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Total area of Pakistan


Apr 27, 2012
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My whole life, I have read that our country area is 790,095 km2 but Wikipedia say its 881,912 Km2 but it becomes 796,095 K2 after excluding Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. They both are part of Pakistan and our text books should teach students that Pakistan's total area is 881,912 Km2 and not 796,095 Km2.
View attachment 224690

My whole life, I have read that our country area is 790,095 km2 but Wikipedia say its 881,912 Km2 but it becomes 796,095 K2 after excluding Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. They both are part of Pakistan and our text books should teach students that Pakistan's total area is 881,912 Km2 and not 796,095 Km2.

Azad Kashmir is autonomous state, not exactly part of Pakistan as they don't elect any members to our National Assembly. It is just administered by federal Government of Pakistan through Karachi Agreement.
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My whole life, I have read that our country area is 790,095 km2 but Wikipedia say its 881,912 Km2 but it becomes 796,095 K2 after excluding Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. They both are part of Pakistan and our text books should teach students that Pakistan's total area is 881,912 Km2 and not 796,095 Km2.

Yep its 881,912Km2 with G-B and AJK included. But over all its even more including IoK which will become part of Pakistan soon.
Azad Kashmir is autonomous state, not exactly part of Pakistan as they don't elect any members to our National Assembly. It is just administered by federal Government of Pakistan through Karachi Agreement.
Ok, I will forget about Azad Kashmir, what about Gilgit-Baltistan?
i think this is new data after adding new claimed sea area of pakistan
and this new data is also included in new version of text books
Azad Kashmir is autonomous state, not exactly part of Pakistan as they don't elect any members to our National Assembly. It is just administered by federal Government of Pakistan through Karachi Agreement.

You are one stupid nepali, Azad kashmir is not province of Pakistan yet but its part of Pakistan because people voted in favor of Pakistan. Only IoK fate is yet to be decided.
i think this is new data after adding new claimed sea area of pakistan
and this new data is also included in new version of text books
no it is not...

It is the land area of Pakistan.
Yes, it's an autonomous stae, and it is part of Pakistan. We don't have Azad Kashmir passports, rather Paskistani.

but constitution of Pakistan does not recognize it that's what I am saying. Similarly with GB

You are one stupid nepali, Azad kashmir is not province of Pakistan yet but its part of Pakistan because people voted in favor of Pakistan. Only IoK fate is yet to be decided.

shut up
GB and AK are not considered as part of Pakistan constitutionally, neither they elect any national assembly members. But under karachi agreement, Azad Kashmiris can have Pakistani passport, so with the people from GB.
but constitution of Pakistan does not recognize it that's what I am saying. Similarly with GB

Mere bhai, I have not studied Constitutional Law and neither do I care what it says for some ''political'' reason. What I do know is facts/reality on the ground is, how WE Kashmiris view ourselves as PAKISTANI. Period! We are issued with PAKISTANI passports as we are part of the terrority of PAKISTAN. This is not some nationalistic jingolism, this is how WE view ourselves! We are not mahajir from India, my forefathers have ALWAYS lived in A.K!
Mere bhai, I have not studied Constitutional Law and neither do I care what it says for some ''political'' reason. What I do know is facts/reality on the ground is, how WE Kashmiris view ourselves as PAKISTANI. Period! We are issued with PAKISTANI passports as we are part of the terrority of PAKISTAN. This is not some nationalistic jingolism, this is how WE view ourselves! We are not mahajir from India, my forefathers have ALWAYS lived in A.K!

That is as per the karachi agreement, but due to the greater Kashmir conflict with India, Pakistan officially does not recognize GB and AK as integral part of Pakistan.
i think this is new data after adding new claimed sea area of pakistan
and this new data is also included in new version of text books

I am not sure EEZ of sea is considered in country's area .
View attachment 224690

My whole life, I have read that our country area is 790,095 km2 but Wikipedia say its 881,912 Km2 but it becomes 796,095 K2 after excluding Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. They both are part of Pakistan and our text books should teach students that Pakistan's total area is 881,912 Km2 and not 796,095 Km2.
You are right,

It tells about the standard of education in Pakistan where your geographical boundaries are not even taught properly. I remember in early classes you get to know that Pakistan's total land mass is 796,095 square kilometres without specifically mentioning the areas not included in Pakistan due to whatever reason. So this ambiguity led some of us to wrongly assume that it also includes Kashmir and the other territories governed by Pakistan. Pakistan's total area is breakdown as follows

Balochistan: 347,190
Punjab: 205,344
Sindh: 140,914
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: 74,521

Equals = 767,969

Now add
Islamabad Capital Territory: 906
FATA: 27,220

Equals = 796,095 square kilometres as widely published in the textbooks

Now add
Gilgit Baltistan: 72,971
Azad Kashmir: 13,297

Total: 882,363 or some sources shows it's 883,940 square kilometres if my memory is correct

If the claimed area of Jammu & Kashmir is counted then you can add another 101,387 square kilometres of area raising the total land area to 983,750. I am not sure if this area includes Aksai Chin or not, if yes then you may have to decrease few thousand square kilometres that Pakistan conceded to China and is a disputed territory between India and China.
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That is as per the karachi agreement, but due to the greater Kashmir conflict with India, Pakistan officially does not recognize GB and AK as integral part of Pakistan.

My constitution says:

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. (surah Al-Imran v.103)

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