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Afghanistan warns of hot pursuit inside Pakistan


Jan 20, 2013
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Enjoy, link here, excerpts below:

Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Office (CEO) has warned Pakistan that if it fails to dismantle terrorist sanctuaries, Afghanistan, with international help, will directly hit militant hideouts on the other side of the Durand Line.

In an interview, CEO Cultural Advisor Sayed Aqa Hussain Fazel Sancharaki said that the Afghan National Unity Government (NUG)’s stance was clear towards neighboring countries, especially Pakistan.

“We often told Pakistan to demonstrate sincerity in fighting against terrorism otherwise Afghan Security Forces are capable of eliminating militants’ sanctuaries inside and outside the country. Afghan security forces would go and eliminate terrorists that posed a threat to our national security,” he said, adding that Afghanistan and the international community knew about terrorist training centers and hideouts.
Thanks OP for making my day,was having a very off day.
Literally fell off the chair laughing.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
These afghans are funny characters.

Yeah, Bring it on. You wont go back after your "Hot Pursuit".
India wanted to do it with a puffed up 56inchchest but they had to have a re-think. Who are you
You are taking them seriously?Whats wrong with you?They can't move inside their own country let alone to go some other country.
That is hilarious man...Even Afghanistan also started talking..
And While they are here they can also apply for an ID card a passport and enjoy some free medical treatment; can even build a house on any random green belt in islamabad; ignore court orders to leave..throw stones at police... call every human rights org in world... and have a side buissness running drugs guns and supporting terrorists....

Good plan....
Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Office (CEO) has warned Pakistan that if it fails to dismantle terrorist sanctuaries, Afghanistan, with international help, will directly hit militant hideouts on the other side of the Durand Line.
with international help :o: whaattt.. :what:
This is just talk.
I understand the need to take a strong stand but not when you can't really back it up. Committ from the ground level to remove any terrorism and try to co-operate with Pakistan and other international groups on this (U.S, Iran, India etc).
Carry out operations that would remove groups acting against Pak and their civilians and in-turn ask for the same from Pak. There has to be a give and take. Also, make it transparent to the U.N and the world.

If there are still problems well then.. I guess they are valid..

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