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Should India resume cricket ties with Pakistan ?

  • Yeah ! let's play

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  • Nope! Not until peace at our border

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Optimos Prime IA

May 5, 2015
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PCB Chairman is in India trying to pacify BCCI to resume India vs Pakistan cricket ties . It has been a long day for the chairman who reached Kolkata last night where he had been made to wait for 6 hrs by Indian officials . Any way today during an interview to Headlines Today . He pressed for resuming India Pakistan Cricket matches. And signed MOU for 5 series to be played in next 8 years.

He said "Its all in the hands of PM Modi.As per the previous agreement signed between the two cricket board 1 st match to be played in Pakistan as a host country. I am also aware of security situation in Pakistan .Which is slowly getting better or to normal. So we have decided to play with India in different venue like Sharja" .

In the interview he also mentioned that its not just hope but its a possibility . And sent on to say that people in both countries want to see India vs Pakistan .In fact whole world want to see us playing.

This came in the backdrop of MoU signed between PCB and BCCI . Looks like Pakistan Cricket Board in serious financial trouble. This whole deal is been for revenues .Indian broadcasting industry also looking for this to happen as per Headlines today report.

What am thinking is the lobbying is all fine but why PCB is too desperate to play against India . Its an known fact that India completely ignored Pakistan for a while now . Is this an attempt to bring Pakistan into the picture . ? Am just saying . Or it might be to raise the morale of PCB and its players who in recent times is been going thru very hard time.

PCB chairman also asked for a meeting with Financial Minister Arun Jaitly . I personally think that this is just stupid girl India to sign MoU at this stage when we avoid Pakistan for a good reasonable cause .

What do you think guys ? Should we play Pakistan or NOT ? We don't face any financial problem . We are doing great with tons of revenues. We need some good gesture from Pakistan establishment especially at our borders.

Never the less India vs Pakistan will be a great entertainment . :D
You want to play politics with the 1 sport we are both good at? Indians. :disagree:
Theres only Pakistanis dying numbnuts and they still want to play cricket.

Just day before yesterday 1 infiltration attempt thwarted and 2 weapon story busted :disagree:

Game and politics should not be mixed but its for countries with peaceful relationship . India Pakistan realation is very different . Our jawans playing with their life at the border how can we start playing cricket and enjoy the game ? Why we should help Pakistan CB to earn money ? Let's play cricket and start diplomatic relations thing has failed . So let the relationship get stable then we will play :warning2:

Theres only Pakistanis dying numbnuts and they still want to play cricket.
Your men die because of the problem you created . Our men die because of mess you creating ... Do you see the difference here ? But sadly money hungry politicians , BCCI signed mou 5 series in 8 years .:o:

Lol grow up Indians...

Hello mister hold on . Tell this to your PCB chairman . Why you don't leave us alone ? :fie:
Just day before yesterday 1 infiltration attempt thwarted and 2 weapon story busted :disagree:

Game and politics should not be mixed but its for countries with peaceful relationship . India Pakistan realation is very different . Our jawans playing with their life at the border how can we start playing cricket and enjoy the game ? Why we should help Pakistan CB to earn money ? Let's play cricket and start diplomatic relations thing has failed . So let the relationship get stable then we will play :warning2:

Your men die because of the problem you created . Our men die because of mess you creating ... Do you see the difference here ? But sadly money hungry politicians , BCCI signed mou 5 series in 8 years .:o:

Hello mister hold on . Tell this to your PCB chairman . Why you don't leave us alone ? :fie:

You backwards little chimp cricket is bigger than your ego issues.
India :

You Attack us, we will not play cricket with you
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