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Afghanistan warns of hot pursuit inside Pakistan

Enjoy, link here, excerpts below:

Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Office (CEO) has warned Pakistan that if it fails to dismantle terrorist sanctuaries, Afghanistan, with international help, will directly hit militant hideouts on the other side of the Durand Line..

He's going to "hot pursuit" with those soldiers who are high on Opium all the time? The rest of his country is under Taliban's rule. Shouldn't he dismantle their the training camps RAW put inside Afghanistan to conduct terrorist attacks inside Pakistan???? The deal is ONLY fair if all parties including India abandon support for terrorism. The world can't afford "good terrorists and bad terrorists" based on personal preferences.

That is hilarious man...Even Afghanistan also started talking..

You wonder why? This is really India talking and supporting. Don't look at the picture of a guy holding a microphone, read the "Made in India" script he's reading from.....

This is just talk.
I understand the need to take a strong stand but not when you can't really back it up. Committ from the ground level to remove any terrorism and try to co-operate with Pakistan and other international groups on this (U.S, Iran, India etc).
Carry out operations that would remove groups acting against Pak and their civilians and in-turn ask for the same from Pak. There has to be a give and take. Also, make it transparent to the U.N and the world.

If there are still problems well then.. I guess they are valid..

I'd give you a positive rating if I had the ability to. VERY balanced post. Thank you. Unlike other people with an Indian flag, you didn't just butcher the topic, every word you said makes sense. ALL parties, including India, have to fix other parties concerns so the peace can one day be established!!
Good for you Afghanistan !!! Finally found your b@lls . You need to give a tight slap to these bullies who have been killing your people for decades now.
Northern Alliance filled with Uzbeks, Tajiks etc is sitting in the govt. and controlling all the important positions there.

What else do you expect from these Indian boot lickers? Only hatred of Pakistan gurantees their money flow from India.

Offer more money to these drug warlords and they will even sell their ... you know....
I think we should not make any more mistakes by trusting the US-backed afghan regime under Ashraf Ghani. He and Karzai are both different ears of the same donkey.

I think we should not make any more mistakes by trusting the US-backed afghan regime under Ashraf Ghani. He and Karzai are both different ears of the same donkey.
Enjoy, link here, excerpts below:

Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Office (CEO) has warned Pakistan that if it fails to dismantle terrorist sanctuaries, Afghanistan, with international help, will directly hit militant hideouts on the other side of the Durand Line.

In an interview, CEO Cultural Advisor Sayed Aqa Hussain Fazel Sancharaki said that the Afghan National Unity Government (NUG)’s stance was clear towards neighboring countries, especially Pakistan.

“We often told Pakistan to demonstrate sincerity in fighting against terrorism otherwise Afghan Security Forces are capable of eliminating militants’ sanctuaries inside and outside the country. Afghan security forces would go and eliminate terrorists that posed a threat to our national security,” he said, adding that Afghanistan and the international community knew about terrorist training centers and hideouts.
Okay. Now I think we need to tell them to take it slow. :ashamed:
Northern Alliance filled with Uzbeks, Tajiks etc is sitting in the govt. and controlling all the important positions there.

What else do you expect from these Indian boot lickers? Only hatred of Pakistan gurantees their money flow from India.

Offer more money to these drug warlords and they will even sell their ... you know....
You forgot communists and the socialists. They are also on our payroll.


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Afghanistan it looks like seems to be involving international attention on this issue
Tell em to bring it on. And btw which international community are you talking about?? The one which was defeated in spite of so much technology at the hands of Taliban???
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