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Migrant crisis: Disputed EU relocation plan voted in

Ive read somewhere that some «refugees» picked up by our country fled to Germoney,lol,what do you expect ?
Dont you remember Merkel saying multiculturalism was a failure in Europe ? Now the witch is bringing millions of aliens.... one day all these traitors will suffer the same thing as louis xvi..

What is Germany ?
50% of syria :enjoy:
I was talking to a Polish guy at work last week and he said that he knew some people that would go out with baseball bats to "sort out" refugees if they were let into Poland.

He also mentioned that most Polish people are anti-refugees but looks like their government has succumbed to German/French pressure now.

only 38% is for refugee ...

Poll: over a half of Poles against migrants - National

i think with this backstab move off polish govement they lost upcoming elections in october:rofl: morons
Not worried about Poland.... you will welcome these «refugees» with «««open arms»»».
I dare them to try to settle in a Polish city.

^.^ but all in all im not agains them but the problem that pisses me off is that nearly all off those refuges are healthy young men ... WTF ... they should be sent back and fight for the country or what are they fighting for there ... only elder, women and children should be allowed to enter
Romanians are allowed to go to other people's country but not the other way around. :cheesy: Romanian logic 101.

I see your logic still fails your brain when it comes to understand terms as being legally or illegally somewhere.
^.^ but all in all im not agains them but the problem that pisses me off is that nearly all off those refuges are healthy young men ... WTF ... they should be sent back and fight for the country or what are they fighting for there ... only elder, women and children should be allowed to enter

75% of them are men,that can fight for their country,but prefer to flee like pssies,most of them arent even Syrians. I would probably accept them if there was only women and children,but when i see all these disorganized garbage,men,i just want all of them to be shot... instead of bringing them here,we should help the refugees in countries like Lebanon,Turkey etc. And helping their govts.
I was talking to a Polish guy at work last week and he said that he knew some people that would go out with baseball bats to "sort out" refugees if they were let into Poland.

He also mentioned that most Polish people are anti-refugees but looks like their government has succumbed to German/French pressure now.

Irony considering three quarters of a million of his country men and women have made the UK their home. The UK has put up with much more than they ever would. If he wants his people to sort anyone out with baseball bats, maybe he should try with some of the murdering trash coming from his country.

Nicola Cross death: Man charged with murder - BBC News

Horrible and shocking case.

75% of them are men,that can fight for their country,but prefer to flee like pssies,most of them arent even Syrians. I would probably accept them if there was only women and children,but when i see all these disorganized garbage,men,i just want all of them to be shot... instead of bringing them here,we should help the refugees in countries like Lebanon,Turkey etc. And helping their govts.

I'll tell you what Gabriel, I just saw a report on Calais and I can assure you that out of thousands camped there very few were Syrians. Once more these disgusting filth were giving middle fingers to the French police, throwing rocks, stones and chairs at them, and damaging anything they could. The French charged them and broke them up.
It's time to send in the Legion with steel batons. These vermin deserve no place in Europe. The vast majority of them young men, unwashed, criminal elements from Eritrea to Afghanistan. Now is the time for skull cracking, not words.
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Irony considering three quarters of a million of his country men and women have made the UK their home. The UK has put up with much more than they ever would. If he wants his people to sort anyone out with baseball bats, maybe he should try with some of the murdering trash coming from his country.

That was the point I was trying to make as well - Poles are emigrating to other countries but they do not
want to allow anyone to settle in theirs.

He did make a half-valid point with cultural incompatibility - some of the nutters in the Muslim community
are not helping the Muslims in general with their behaviour.
That was the point I was trying to make as well - Poles are emigrating to other countries but they do not
want to allow anyone to settle in theirs.

He did make a half-valid point with cultural incompatibility - some of the nutters in the Muslim community
are not helping the Muslims in general with their behaviour.

I agree he has a point about cultural compatibility, but the same can be made to a lesser degree about EE settlers. They have their own shops, cultural centres and way of doing things. The economic impact of their arrival has been far greater than the cultural one, so you have that as well.
I'm not against freedom of movement, but it has to be educated folk, which fill a skill gap. Many EE countries have lost their skilled workforces, so what's the plan for them? Import people from Africa, South America, Asia etc?
Irony considering three quarters of a million of his country men and women have made the UK their home. The UK has put up with much more than they ever would. If he wants his people to sort anyone out with baseball bats, maybe he should try with some of the murdering trash coming from his country.

Nicola Cross death: Man charged with murder - BBC News

Horrible and shocking case.

and whats your point ?

Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

we can find such a scum in every country ...

That was the point I was trying to make as well - Poles are emigrating to other countries but they do not
want to allow anyone to settle in theirs..

ehh thats what EU is about "EU nationals may stay for an unlimited period, but must register with the local authorities after three months" we only need an ID card "Travel document valid in the European Union and in Schengen associated countries" its sad that many off us are abusing it but thats what we can do ...

and anyone from "EU" can come to poland and settle down ... there are some but not many :P
Irony considering three quarters of a million of his country men and women have made the UK their home. The UK has put up with much more than they ever would. If he wants his people to sort anyone out with baseball bats, maybe he should try with some of the murdering trash coming from his country.

Nicola Cross death: Man charged with murder - BBC News

Horrible and shocking case.

Nope,no irony,you see,Poles and other EE-eans actually work and contribute,non Euros...not so much...

Election 2015 Briefing - Migration and Welfare Benefits | The Migration Observatory

Or the Netherlands,if you want....

Percentage of people on social welfare in the Netherlands, grouped by country of origin (in Dutch but completely intelligible) - Imgur

So what does the chart tell us ?......69% percent of Soma;lis in the Netherlands are on welfare,17% of Turks in there are on welfare....58% of Iraqis are on welfare...well,so to cut it short...most muslims are on welfare!!! How many Poles are on welfare in the Netherlands????...2.1% of Poles are on welfare !! And that is the difference between east europeans and muslims.... Sry,stats don't lie.
75% of them are men,that can fight for their country,but prefer to flee like pssies,most of them arent even Syrians. I would probably accept them if there was only women and children,but when i see all these disorganized garbage,men,i just want all of them to be shot... instead of bringing them here,we should help the refugees in countries like Lebanon,Turkey etc. And helping their govts.


Syria Regional Refugee Response
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal

Registered Syrian Refugees 4,086,760
This figure includes 2.1 million Syrians registered by UNHCR in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, 1.9 million Syrians registered by the Government of Turkey, as well as more than 24,000 Syrian refugees registered in North Africa.Regional demographic breakdown below is based on available data from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon

Last Updated 17 Sep 2015
Source - UNHCR, Government of Turkey


Male (49.5%) Age (50.5%) Female
9.1% 0 - 4 8.6%
10.7% 5 - 11 10.1%
6.5% 12 - 17 6.1%
21.8% 18 - 59 23.9%
1.3% 60 + 1.7%

Syria Regional Refugee Response - Regional Overview

Even within agegroups, the genders are fairly balanced....

I think you were confused with this Eurostat data:
Share of male (non-EU) asylum applicants in the EU-28, by age group and status of minors, 2014 (%) YB15 III.png
File:Share of male (non-EU) asylum applicants in the EU-28, by age group and status of minors, 2014 (%) YB15 III.png - Statistics Explained

1. that concerns 2014
2. that concerns asylum applicants rather than refugees.

Syria Regional Refugee Response - Regional Overview

Even within agegroups, the genders are fairly balanced....

I think you were confused with this Eurostat data:
Share of male (non-EU) asylum applicants in the EU-28, by age group and status of minors, 2014 (%) YB15 III.png
File:Share of male (non-EU) asylum applicants in the EU-28, by age group and status of minors, 2014 (%) YB15 III.png - Statistics Explained

1. that concerns 2014
2. that concerns asylum applicants rather than refugees.

He's talking about the ones registered in 2015 in Europe not about those in Lebanon,lol.Registered is a strong word though ,as they basically walked in thanks to your incompetent goverments.The Russians don't call you Eurowussies without a reason.
@flamer84 You still don't get the bigger picture. Romania is, trust me on this ( including Poland ) will recieve it's share of refugees that Brussels decides. You can't join a block and eat and feast from the party table then after having digested all the benefits refuse to go by what the block decides. It does not work that way. You can moan and b*tch all you like but this fact is NOT going to change.

You see your sat there in your little room and not looking beyond the horizon. Fact is Europe is surrounded by Mslim countries. They are right next door to you. They have always been there under differant political orders and religions from days of Antony and Cleopatra to Rome. The Syria/Iraq region is crade of human civilization. You think all of sudden in 2015 population movement is going to freeze. Which planet do you live on? Earth? Yep, man has been moving from day 00/00/0000 BC.

What you think your going to build some Hadrian wall today? Have a look at Hardian Wall today. Romania is nothing without USA, UK. France and Germany. These countries define the "West". You are eating from the fruit trees planted by the West. You live under the protection of this:-


It is United States that provides and underwrites the protection afforded to Romania or Poland or else Uncle Putin would slurping Vodka and then riding your backsides without any butter. The reality is USA, UK and France are representative of states that by their very nature have interests all over the world. That includes the Muslim world, the Black World and the Yellow World. Whilst some might not like it but those elites in those countries have built the most succesful economic empire the world has seen which has it's tentacles all over the globe. Many people all over the globe don't like the tentacles that intrude into their lands but power of US military enforces hegemony everywhere. Go ask Al -Qaida, go ask Taliban. All these guys are similar to you. They all like you support insularity.

Al Qaida does not want Western involvement whatsoever in the Muslim world. However bulleys and bombs have been used to erase them. They have to learn to live with globalization. Now you are also going to be introduced to globalization like most of earth has already been introduced. Economic interests always supercede your right to insularity. Bin Laden learnt that. You will also.

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