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Why can't Pakistan develop like Japan?

Let's just get to the basic and there lies your answer. A county is only as good as it's citizens. Had OP worked with any Japaneses, he wouldn't have asked this question. Japaneses may not be super intelligent but they are hyper diligent and hard working. They build their country ground up working their *** off. How many of the SA countries can do that ? NONE.
If both nations grow at the same pace, Pakistan will have an easier time, simply due to a lower birth rate.
India now has a lower birth rate than Pakistan.

If both India and Pakistan grow at the same rate, India will have an easier time and show higher per capita gain because of lower TFR of India vis-a-vis Pakistan.
First, Pakistan needs to stop playing tug of war between politicians and military. Pakistan needs only one true leader, visionary, corruptless, open minded etc etc. its all possible.
Apples and oranges ok. But why jackfruit and banana ?? :o:.
Are you trolling pakistan flag members:P.
Pakistan can, and with the right amount of political capital , She will develop to the level of industrialized nations like say Japan, Germany, the US etc.


All and any challenges can be overcome. This applies to Pakistan's case especially.


Indeed all challenges can be overcome---but then you don't have to crawl into the abyss and then climb out.

To progress---the new govt needs to take the baton and keep moving ahead----but Pakistani politicians wants to start anew every time there is a change.

Musharraf left---Zardari cancelled all his progress and started all over---Nawaz comes in---he negates what Zardai did and starts again.

Things will only change if there is order in Pakistan and rule of law enforced----.

So---when will the cows come home---who knows.
Japan is THE most sophisticated nation in the world. Pakistan is one of the least sophisticated nation in the world. Even Australia don't hold a candle to Japan. Pakistan belongs to a different world altogether.
First off, I never said Pakistan would or should copy Japan's method, that would be terrible idea, all I'm talking about are results.

Next, population is a major issue. India has to cope with over a billion people, Pakistan only has to deal with a sixth of that. If both nations grow at the same pace, Pakistan will have an easier time, simply due to a lower birth rate. Pakistan also has a somewhat centralized system, where as India leaves a lot of economic policies to individual states.

Anyway, it's a huge topic, one that I'm not suited to discuss. I only know the very basics, so I can't elaborate any further. The main thing is tax collection, which has become a major issue in Pakistan. The next government (if not this) will guarantee increase the tax base and increase domestic revenue streams
so if you have everything better than India then why are you not growing faster than India

Development means Industrial Development

SO far Pakistan has developed ONLY in the TEXTILE sector
even textile sector is in pathetic shape in Pakistan
Japan has a huge advantage, that it does not share thousand+ km border with a country who is hell bound to destroy and destablize it.

Pakistan on the other hand is the major victim of Indian sponsored cross-border terrorism.

Add to that corruption in the society, lack of education and things get messy.


There are so many positive things going in Pakistan's favor at the moment, for example our resilience in the face of worst terrorism and major natural disastors in the last decade.

I am very sure, Pakistan will bounce back and will start developing like Korea in the next coming decades. Young educated population, increasing awareness against corruption, winning strategy against Indian sponsored terrorism and close cooperations with China, Russia, Turkey etc. are all positive signs.
Why can't Pakistan develop like Japan?

Because Pakistan has not been nuked yet...
Pakistan on the other hand is the major victim of Indian sponsored cross-border terrorism.

Add to that corruption in the society, lack of education and things get messy..

this is the answer why Pakistan can't be japan, they don't just blame all their mistake on neighbors and start spinning conspiracy theories for every ill in their country.

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