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Iran allows visa-free travel for citizens of 7 countries

does Iran still preserve the ancient remains of sumerian and babylonian civilization? or are they blasted away for the "paganism" like bamiyan budhdhas were done by the taliban?

Its a dream of mine to go the path of the human civilization and I hope to travel to Iran if the situation gets better.
these civilizatiions in iraq which you desroyed not in iran its too bad you cant visit the country that you ruined it
You troll against Iran in many threads.
Western music like rock, metall and rap are banned in Iran due to being crazy. I and many of my friends listen to rock music; for example linkin park is my favorite group but performing such as these musics in concerts in Iran are banned. (Meanwhile we have allowable rock music in Iran too)
Hairstyle of men is a bullshit lie. you can find many various hairstyles in streets and no one talk about this matter. If I say to my friends hairstyles are banned in Iran they will laugh.





Search this phrase 'پسران خوش تیپ ایرانی' on google you will get the result.

Also if women are not allowoed in men stadiums it is because some of men use obscene words between themselves which is proper for them but those words are not proper for the women.

Btw we are living in an Islamic country we can't have west standards.

Reason i said, perception matters alot(even more than reality at times). Your islamic leaders need to tone down their radical rhetorics and laws. You cant promulgate such backward/dark ages laws like preventing women from going to stadiums because you are 'scared' of men using obscene words among each other(that must be one of the funniest things i have heard.lol), much less bringing laws preventing men from having spiky hairs.lol even if some of these laws are not alwsys implemented. But it has a big effect on foreigners abroad(again perception) when they hear such news, which makes them rather keep their distance, becaude lets face it better safe than sorry. And there are over 200 countries in the world one can visit.

Plus no, i dont troll iran, i just make simple observations which i do for every country, be it Turkey, India, U.S, China, Russia, France, Japan etc. Reason many members here from differrent countries sometimes feel like im picking on them. Lol.

By the way, about your last statement when you said you are living in an islamic country so you cant have western standards. You are absolutely right/correct, i agree on this one. However, one thing that has always intrigued me is Why do most of you call your country islamic republic/state?? Dont you have christians, biddhists, jews, orthodox, other religions? :undecided: afterall, i have yet to see a Christian state/republic. :(
Reason i said, perception matters alot(even more than reality at times). Your islamic leaders need to tone down their radical rhetorics and laws. You cant promulgate such backward/dark ages laws like preventing women from going to stadiums because you are 'scared' of men using obscene words among each other(that must be one of the funniest things i have heard.lol), much less bringing laws preventing men from having spiky hairs.lol even if some of these laws are not alwsys implemented. But it has a big effect on foreigners abroad(again perception) when they hear such news, which makes them rather keep their distance, becaude lets face it better safe than sorry. And there are over 200 countries in the world one can visit.

Plus no, i dont troll iran, i just make simple observations which i do for every country, be it Turkey, India, U.S, China, Russia, France, Japan etc. Reason many members here from differrent countries sometimes feel like im picking on them. Lol.

By the way, about your last statement when you said you are living in an islamic country so you cant have western standards. You are absolutely right/correct, i agree on this one. However, one thing that has always intrigued me is Why do most of you call your country islamic republic/state?? Dont you have christians, biddhists, jews, orthodox, other religions? :undecided: afterall, i have yet to see a Christian state/republic. :(

Iran simply does not care to attract tourists, specially from West. Even, they prefer common westerner tourists not to come to Iran, because they will bring common western culture to Iran, which Iranian government opposes it. Then, of course, they don't care about "perceptions" about Iran, either. They don't even easily issue visa for westerners.
I think they should have also allowed in people without a visa from Japan, South Korea, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Norway and Austria.

Iran allows visa-free travel for citizens of 7 countries

Iran has revoked visa requirements for nationals of 7 countries as part of its plans to boost tourism industry in the country.

According to a report published by the Iranian media, citizens of Turkey, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bolivia, Egypt and Syria can travel to Iran without visa.

Under the new visa requirement regulations, citizens from these countries can stay in Iran without visa from 15 to 90 days.

Iranian authorities have already started studying a visa waiver program under which visa limitations for citizens of 60 countries around the globe will be lifted.

The program is seen as part of the country’s plans to develop its tourism industry.

Iran has attached considerable significance to its booming tourism industry in recent years.

The country is seen as one of the world’s top potential tourist destinations as it holds countless ancient sites.

Iran is home to 19 historic sites which have been inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List.

It has a diverse landscape and its tourism industry offers a myriad of recreational opportunities.

They range from hot mineral water showers in the northwest to hiking and skiing in the Alborz mountains to magnificent architectural sight-seeing in the center and beach holidays in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.

Apart from its glorious ancient sites, the country’s allure lies in its people’s reputation for hospitality.
Now Iranian money is been released and now they can easily invest in their own country and also in neighboring Pakistan-Afghanistan-Turkmenistan in terms of Roads, Railways and Power Plants.
I see,
whats the reason behind this?
I really have no idea . for ex. Egypt who we have ZERO diplomatic relations and our people have nothing in common - culturally speaking , but after all we're all humans - has visa free travel .

meanwhile for example Tajikistan which is literally Iran 2.0 has no such privilege . Pakistan too .

it's funny
But IRAN should invest in Oil and Gas pipeline for Pakistan and also to China and India via Pakistan and now allow Russia to invest in it.
India and Iran should give VoA/E-Visa status to each other. Visa free can come much later when the relationship is more confident and stable.

Now is the time for the already friendly relations to expand more.

Iranians are a civilized, intelligent people....it will be to both countries benefit if the relationship can mature especially on people - people level.
Iran allows visa-free with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Syria and Lebanon because it will be easier to send terrorist to those countries under the banner of "tourism". The reason why Armenia doesn't get it is because they are allies with Iran. Only friend and ally of Iran in the region in Armenia.
actually if you have a little IQ and the one who thanked your post @Full Moon show how stupid and donkey you are the other countries could also send spies and terrorists.

anyway why are you barking at each iranian thread it must they did something really bad to you that's why you keep bark all day:lol::lol:
Well i have been to quite a few countries in north africa and subshran africa never been to Iran though, been thinking about visting the country, but stil not made up my mind due to the new islamic laws the leaders keep bringing up. You never know what can happen to you.

However, judging by irans new leader pragmatism and him being a moderate, he seems to really want to change things in Iran for the best and open up/reform the country. So if i ever visit it will be because of his moderate policies, since i believe he can change Iran more than his predecessors.
But first he needs to repel laws like

Iran detains UK citizen over ban on women watching sports alongside men | World news | The Guardian

Iran bans 'homosexual' and 'devil worshipping' hairstyles | World news | The Guardian

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran president bans Western music

Notice that perception matters ALOT (sometimes even more than realitu.lol) in foreign affairs and even more so for tourism, once your reputation has been is bad, then forget about tourists visiting in droves. :)
My Pakistani-British friend... Your whole brain is misleaded and full of ugly stuff...

Iran has changed its governmental system to ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Iran some 3 and half decades ago... This means Iranian people are Muslim and like their beliefs to be the set standard of their community... This much freedom to choose what kind of community to live in is the first condition of being democratic and submissive to people's will...

According to our religion, gays and lesbians are not encouraged... Provocative Music is forbidden in Islam and this includes Persian and other musics too... We have an active music industry in Iran but it is modified to main Islamic rules of the country... We have classic (both Western and Iranians), Iranian Pop and Terrance as approved forms of music and these genres are all free to be performed in media and concerts and music stores...

Despite the laws, people of Iran, in taste are much like any other nation on earth... Most of Iranians listen to various genres inside their cars and homes... Many Iranians listen to Mozart while also many enjoy hard rock, metal, hip hop, ect...

Iranian youngsters are pretty active in rap, pop and somehow rock... Some of these bands are under ground and some are free to perform publicly...

In brief: Music laws in Iran are based on Islamic rules and as it is an islamic republic created by Muslim people of Iran some 4 decades ago..

gays and lesbians are banned in Islam... Of course not bisexuals or those who are clinically approved gays or lesbians or trans or bi... These medical conditions are treated the best in Iran and government help them a lot.

Hijab is also an Islamic rule and Iran is a Muslim nation and country... Not forgetting that Hijab is also a rule to follow in both Christians and Jews only if they choose to follow what their prophets brought to them originally.... People in west today and you in some lost nations, think that Hijab is something brought up to humanity by Muslims!! IF people in West don't follow their true religion it is their fault and all should salute IRanians for reviving this rule which is common among all Abrahamic religions...

The third issue about not letting women to cheer up in Stadiums, it is something new... Iranian women had no problem attending mixed-gender sport venues, until it became clear that male sport fans in Iran uses so many ugly, dishonorable words in their support for their teams and to challenge the opponent team... This is why, Iranian law makers decided to limit womens' presence in some mixed-gender venues... Other than this, women are very active in sports both playing and fanning... They have their own stuff going on...

Never forget that Iran is not interested in bringing SEx and Booze tourists to Iran... IRan used to be one of these before Islamic revolution... The main stream Iranians in majority prefer to have a cleaner moral environment... This is why Iran prefers to see funky Iranians spend their sex and booze vacations outside Iran... Mostly in Muslim countries of Turkey and Dubai and unbeliever brothers of South East Asia...

Iran is after respected tourists who are after different types of vacations... Iran is after tourists who travel to Iran to enjoy its breath-taking nature, its ancient history, its rich culture, and more importantly, tourists who are in fact pilgrims... Iran never welcomed lost guys like you to come to Iran to have sex and drink down to the dawn... So problem solved... You are never invited and welcomed...so you don't worry about Abrahamic religion's common rules Iranians decided to practice...!!

If you like to spend your time, money and morals on some prostitutes you are more than welcomed by Muslims countries of Turkey, UAE, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, etc... Please leave Iran for decent tourists...

In terms of safety, security, hospitality of the host nation, things to offer (nature, culture, religion, history, etc) Iran is one of the safest in whole world for tourists... in a region with almost all countries in it in chaos or daily terrorist bombings, Iran is a safe-haven for those who want to enjoy civilization and hospitality at once..

so, either you are gay or a female with sexual desires, or some female who comes to Iran to go to sport venues watching world volleyball championships, or Iranian leagues, you are more than welcomed to spend couple of week in Iran and clear your sick and manipulated brains with facts seen by your own eyes... other than this, please don't kososher about Iranian stuff while you don't have a clue about it.. People laugh at you my Pakistani-British friend...
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