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9/11 : Then and now ( Photos )

This make no sense. I read these ridiculous arguments to learn what the authors believe, not because I believe in them.
And not a single post of mine talks about the theory you picked up nor about the Dr. you picked up.....

Strange you are trying your best to compare Oranges to Mangoes! The only thing you got right was both are fruits!

Those disagreements wildly ranges in terms of credibility, scientific and else.
Then pick those up not your own thoughts....Why pick up the absurd ones you listen to and not the ones I presented? Cant disprove them or just trolling?

It is YOU who are in denial.
The day you breakdown the ones I brought up will be the day you can be removed from the denial syndrome ward...But by presenting rubbish you just seem to be seeping deeper into denial!
Yada, yada … but they did say they were in New York to make a documentary of the event. You are such an anti-semitic that you would insinuate that those Israelis were lying. Shame on you! :tdown::disagree:
You behaved in the predictable manner of all 'Troofers'. You simply dismiss any reasonable offer of a rebuttal to your claim.

Another funny fact is, it took the the great US air force 1.5 hour to scramble jets to the "hijacked" airplanes when in normal circumstance it takes them no more than 6 minutes. By that time the jets were already down.
What 'normal' circumstances are you talking about ?

Unlike the dictatorships you are fond of, domestic US airspace is under civilian control, which means even the USAF have to obey the FAA. If there is any need to use military assets, the local FAA authority DO NOT have permission to order up the USAF. Any local FAA office must route its request for military assist literally thru the Pentagon.

Companion to that is the USAF do not have carte blanche permission to fly as it pleases. Every military flight must be filed and authorized by the FAA. Every US military flyer knows this, which lead up to a very interesting point. If it is so odd that it took so long for the military to respond, why is it that no US military pilot spoke up ? There are plenty active duty and retired pilots around. Further, why is it that no foreign military pilots who are familiar with American air traffic control protocols spoke up ? Surely they must know how much of a dictatorship is the US, right ?

Was the self-declared god (still want to know what drug he is taking) on duty on that day? He worked for the US air force, didn't he?
That is correct. That is why he completely debunked your arguments about domestic US airspace.
Add these guys too


Arabs maybe supporting them or not but these guys will surely fight for them :D .

Which puts both US and ISIS in same camp ah the irony :D

Yeh, I did not add them to guy below


Like I forgot to add his legs - because those are part of his existance.


Whose camp are they in? I let simple logic take it's course. Sometimes people overlook what is right in from of them. Like being so obvious that nobody even bothers to think about it.
And not a single post of mine talks about the theory you picked up nor about the Dr. you picked up.....
I do not care. Dr. Judy Wood who proposed the orbital ray gun version of 9/11 is in YOUR camp.

But that is precisely the point. The reason I call you 'loony' is because of the diversity of theories for 9/11 ranging from Jews to orbital ray gun that dissolved the top portions of the WTC Towers. You guys have no consistency.

Not only the lack of consistency, there is ignorance as well as I proved about the word 'pull' in post 165. You cannot escape it. The word 'pull' as interpreted by your side to mean detonate the explosives is essential to the core of your belief. Your side claimed Silverstein ordered WTC 7 destroyed by his use of the word 'pull'. The demolition industry proved you wrong. It does not matter if YOU brought it into this discussion or not. That error belongs to your side and since you believe in these loony theories, YOU own it.

Another example of ignorance is the argument that since none of the hijackers were certified, as in licensed, to fly airliners, there is no way they could have performed the maneuvers necessary to crash into the towers. That means those aircrafts were under remote controls.

That argument was supposedly brought up by a pilot and presumably belongs to the pilots for 9/11 truth group.

Any licensed pilot know that argument is absolute nonsense. I learned to fly when I was 17-18 yrs old. In the USAF, I was on two aircrafts: F-111 and F-16. If anyone made that stupid argument, either he is not a real pilot or an utter incompetent boob of a pilot.

Any licensed pilot know that a certification have little to do with flying skills. On certification day, you can show up blind drunk and failed your cert, but that would have no effects on the flying skills that you learned and practiced over the past several months. A certification is a testament by an organization whose credibility is accepted by the government to say that you have learned enough flying skills to make a living as a pilot. In WW II, Japanese kamikaze pilots trained only to take off but not land. So if the hijackers have no intention of making a living as pilots, what need is there for certifications and licensing ?

Airliners are actually easier to fly, due to more automation, than jet fighters. Did you know that ? Of course you did not know that. So why is it so tough to become an airline pilot ? Yes, there are many differences between flying humans vs flying bombs and missiles, but precisely because you are ferrying humans from point A to point B, there are issues directly related to humans that do not exists with bombs and missiles and you must be trained and certified to those skills. But the core of flight is the same for airliners and jet fighters. If the hijackers can learn to take off and maintain level flight, that is all the skills they need to fly an airliner and to crash them, like the WW II Japanese kamikaze pilots, into buildings.

People in specific professions, be they scientists or engineers or pilots, successfully poked holes in your arguments based on what they know best. They do not need to publish what they found. They just need to ignore your kind and they have.
I do not care. Dr. Judy Wood who proposed the orbital ray gun version of 9/11 is in YOUR camp.
I dont know her...I never saw her stuff ...

YOU on the other hand are promoting her by bringing her up coz you cant answer any of the other...What a shame! :tsk:
You behaved in the predictable manner of all 'Troofers'. You simply dismiss any reasonable offer of a rebuttal to your claim.

What 'normal' circumstances are you talking about ?

Unlike the dictatorships you are fond of, domestic US airspace is under civilian control, which means even the USAF have to obey the FAA. If there is any need to use military assets, the local FAA authority DO NOT have permission to order up the USAF. Any local FAA office must route its request for military assist literally thru the Pentagon.

Companion to that is the USAF do not have carte blanche permission to fly as it pleases. Every military flight must be filed and authorized by the FAA. Every US military flyer knows this, which lead up to a very interesting point. If it is so odd that it took so long for the military to respond, why is it that no US military pilot spoke up ? There are plenty active duty and retired pilots around. Further, why is it that no foreign military pilots who are familiar with American air traffic control protocols spoke up ? Surely they must know how much of a dictatorship is the US, right ?

That is correct. That is why he completely debunked your arguments about domestic US airspace.

LOL a rebuttal that directly contradicts the 5 Israelis on TV. Nice try! :lol:

This one debunks your lies and it comes directly from US sources.
9-11 Research: NORAD Stand-Down


Another interesting fact is the meritocracy that works so well in the US. Not ONE responsible person (secret service, military, FAA, etc.) who were in change on that day got fired, no, they all were promoted. What a banana republic. :lol:
I dont know her...I never saw her stuff ...

YOU on the other hand are promoting her by bringing her up coz you cant answer any of the other...What a shame! :tsk:
Too bad for you that you did not know of Dr. Judy Wood. That says a lot of the ignorance you have of your own side. The real shame is upon you.

But now that you know of her, it has to be real good for you to know that someone in your camp is even more ridiculous than you are. :lol:
Too bad for you that you did not know of Dr. Judy Wood. That says a lot of the ignorance you have of your own side. The real shame is upon you.

But now that you know of her, it has to be real good for you to know that someone in your camp is even more ridiculous than you are. :lol:

I dont have a camp....Reported for personal attack...Apparently an illiterate like you cant talk on facts presented without them trolling coz that is all they are good at!

Nobody wishes to talk to an ignorant like you kindly stop wasting my time... indulge in your own crap
LOL a rebuttal that directly contradicts the 5 Israelis on TV. Nice try! :lol:

This one debunks your lies and it comes directly from US sources.
9-11 Research: NORAD Stand-Down


Another interesting fact is the meritocracy that works so well in the US. Not ONE responsible person (secret service, military, FAA, etc.) who were in change on that day got fired, no, they all were promoted. What a banana republic. :lol:

It is standard operating procedure (SOP) to scramble jet fighters whenever a jetliner goes off course or radio contact with it is lost.
...Is wrong from the start.

There is no such SOP. The US have an active non-commercial aviation community and these guys goes off course on a regular basis, even after filed flight plans. There is not enough fighters on 5 minutes alert to intercept them all.

Context of '9:00 a.m. September 11, 2001: Pentagon Command Center Learns of Flight 11 Hijacking, but FAA Says It Does Not Need Assistance'
The call is made by Joseph Cooper, an air traffic controller at the Boston Center, and answered by Jeremy Powell, a technical sergeant on the NEADS operations floor.
Whatever 'stand down' order there was, it had NOTHING to do with SOP in the event of a non-responsive aircraft, of which the FAA must route its request thru the Pentagon, not that the US military have independent authority to intercept anyone it pleases.

...Is wrong from the start.

There is no such SOP. The US have an active non-commercial aviation community and these guys goes off course on a regular basis, even after filed flight plans. There is not enough fighters on 5 minutes alert to intercept them all.

Context of '9:00 a.m. September 11, 2001: Pentagon Command Center Learns of Flight 11 Hijacking, but FAA Says It Does Not Need Assistance'

Whatever 'stand down' order there was, it had NOTHING to do with SOP in the event of a non-responsive aircraft, of which the FAA must route its request thru the Pentagon, not that the US military have independent authority to intercept anyone it pleases.

The fact that it took the mighty US air force almost two hours to scramble jets debunks all your silly excuses. What a banana republic. :lol:
The fact that it took the mighty US air force almost two hours to scramble jets debunks all your silly excuses. What a banana republic. :lol:
Still cannot accept the fact that you are wrong, eh ?

During the height of the Cold War, NORAD had over 50 fighters on alert ready to fly air defense missions. As the perceived external threat diminished after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the number of aircraft to support this mission was reduced. On 9/11, NORAD had 14 fighters on alert at seven sites in the continental United States.

In accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) directives in effect on 9/11, NORAD was to monitor and report the actions of any hijacked aircraft, as requested by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). We had procedures for potential air hijackings, which were based on the premise that a hijacked aircraft would be used for ransom or political purposes, not as a weapon.

Since 11 September 2001, NORAD has flown over 1500 active air defense missions--49 involving fighters escorting airliners. By contrast, only 147 sorties were flown in 2000.
The highlighted is significant because it pointed out what is well known to pilots in the US: That it is the FAA, not the military, who controls domestic airspace.

DoD directives on 9/11 and earlier have the US military only on standby for domestic airspace. For outside the US-Canadian borders, the US military have authorization to act independently.

What does calling US a 'banana republic' accomplish ? Make you feel good about yourself ? But it is strange that you need to believe in absurdity to make you feel good about yourself. I guess the 'alternative media' is the appropriate place for you.

I dont have a camp....Reported for personal attack...Apparently an illiterate like you cant talk on facts presented without them trolling coz that is all they are good at!

Nobody wishes to talk to an ignorant like you kindly stop wasting my time... indulge in your own crap
You expect me to answer everything you brought on, but want to excuse yourself for everything your side has ? Get lost, kid.
Still cannot accept the fact that you are wrong, eh ?


The highlighted is significant because it pointed out what is well known to pilots in the US: That it is the FAA, not the military, who controls domestic airspace.

DoD directives on 9/11 and earlier have the US military only on standby for domestic airspace. For outside the US-Canadian borders, the US military have authorization to act independently.

What does calling US a 'banana republic' accomplish ? Make you feel good about yourself ? But it is strange that you need to believe in absurdity to make you feel good about yourself. I guess the 'alternative media' is the appropriate place for you.

The only fact we have is that it took the mighty US air force almost two hours to scramble jets and that's when all the "hijacked" planes were already off the sky. So spare us the hot air and accept that either the US is a banana republic or you just spread lies as a shill should do. :lol:
You expect me to answer everything you brought on, but want to excuse yourself for everything your side has ? Get lost, kid.
Because like you choosing not to answer I can choose which theory has sound science - which you cant debunk which is also why you stick to these types ( a feel happy moment for you I guess)! Thank you for proving how much in denial you REALLY are!

As for your delusional "my side" - it ONLY includes scientific sound theories as I have already answered to 1 indian here few pages back....Kindly dont quote me with you BS trolling! I dont have the time to cure denial syndrome in America!
The only fact we have is that it took the mighty US air force almost two hours to scramble jets and that's when all the "hijacked" planes were already off the sky. So spare us the hot air and accept that either the US is a banana republic or you just spread lies as a shill should do. :lol:
You can call that bureaucratic incompetence if you like, but that does not make the charge that NORAD ordered air defense to stand down in anticipation of the attack.

The real shill here is YOU, pal.

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