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Aik Din Geo K Saath with Maulvi Burka and his goons (Must watch).

I have watched lots of TTP videos and I know what their purpose and mentality is .

They consider Pakistani Fauz and politicians as Murtad (front line ally of Amerika), as they took money from America to install rid to government in FATA etc. and also wants to install Shariah law in Pakistan .. (Shariyat ya Shahadat) is their main slogan.

They think killing of Pakistani Murtad Fauj and the collateral damage as a result of it is allowed and completely Jaiz for achieving the bigger puspose (i.e Installation of Shariah in Pakistan).

Lal Masjid and Jameiya Hafza also tried to did this in 2007, when Lal Masjid Operation happened.

Now do you justify this??

Our Bralevi Ulema have given fatwa and that is sufficient answer. Fatwa is based on what information is given to the Mufti and on that basis an Islamic ruling is derived. I don't ''think'' even our Ulema know what is going on and now what you are saying is a contradiction on what we've been told.

I will pass on this new information to the Ulema!
Our Bralevi Ulema have given fatwa and that is sufficient answer. Fatwa is based on what information is given to the Mufti and on that basis an Islamic ruling is derived. I don't ''think'' even our Ulema know what is going on and now what you are saying is a contradiction on what we've been told.

I will pass on this new information to the Ulema!

Don't you have your own Brain?? Why don't you use it instead of relying on other Mullahs ?
@Azad-Kashmiri I hope you don't turn into a Jihadist bro.

It might be annoying for secularists and liberals to encounter people like me, as you may feel we don't use our brain. When every unqualified person starts to give opinions that is when you have extremists. You are not asking about an opinion of a car? You are asking us to 'stick our neck' out and give an opinion that ''if'' it turns out to be misleading can lead to the hell fire.

Most of you guys on here are patriots and love Pakistan and that is good, but know next to nothing about Islam. How eloquently people type with excellent command of English, and yet don't spend a little time on the Internet to learn their religion.

Having been on here for a short time, I've noticed people saying things, if only they knew the seriousness of their statements, it would lead a person to disbelief.

What I do know is there is NO jihad against Muslims. What ''shook'' me by what I've learnt is, why are they being fought because they want to live under Sharia? Why doesn't the Government allow this? To put it in another way, it is like someone stopping me from praying with a gun. Prayer is in the Quran, and Sharia is the Quran!
It might be annoying for secularists and liberals to encounter people like me, as you may feel we don't use our brain. When every unqualified person starts to give opinions that is when you have extremists. You are not asking about an opinion of a car? You are asking us to 'stick our neck' out and give an opinion that ''if'' it turns out to be misleading can lead to the hell fire.

Most of you guys on here are patriots and love Pakistan and that is good, but know next to nothing about Islam. How eloquently people type with excellent command of English, and yet don't spend a little time on the Internet to learn their religion.

Having been on here for a short time, I've noticed people saying things, if only they knew the seriousness of their statements, it would lead a person to disbelief.

What I do know is there is NO jihad against Muslims. What ''shook'' me by what I've learnt is, why are they being fought because they want to live under Sharia? Why doesn't the Government allow this? To put it in another way, it is like someone stopping me from praying with a gun. Prayer is in the Quran, and Sharia is the Quran!

NO!! Think you've mistaken them.

They don't just want to live under Shariah (nothing stopped them from doing so, they already had their Shariah in SWAT, Malakand etc.), thing is that they want to install Shariah Law in Pakistan (whole Pakistan including Islamabad) also they consider Pakistani Fauj as Murtad fauj (allys of West etc.) and have attacked them several times and killed civilians as a result.

Do you really think those who've killed 60,000 innocent Pakistanis and destroyed girls schools in NWFP and FATA etc. shot Malala ,killed 147 children in Peshawar, carried out attacks in Lahore,Islamabad,Karachi etc. have any moral credence? Wake up! bro.
So, burkha aunty has supporters/admirers on PDF as well. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Good one so we have a takfiri supporter here
I guess he was on the HAQ too when giving a fatwa that Pakistani soldiers who were killed in the tribal areas should not be given a Islamic funeral

He also refused to condemn the attack on schoolchildren.

But hey, he has a beard and wants sharia, so he can't be all that bad, can he? //sarcasm
Shakal se hi khabasat tapkti hai
Kartoot tou Sab ko hi Patta hain, 8th wonder of the world why he is not arrested yet and state giving her clean chit to run her terrorist business aka Lal worship place.
wow wow wow cool down here, execute them all? why? because you don't like their point of view? that is exactly what Taliban do, execute everyone who does not agree with them. so what be the difference? what is your moral ground to support such hardline stance? two wrongs don't make it right.

well do you want to win this fight ?
80 K deaths is not enough for you ?
what do you want ? another 5-6 mofo's from this Madarsas go to some school and kill our kids ?
and than we feel sad , show our anger ? f this f that ??
no dude ... its time to give them medicine , this mindset is dangerous .. they are teaching them Jihad , and he say he dont give a Shit about Pakistan's Constitution , so this is exactly what he is teaching the kids , these kids are future kamekaze man , you have to stop this now or never ... have you see the part where kids were saying which part they belong , most of them are From KPK and FATA , their parents leave them their because they can not feed them , they dont care for their kids either they become a jihadi or what ... they are easy recruitment for Organizations like ISIS, young fresh minds , ready to die for Allah ... they have been infested with this ideology .. you not just need to kill the big snakes, you need to completely eliminate the threat , once they are brain washed there is no coming back ...
my rule is simple , teach them lesson in the language they understand ... its better safe than sorry ..

Shakal se hi khabasat tapkti hai
Kartoot tou Sab ko hi Patta hain, eighth wonder of world why he is not arrested yet and state giving her clean chit to run her terrorist business aka Lal worship place.

He might be Asset for our Establishment, and once he go out of hands than it will become a Headache ...
What I do know is there is NO jihad against Muslims. What ''shook'' me by what I've learnt is, why are they being fought because they want to live under Sharia? Why doesn't the Government allow this? To put it in another way, it is like someone stopping me from praying with a gun. Prayer is in the Quran, and Sharia is the Quran!

Bro they are ignorant and confused and brainwashed mostly, they want Sharia that is based on mixture of their pashtunwali and Islam, and people asking for Sharia only have one motive i.e. control and money. If true sharia is implemented most of them won't be able to stand a trial and answer for their actions. In fact Pakistanis as a whole are a hypocrite people who raise slogans for Sharia, but in their real life don't even obey the simple traffic rules and they think they can live under sharia.

And FYI sharia for libtards starts with lashing and ends at stoning they have no other clue about sharia.

Edit: And people who think we can win this war by killing them all, are fools of the first water.
Bro they are ignorant and confused and brainwashed mostly, they want Sharia that is based on mixture of their pashtunwali and Islam, and people asking for Sharia only have one motive i.e. control and money. If true sharia is implemented most of them won't be able to stand a trial and answer for their actions. In fact Pakistanis as a whole are a hypocrite people who raise slogans for Sharia, but in their real life don't even obey the simple traffic rules and they think they can live under sharia.

And FYI sharia for libtards starts with lashing and ends at stoning they have no other clue about sharia.

I'm confused by them. Anyway, what we can agree is their methodology is wrong. I know when I'll ask the Mufti saab, I'll agree with him. Attacking the State only weakness us and opens us to invasion from the Mushrikoon.

And thank you for some clarification.
It's so disgusting to see media promoting such filthy scums to get some TRP.
Good one so we have a takfiri supporter here
I guess he was on the HAQ too when giving a fatwa that Pakistani soldiers who were killed in the tribal areas should not be given a Islamic funeral

No, I'm not a takfiri. However, your name calling doesn't bother me. I'm not familiar with his teachings and opinions.
well do you want to win this fight ?
80 K deaths is not enough for you ?
what do you want ? another 5-6 mofo's from this Madarsas go to some school and kill our kids ?
and than we feel sad , show our anger ? f this f that ??
no dude ... its time to give them medicine , this mindset is dangerous .. they are teaching them Jihad , and he say he dont give a Shit about Pakistan's Constitution , so this is exactly what he is teaching the kids , these kids are future kamekaze man , you have to stop this now or never ... have you see the part where kids were saying which part they belong , most of them are From KPK and FATA , their parents leave them their because they can not feed them , they dont care for their kids either they become a jihadi or what ... they are easy recruitment for Organizations like ISIS, young fresh minds , ready to die for Allah ... they have been infested with this ideology .. you not just need to kill the big snakes, you need to completely eliminate the threat , once they are brain washed there is no coming back ...
my rule is simple , teach them lesson in the language they understand ... its better safe than sorry ..

He might be Asset for our Establishment, and once he go out of hands than it will become a Headache ...
We never learn lessons from our history, every single passing day she producing eggs like movie Alien:scary:

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