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Iran unveils Fateh-313 SRBM

All the previous generations of Fateh-110 SRBMs had a range of 300 km. The range and precision of Fateh-313 are quite similar to Russian Iskandar-M short-range ballistic missile.
The impact footage was quite devastating.



All the previous generations of Fateh-110 SRBMs had a range of 300 km. The range and precision of Fateh-313 are quite similar to Russian Iskandar-M short-range ballistic missile.
The impact footage was quite devastating.
The impact footage seemed 30-40 meter off the target . I think they rushed the missile just to satisfy the parliament members that have asked for some missile test.
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The impact footage seemed 30-40 meter if the target . I think they rushed the missile just to satisfy the parliament members that have asked for some missile test.

Answered this in another thread, you are the one assuming some random bulge in the picture was the target. You're acting as if it had "Target" written over it.
Answered this in another thread, you are the one assuming some random bulge in the picture was the target. You're acting as if it had "Target" written over it.
Answered you there. The missile was off target and there is no use denying it . Others can download the 720p video and judge it for themselves.
The impact footage seemed 30-40 meter off the target . I think they rushed the missile just to satisfy the parliament members that have asked for some missile test.
Correct me if i'm wrong , i don't see any target in the footage only ground where is the target you talking about ? and how you measure 30-40 meter off target ?
Correct me if i'm wrong , i don't see any target in the footage only ground where is the target you talking about ? and how you measure 30-40 meter off target ?
Neither do I, however, assuming that the camera knows the target location, it is logic to put it in the center of the view. That said, it is not a pinpoint hit at all.
Does the number 313 bring alot of luck with it in Persian culture? Because Qaher is 313, This is Fateh 313, and then there is Bavar 373.

Anyhow seems like a solid missile, but there is no point in having ballistic missiles without a nuclear program, they are too inaccurate to have any utility.
Improved with nano technology ... very powerful !!!

This is a high tech BM ...

Just one word...



Sorry for commenting in farsi

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خبر دوم از نسل جدید فاتح به اسم 313 (با یاد قاهر ناکام ) رونمایی کردند

موشک های بالستیک تمام سوخت رو قبل از رسیدن به نقطه اوج ( نیمه راه )تموم می کنند
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یک: دود سیاه پشت موشک قبل از برخورد نشون میده که موشک اندک زمانی پس از خاموش شدن موتور به هدف خورده و احتمالا فاصله بین هدف و نقطه پرتاب , تقریبا بیشتر از 150 کیلومتر نبوده

دو: زاویه کم و نزدیک به افق هنگام برخورد هم نشون میده که موشک در حداکثر برد خود , به هدف خورده

یعنی برد حداکثر تقریبی موشک , 150 یا کمی بیشتر است

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این نشون میده که حتی سنسور های دماغه موشک با استرس و ارتعاش بدنه کامپوزیتی جدید, کالیبره نبودند


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زاویه نزدیک 45 درجه برخود- موتور خاموش بدون دود - سنسور کالیبره با دقت بالا

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Does the number 313 bring alot of luck with it in Persian culture? Because Qaher is 313, This is Fateh 313, and then there is Bavar 373.

Anyhow seems like a solid missile, but there is no point in having ballistic missiles without a nuclear program, they are too inaccurate to have any utility.

Do you not bother doing a small research before making such foolish statements? Iranian ballistic missile are even used for anti ship purposes, according to you they're "inaccurate"? Iranian ballistic missiles are highly accurate.
Do you not bother doing a small research before making such foolish statements? Iranian ballistic missile are even used for anti ship purposes, according to you they're "inaccurate"? Iranian ballistic missiles are highly accurate.
Iran has no anti-ship ballistic missile. The only Anti-Ship Ballistic missile in existence is the Chinese DF-13, And even that missile is years away from actual deployment considering it will require a huge network of satellite and communication machines.

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