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Dhaka vs Kolkata

Bhais @Maira La & @Doyalbaba - tomra final koro. Amar ager thread 'rename' korba na notun thread khulba?
I am all for a fresh new thread in Bangladesh section as we all visit this section more regularly compared to photo and multimedia section.:bounce:

India Rank: 156
Bangladesh Rank: 170
Pakistan Rank: 171

We all suck. But you suck just a little more than us :woot:.
This is temporary,may be India played some football recently while Bangladesh participated none.Just few months ago I have seen our ranking is better than India and it was always the case.
wrestling is not a game popular in Bangladesh.

Dude please. Wrestling is very popular in BD. We dont have the perfect infrastructures thats why we couldnt produce any quality players. But when our home is properly organized we will see them coming. Just like the uprising in Cricket and Football

Historical Jobbarer Boli Khela

Dhaka body building competition
This is temporary,may be India played some football recently while Bangladesh participated none.Just few months ago I have seen our ranking is better than India and it was always the case.

The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking - Associations - India - Men's - FIFA.com

The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking - Associations - Bangladesh - Men's - FIFA.com

There have been a few spots here and there where Bangladesh was ranked higher than India. But generally India has been the higher ranked team as evidenced by the average rank since the ranking was created:

For India the average rank was 133

Bangladesh the average rank was 152.

Pakistan average rank was 169.

So your "ALWAYS THE CASE" assertion is again proved to be BS. Like a ton of the other garbage you are determined to keep posting.

Come on man, grow up. Why not have some humility and determination instead of brash bragging standing on a loose rackety box?
For wrestling to be popular and to play ...people should have relevant physique and strength ...one can't excel in wrestling or any other strength sports if he is 40 kg 3ft midget ....and i must say your olympic and commonwealth record is quite impressive for one of most populated country in the world.

i see two olympic medals in future Rowing (for boat people athlete) and pole vaulting since u unfit to excel in wrestling.

My dear jat-rat friend,wrestling is not a game popular in Bangladesh.We don't even have any tournament or infrastructure about it.Our popular game is football and cricket.We are best in football in south asia.And Indian performance in olympic is nothing but shameful for a country of 1.3 billion people.

I am all for a new fresh thread in Bangladesh defence section as we all visit this section regularly compared to photo and multimedia section.:victory:
i see two olympic medals in future Rowing (for boat people athlete) and pole vaulting since u unfit to excel in wrestling.

Uncalled for. You do not need to respond to his childishness with childishness of your own.

I thought you said you were done in this thread?
Dude please. Wrestling is very popular in BD. We dont have the perfect infrastructures thats why we couldnt produce any quality players. But when our home is properly organized we will see them coming. Just like the uprising in Cricket and Football

Historical Jobbarer Boli Khela

Dhaka body building competition
Yes we have wrestling but it nothing compared to other wrestling playing nation where it organised in even village level.All we have heard so far is Jobbarer boly khela but not that much.It is not played in Bangladesh at village or city level.There is no national tournament no infrastructure,nothing.So it can't be compared to India or other wrestling popular nation.

If you look at PWC list rankings, Not only are Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata FAR ahead of Dhaka by economic size. Cities like Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad are not too far behind. Their economic sizes are 88%, 85% and 75% of Dhaka Economic size (and mind you their total populations are much less than Dhaka).

These percentages only increase in the 2025 projection by PWC (suggesting faster economic growth in Indian cities predicted)...and even cities like Ahmedabad by 2025 is going to be 67% of Dhaka economic size....and Surat about 50%.

Your Chittagong is ranked below Jaipur, Kanpur and is just a touch above Lucknow....and you are saying Kolkata is like Chittagong. o_O


And now you are saying only Maharahstra is the only state comparable to Bangladesh GDP? :omghaha:

In 2014, Bangladesh had a total GDP of about 1.1 million crore INR. Maharashtra was about 1.4 times this amount (with a population only about 70% of Bangladesh).

Tamil Nadu was about 90% the GDP of Bangladesh GDP (population less than half of Bangladesh)
Uttar Pradesh was about 90% of Bangladesh GDP (population 1.3 times that of Bangladesh)
West Bengal was about 64% of GDP of Bangladesh (population about 60% of Bangladesh)
Gujarat was about 70% of GDP of Bangladesh (population about 40% of Bangladesh)

Even States like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka are significant portions of Bangladesh GDP (about 50% range)...and their populations are never more than 50% of Bangladesh (Karnataka is only 40%).

So dont ever go spouting off that Maharashtra is the only state who's GDP is "comparable" to Bangladesh.

You can check all these figures yourself:

List of Indian states by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reference: 185 billion USD GDP of Bangladesh in 2014 ~ 1.1 million crore INR in 2014.
Dude,Bangladesh GDP is in USD while indian state gdp in INR.What exchange rate you used to compare? Even if we accept Bangladesh gdp 1.1 million crore rupee,still your calculation is messed up.Maharastra has gdp 1.476 million crore rupee and Tamil nadu 0.85 million crore,which translate to 1.34 times for Maharastra(Near to BD) and 77 percent for Tamil nadu not 90 percent as you said.I guess other figures are also messed up.So give correct data please.
Dude,Bangladesh GDP is in USD while indian state gdp in INR.What exchange rate you used to compare? Even if we accept Bangladesh gdp 1.1 million crore rupee,still your calculation is messed up.Maharastra has gdp 1.476 million crore rupee and Tamil nadu 0.85 million crore,which translate to 1.34 times for Maharastra(Near to BD) and 77 percent for Tamil nadu not 90 percent as you said.I guess other figures are also messed up.So give correct data please.

Throughout 2014, Exchange rate between INR and USD was about 60:1. This is what I used.

The percentages depend on what column you classify as fiscal year "2014"....2013 - 2014 or 2014-2015.

Where the figures were available for 2014-2015, I used those, since this most closely corresponds to the time period IMF uses in its data, the 185 billion USD Bangladesh GDP estimate corresponds to this IMF fiscal year.

(Link number 6 at the bottom of wiki page - WEO Databse published in 2015 for 2014 - 2015 IMF fiscal year).

Where 2014-2015 data was not available for an Indian state GDP, I used 2013-2014 data and took the lower percentage.

You are right about MH/BD division, it should be 1.35 roughly, not 1.4....though it is probably 1.4 or more if there was data available for 2014-2015.

Anyways the point is even using one year difference in data (and thus giving smaller percentages for some of the Indian states than reality)....your assertion that only Maharashtra is comparable to Bangladesh GDP is invalid.
At all Bengalis from West Bengal, in this thread.. What are our other cities apart from Kolkata ? In fact, can we call them 'city' to be specific ?

Durgapur is quite a decent city, I will post some pics of Durgapur later. Durgapur-Asansol industrial belt still has some good industries. I think Tata should have built the Nano plant in Durgapur instead of Singur. Shiliguri is a major trading hub of north Bengal.

I also think compairing Dhaka with Kolkata is a bit unfair. Dhaka still is a half-village trying to become a city, I agree that they have managed to get one or two multiplexes and shopping malls, but so does a small town like Burdwan in West Bengal, and both Dhaka and Burdwan largely depend on thousands of cycle rickshaws for public transport. I think we should compare Dhaka with Burdwan, they differ only in size, nothing else!! :)

@Rain Man you are "ghoti" or "bangal"???? :azn::azn:

Bangal...! :D
Throughout 2014, Exchange rate between INR and USD was about 60:1. This is what I used.

The percentages depend on what column you classify as fiscal year "2014"....2013 - 2014 or 2014-2015.

Where the figures were available for 2014-2015, I used those, since this most closely corresponds to the time period IMF uses in its data, the 185 billion USD Bangladesh GDP estimate corresponds to this IMF fiscal year.

(Link number 6 at the bottom of wiki page - WEO Databse published in 2015 for 2014 - 2015 IMF fiscal year).

Where 2014-2015 data was not available for an Indian state GDP, I used 2013-2014 data and took the lower percentage.

You are right about MH/BD division, it should be 1.35 roughly, not 1.4....though it is probably 1.4 or more if there was data available for 2014-2015.

Anyways the point is even using one year difference in data (and thus giving smaller percentages for some of the Indian states than reality)....your assertion that only Maharashtra is comparable to Bangladesh GDP is invalid.
If we accept 1 usd= 60 rupee then BD GDP is 1.11 million crore INR not 1.1 million in 2014, as 100 billion INR is a lot to be left out in calculation.In that case indian state gdp ratio compared to BD would be even lower than I stated.

And if you use 2015 year for Indian state then should also use 2015 figure for BD which is 205 billion usd according to IMF(Actually 220 billion in reality).So my statement is correct that only Maharastra is comparable to BD which has 1.2/1.3 times of GDP of BD and other Indian states less then 75 percent,so not comparable.
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Yes we have wrestling but it nothing compared to other wrestling playing nation where it organised in even village level.All we have heard so far is Jobbarer boly khela but not that much.It is not played in Bangladesh at village or city level.There is no national tournament no infrastructure,nothing.So it can't be compared to India or other wrestling popular nation.

In the past our local boy from Comilla named Manohar Aich brought lots of fame to India. Who was just 4 feet 11 inches. Won Mr Universe title, won in Mr Hercules contest, won 3 times Asian games gold. We have rich history in body building and wrestling. We have to revive our tradition, what we lost during Pakistan times and afterwards.
Manohar Aich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Relevent topic. Bangladesh also has rich cricketing culture which started in 1870. Cricket was always more popular than Football. Dhaka college beaten Calcutta presidency in Eden Gardens, 1887.

If we accept 1 usd= 60 inr then BD GDP is 1.11 million crore INR not 1.1 million, as 100 billion INR is a lot to be left out.In that case indian state gdp ratio compared to BD would be even lower than I stated.

You are going to argue about a tiny percentage difference, fine. It is not going to change the overall picture.

100 billion INR is about 1.7 billion USD. This is a small tiny number when we are talking about GDP of large countries....even Bangladesh.

And if you use 2015 year for Indian state then should also use 2015 figure for BD which is 205 billion usd according to IMF(Actually 220 billion in reality).

I am not using 2015 Fiscal year data. That would correspond to 2015 - 2016 in Indian State GDP page...the column of which does not even exist. By 2014 - 2015, this corresponds to IMF fiscal data for 2014.

If you want 2015 data for Indian States you will have to wait. But as a rule of thumb according to IMF, Indian GDP growth prediction nominally was about 2.31/2.05 trillion USD = 1.126 or about 12.6% growth. So assuming roughly uniform growth across the large GDP Indian states, most of them will only improve their size with respect to Bangladesh which is expected to grow 205/185 billion USD = 1.108 = 10.8 % growth. So Indian states are pulling away overall compared to Bangladesh by almost 2 full percentage points on average....and Indian real growth is increasing and accelerating compared to Bangladesh which holds at a solid 6 - 6.5% lately.....so many more Indian states are going to easily surpass Bangladesh GDP in just a few years time and more are going to enter the 50%+ mark, 75% mark, 90% mark etc. (i.e comparable threshold). In fact I would bet Tamil Nadu will surpass Bangladesh economic size by 2016 or 2017 at the latest.

.So my statement is correct that only Maharastra is comparable to BD which has 1.2/1.3 times of GDP of BD and other Indian states less then 75 percent,so not comparable.

Wrong because you have completely misunderstood the fiscal year timeframe that IMF uses. 2014 corresponds to May 1st 2014 to April 30th 2015. This is where the 185 billion USD GDP for Bangladesh and 2.05 trillion USD GDP for India correspond to. 205 billion USD GDP and 2.3 trillion USD are estimates for the current ongoing fiscal year (May 1st 2015 to April 30th 2016).

Generally IMF publishes a report in October for a mid year estimate of an ongoing fiscal...and publishes one in April sometime for the upcoming fiscal estimate. The former was the one that gave the 185 billion, the latter gives the 205 billion number for B'desh GDP.

So the appropriate time frame to compare to Indian state GDP would be the 2014-2015 time frame. Indian fiscal year runs from April 1st to March 31st if I am not mistaken....so it corresponds very closely with IMF fiscal year (1 month difference - wont change the numbers that much).

So sorry to burst your bubble but Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh are indeed 90% of Bangladesh GDP and closing in on 100% fast (due to higher growth rate in India compared to Bangladesh currently).

IMF fiscal year: IMF Annual Reports List

he report reviews the IMF's activities and policies during the preceding financial year, ended April 30,

If you want to compare the Data of 2013 - 2014 Indian states GDP, IMF has published 161.7 billion USD for Bangladesh GDP that year (2013 IMF fiscal year).
Durgapur is quite a decent city, I will post some pics of Durgapur later. Durgapur-Asansol industrial belt still has some good industries. I think Tata should have built the Nano plant in Durgapur instead of Singur. Shiliguri is a major trading hub of north Bengal.

I also think compairing Dhaka with Kolkata is a bit unfair. Dhaka still is a half-village trying to become a city, I agree that they have managed to get one or two multiplexes and shopping malls, but so does a small town like Burdwan in West Bengal, and both Dhaka and Burdwan largely depend on thousands of cycle rickshaws for public transport. I think we should compare Dhaka with Burdwan, they differ only in size, nothing else!! :)
Only a few areas are there which are developed properly. Let's say having an airport is criteria for a city. So, we have Kolkata only. Bagdogra airport stays closed half of the time. Durgapur is a nice city, it is one of the planned cities of India.

But apart from that, there is not much worth mentioning in West Bengal. I wonder how it manages a 6% contribution to GDP. There is a lot of scope for development.
Only a few areas are there which are developed properly. Let's say having an airport is criteria for a city. So, we have Kolkata only. Bagdogra airport stays closed half of the time. Durgapur is a nice city, it is one of the planned cities of India.

But apart from that, there is not much worth mentioning in West Bengal. I wonder how it manages a 6% contribution to GDP. There is a lot of scope for development.

Durgapur has an airport now, a reasonably decent one!! :)
Only a few areas are there which are developed properly. Let's say having an airport is criteria for a city. So, we have Kolkata only. Bagdogra airport stays closed half of the time. Durgapur is a nice city, it is one of the planned cities of India.

But apart from that, there is not much worth mentioning in West Bengal. I wonder how it manages a 6% contribution to GDP. There is a lot of scope for development.

NOOOOOO bro...... bagdogra isnt closed half time... its fully functional round the year....
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