on it. How will that play out? Lets assume that there are no political or other complications.
  2. Now, if we actually did what I said above and if we manage to clear out the Taliban from Kunduz, what will be the long term ramifications for the Pakistani state? Will that make Pakistani urban areas more unsecure in say, 10 years?
  3. How will the ordinary Afghans react? It will surely help them in regaining their lost confidence in Pakistan.

Again, I realize that this scenario is near impossible with our own engagements at the moment, international politics, Afghan politics and whatnot. I am sure better minds have played this scenario in places like NDC and Hamza camp etc. But please humor me and share your thoughts.

@niaz sb, @DESERT FIGHTER , @Desert Fox @Horus

Edit: Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolutely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?
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Sorry I don't know who else to tag here. Members from all countries are more than welcome to participate.
Afghans will die instead of asking Pakistan for help. Intel assessment suggests that Kabul is actually planning to officially blame Pakistan for its ineptitude. Frankly it's none of our business, Afghans are a mighty super race, they don't need help from "daal khor Pakistanis".
Afghans will die instead of asking Pakistan for help. Intel assessment suggests that Kabul is actually planning to officially blame Pakistan for its ineptitude. Frankly it's none of our business, Afghans are a mighty super race, they don't need help from "daal khor Pakistanis".

I know I am eliminating a lot of very important variables from the equation, but lets say Afghans actually agreed to this scheme.
Afghans will die instead of asking Pakistan for help. Intel assessment suggests that Kabul is actually planning to officially blame Pakistan for its ineptitude. Frankly it's none of our business, Afghans are a mighty super race, they don't need help from "daal khor Pakistanis".

Pakistanis could:
1. Send medical supplies
2. Have charity drives on TV to give to organizations like Doctors Without Borders -- who operates the only hospital in the city(?)

But stay out of the conflict otherwise -- sorry but poking our nose where it does not belong will only backfire -- all segments of Afghan society hate Pakistanis except @A-Team and 4 other Afghans -- we should stay out other than humanitarian support.
Pakistanis could:
1. Send medical supplies
2. Have charity drives on TV to give to organizations like Doctors Without Borders -- who operates the only hospital in the city(?)

But stay out of the conflict otherwise -- sorry but poking our nose where it does not belong will only backfire -- all segments of Afghan society hate Pakistanis except @A-Team and 4 other Afghans -- we should stay out other than humanitarian support.

Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolutely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?
Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolutely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?

mmmm, I know very little about war so I'll sit this one out :-)
mmmm, I know very little about war so I'll sit this one out :-)

Haha me too, but there are some brilliant minds here. I was hoping that they could see the angle I am coming from and share what they think.
Sure sure... All Afghanistan gifts do in return in merge with Pakistan .. Officially become a province of Pakistan.... Deal?
  1. Pakistan army supports the ANA in retaking the fallen city. By support I mean boots on ground, jets and drones in the sky, ISI in the shadows full head on bare knuckles support like our life depended on it. How will that play out? Lets assume that there are no political or other complications.
  2. Now, if we actually did what I said above and if we manage to clear out the Taliban from Kunduz, what will be the long term ramifications for the Pakistani state? Will that make Pakistani urban areas more unsecure in say, 10 years?
  3. How will the ordinary Afghans react? It will surely help them in regaining their lost confidence in Pakistan.

1. Pakistan will never send its soldiers to Afghanistan cause that would mean commitment and in case of Afghanistan it wil be a long one. IMHO Pakistan should join this operation by providing Airstrikes on target and maybe in return u guys can ask Afghans to allow u to bomb the shyt out of TTP in Afghanistan.

2. It might increase the security risks but however the results would be for greater good.

3. First of all they won't allow u but even if they do , I doubt even that won't make things any better for Pakistan the hatred nowadays in Afghans for Pakistan seems like its going to stay for a while, alot of people lost loved ones to Taliban which acc to them is directly supported by ISI. But yeah it might be a constructive start.
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OK, apologies for the click-bait title. Here is a hypothetical, say war games like, scenario;

  1. Pakistan army supports the ANA in retaking the fallen city. By support I mean boots on ground, jets and drones in the sky, ISI in the shadows full head on bare knuckles support like our life depended on it. How will that play out? Lets assume that there are no political or other complications.
  2. Now, if we actually did what I said above and if we manage to clear out the Taliban from Kunduz, what will be the long term ramifications for the Pakistani state? Will that make Pakistani urban areas more unsecure in say, 10 years?
  3. How will the ordinary Afghans react? It will surely help them in regaining their lost confidence in Pakistan.

Again, I realize that this scenario is near impossible with our own engagements at the moment, international politics, Afghan politics and whatnot. I am sure better minds have played this scenario in places like NDC and Hamza camp etc. But please humor me and share your thoughts.

@niaz sb, @DESERT FIGHTER , @Desert Fox @Horus

Edit: Guys, I understand and agree that we should stay out of this mess. Absolutely.

The point of this thread is to simulate kind of a war game scenario. Like I said above, lets ignore these things for a moment and assume that Pak has decided to jump in to the war. Then what?

Pakistan could send air strikes.... Zarrar Coy of SSG (with air support - gunships)..

Send in med aid etc etc...

On the downside .. Taliban (who already hate us - will openly support ttp- encourage terrorism in Pak etc).

Afghans would still view us suspiciously .. And even if some goodwill is established they will soon forget that...


Now coming to the reality;

Afghanistan will never ask for help from Pak... That will only weaken the already weak afghan govt.

Afghanistan will blame Pak instead... They need a scapegoat ...
1. Pakistan will never send its soldiers to Afghanistan cause that would mean commitment and in case of Afghanistan it wil be a long one. IMHO Pakistan should join this operation by providing Airstrikes on target and maybe in return u guys can ask Afghans to allow u guys to bomb the shyt out of TTP in Afghanistan.

2. It might increase the security risks but however the results would be for greater good.

3. First of all they won't allow u but even if they do , I doubt even that won't make things any better for Pakistan the hatred nowadays in Afghans for Pakistan seems like its going to stay for a while, alot of people lost loved ones to Taliban which acc to them is directly supported by ISI. But yeah it might be a constructive start.

No insurgency can survive without local support..

Take ttp for example... Although Pak is raping them wholeheartedly .., but the insurgency itself (although weakened) will not go away for a long time... For that a lot of things are/have to be done to change the mentality that breeds ttp foot soldiers.... The vile ideology itself will take time to end....

I honestly don't see peace returning to Afghanistan for a long long time... Infact I see a civil war... A playback of the 90s...

Which itself will be bad for Pak... (That's why even Pak has been asking us to remain in astan longer)...

But it would be wiser and better for A'stan to negotiate with the taliban.... But we have to understand that even though Ghani wants that.... His govt is mostly dominated by former NA warlords who hate Taliban (Aswell as eachother - they killed eachother like dogs before the Taliban took over Kabul -- Infact many even sided with guys like hiknatuaar to fight the othrr - during the 90s).
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