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Pakistan has the highest Cancer rate in Asia


Right you are---pesticides---chemicals and harmful ingredients added to the food----steroids in chicken and beef---plastic water bottles---stress of daily living are a terrible recipe for a healthy life style.
But in high demand market and keeping the price low, adopt high yield techniques......a reward of capitalism ....enjoy a remarkable profit ...there is no ethics in business world.
But in high demand market and keeping the price low, adopt high yield techniques......a reward of capitalism ....enjoy a remarkable profit ...there is no ethics in business world.

That is also modus operandi of the distributors in Pakistan that make fake drugs and add toxins in food products. That is causing death, diseases and cancer among the people. One young girl died in Karachi after eating tainted meat sandwich.

I am a doctor also, let us tag a another doctor here
The result of the study u state has many factors missing. Read the study then we will talk, the form of red meat taken, the red meat being organic, and the processed forms etc, hormones injected versus no hormones injected. Read more then the headlines.
Factors that modify breast cancer risk in women

excerpt from the link

A number of modifiable risk factors have been identified that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. These include the following:

Physical inactivity — While there is no direct evidence that inactivity is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, physical exercise appears to protect against breast cancer in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

Smoking — Both passive and active tobacco smoking have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, especially among premenopausal women. This risk is associated with early initiation, longer duration, and/or higher pack-years of smoking.


A number of dietary factors have been reported to increase the risk of breast cancer. Among them, alcohol intake has the strongest association to breast cancer incidence.

Alcohol — There appears to be a significant relationship between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer, which begins with alcohol intake as low as three drinks per week. The risk appears to increase with greater alcohol consumption and additive with the use of menopausal hormone therapy. There does not appear to be a difference by type of alcohol (wine versus beer versus liquor).

Dietary pattern — Some studies have shown that high consumption of a diet composed predominantly of fruits and vegetables resulted in a lower risk of breast cancer. There was no influence on the risk of breast cancer among women who reported a high intake of red/processed meats, refined grains, sweets, and high-fat dairy.

Dietary fat intake — An association between high intake of dietary fat and breast cancer has been seen in some studies, although the overall effect appears small.

Consumption of red meat — Eating more than five servings of red meat per week may be associated with an increased risk of hormone-positive premenopausal breast cancer.

another one
Red meat consumption and breast cancer risk | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

October 9, 2014 — Maryam S Farvid, a visiting scientist and Takemi fellowat Harvard School of Public Health, was first author on two recent studies that found that young women who ate higher amounts of red meat had a higher risk of breast cancer.

Q: How strong of a link did you find between eating red meat and increased breast cancer risk?

A: We found that women who ate the most red meat in adolescence or early adulthood had an increased risk of developing breast cancer later in life. One serving a day increment in red meat intake during adolescence was associated with a 22% higher risk of premenopausal breast cancer and each serving per day increment during early adulthood was associated with a 13% higher risk of breast cancer overall. Those who ate more poultry during the same period had a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

The whole point is vegetarian and poultry and fish based diet is considered quite better than red meat based ones. red meats are inherently bad compared to other food products.

1. There us no clear association of any type of cancer with consumption of red meat or any meat:
there are may not be clear cut relation betweer breast cancer and redmeat but there is between colon cancer and red meat. high fiber diets are considered protective and meats contains zero fibers. and according to recent studies red meat induces the production of a sugar called Neu5Gc.

Red Meat Increases Cancer Risk Through Immune Response

Researchers decided to focus on a single sugar molecule, called Neu5Gc, that has been found in high levels in cancerous tissues but isn’t produced by the human body – indicating that it comes from our diet. Neu5Gc is naturally produced in most mammals, but humans are the exception.

When researchers measured the amount of Neu5Gc in various foods, they found that red meat had especially high levels. Beef, bison, pork and lamb had the greatest amount of the sugar. Poultry, fish (with the exception of caviar), vegetables and fruits lacked Neu5Gc
I have yet to meet a human (not even Inuits) who exclusively lives on non-fibrous meat. Therefore I am not willing to buy the theory (unless proven with irrefutable statistical data) that consumption of red meat increases the risk of cancer.

Neu5Gc may be found in red meat but why humans belonging communities that mainly consume fish (that lacks Neu5Gc) also develop cancers?

The incidence of CRC is statistically lower among strict non-red meat eaters? No.
Consumption of red meat — Eating more than five servings of red meat per week may be associated with an increased risk of hormone-positive premenopausal breast cancer.
excessive red meat is part of the American diet, and there is an excess of everything. Obesity are more relevant with the number of servings because from the same link and I quote
. There was no influence on the risk of breast cancer among women who reported a high intake of red/processed meats, refined grains, sweets, and high-fat dairy.

October 9, 2014 — Maryam S Farvid, a visiting scientist and Takemi fellowat Harvard School of Public Health, was first author on two recent studies that found that young women who ate higher amounts of red meat had a higher risk of breast cancer.
These are the very studies that we were debating about. You have no wish to exchange views, you just want to argue for argument sake. The links above are same as the links which I posted a rebuttal for by the Oxford professor but apparently you do not wish to read, just argue away.
Learn the etiquettes of talking to others in the medical field, I studied every link you gave opening and going all the way to the original study and posting the rebuttal of a man known for his research. And you come with the same survey which was done by nurses with loop hole after loop hole. Make yourself feel better, but do not bring science in it.

I have yet to meet a human (not even Inuits) who exclusively lives on non-fibrous meat. Therefore I am not willing to buy the theory (unless proven with irrefutable statistical data) that consumption of red meat increases the risk of cancer.

Neu5Gc may be found in red meat but why humans belonging communities that mainly consume fish (that lacks Neu5Gc) also develop cancers?
"Diet is notoriously difficult to measure. The most reliable measure of meat consumption is whether or not people are vegetarian. Vegetarians do not have lower risks of breast cancer than non-vegetarians, further supporting other evidence that meat consumption is unlikely to play a major role in breast cancer."

@syedali73 please continue rebutting, I am sick of the reasoning given here, guess he needs a firmer reply.
@syedali73 please continue rebutting, I am sick of the reasoning given here, guess he needs a firmer reply.
There is no use of it. I already gave example of Inuits, whose staple diet is meat, whale, seal, fish etc. BTW, whale and seal are not white but red meat (both are mammals) yet the incidence of cancers in Inuits is not significantly higher compared to those who do not consume red meat.

Problem is, it is no longer about science, it is about religious beliefs. No amount of rebuttals are going to change it.
Dear All, i am sharing this message as Sadqa-e-Jariya !
One of my cousins had got cancer last year and that cancer reached to stage III. His treatment was started from Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital Lahore but he was not recovering properly, we were very tensed and did alot of prayers but he was in a same condition. Then some one told us about a hakeem who has cancer herbal medicine which kills any type of cancer in a few weeks. We contacted that hakeem and he sent us medicines for my cousin. Believe me after 3 weeks his cancer backed to stage I and after a week more there was NO Cancer in his test reports, i repeat there was NO CANCER AT ALL! Alhamdulillah. His name is Hakeem Asif & his contact number is +923129857785.If anyone have cancer then i suggest that person to contact with believe me his medicine are really a magic.
He can only be contacted through mobile phone. And please share this message as Sadqa-e-Jariya to help and save humans lives.

Dear All, i am sharing this message as Sadqa-e-Jariya !
One of my cousins had got cancer last year and that cancer reached to stage III. His treatment was started from Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital Lahore but he was not recovering properly, we were very tensed and did alot of prayers but he was in a same condition. Then some one told us about a hakeem who has cancer herbal medicine which kills any type of cancer in a few weeks. We contacted that hakeem and he sent us medicines for my cousin. Believe me after 3 weeks his cancer backed to stage I and after a week more there was NO Cancer in his test reports, i repeat there was NO CANCER AT ALL! Alhamdulillah. His name is Hakeem Asif & his contact number is +923129857785.If anyone have cancer then i suggest that person to contact with believe me his medicine are really a magic.
He can only be contacted through mobile phone. And please share this message as Sadqa-e-Jariya to help and save humans lives.

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