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Modi: India Inc Losing Confidence

@Joe Shearer There was 2 guys fighting in this thread....... 1) wanted this thread to continue so that he can expose "Modi"... 2) The other wanted to derail this thread by hook or crook.......... Now you got involved and unknowingly helped the second guy to achieve his objective.......
I am an engineer in a well reputed firm and i never call others as dumb or act as a coward,as i came from a well reputed family.Nothing more to say..bye
@Joe Shearer There was 2 guys fighting in this thread....... 1) wanted this thread to continue so that he can expose "Modi"... 2) The other wanted to derail this thread by hook or crook.......... Now you got involved and unknowingly helped the second guy to achieve his objective.......

If he's doing a bad job on the economy we should show it in good light. Like a PR guy once said 'my job is to make my CEO's fart smell like sweet perfume'. The truth is not a whitewash or an 'opinion', it IS what it is.
If he's doing a bad job on the economy we should show it in good light. Like a PR guy once said 'my job is to make my CEO's fart smell like sweet perfume'. The truth is not a whitewash or an 'opinion', it IS what it is.

Nothing wrong in debating his economic policies and how indian economy is progressing.......But that need to be done with an open mind........
Some people come here with an agenda in mind, that creates all this bickering.
Nothing wrong in debating his economic policies and how indian economy is progressing.......But that need to be done with an open mind........

Yes, and the open mind is lacking when Harsh Mariwala, Parekh and several leading industrialists say 'nothing on ground' and people don't want to accept it. The dominating grand narrative is the myth of Modi's miracle management of the economy. You need an open mind to think the emperor has no clothes.

NOT ENOUGH. That's the point. You're target is 9%, not 6%.
oh you sad old man ... you are so used to people bending over backwards to acknowledge you age earned wisdom and now the new kid on the block busts your little shell bubble.

i live in the real world and display my bravado there, not on an internet forum like a slimy slug, who comes here to display his old world biases and secular insecurity. i am the young slick indian, confident about my country and its institutions to know that no one man or ideology can hijack it.

you on the other hand belong to the demographic of people who are so old that they should not even be allowed to vote because your senile decisions impact my generation and the next. the stupidity and insecurity of your ilk has already robbed my country of 7 decades, and stolen my own best years. I swear on my motherland that as long as I am alive, I will retort to paranoid fools like you, I will educate other harmless but naive fellow countrymen and stand along with true nationalists who understand both the senility of people like you and the malevolence / sinister plans of other nati-nationals.

Comprande Comrade?

I see that you are illiterate in several languages at once. Congratulations. It's comprendre, by the way, not the gobbledegook you produced.

I didn't notice anyone busting my little shell bubble, whatever that is, or whatever you think it means. I just notice a terribly immature sort full of piss and wind, and always ready to tilt at windmills, including those that exist only in his own mind. It is not a funny sight, only a saddening one, sad due to regret that even a silly kid should so waste his time.

If you lived in the real world, you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't be grovelling to be let in after getting banned, which is where we started. If you lived in the real world, biases and insecurity would be eliminated; you would learn how to get socialised, and how to get a life, and how not to cower in a corner and hide behind a keyboard. Just look at the time a young person (your projection) spends on this, and think of what his peers are doing at this time. That little factor shows people what a tragedy you are.

Your last paragraph definitely indicates a desperate need for professional help. You are Bangalore-based, I think?

Welcome to NIMHANS Home Page

@Joe Shearer There was 2 guys fighting in this thread....... 1) wanted this thread to continue so that he can expose "Modi"... 2) The other wanted to derail this thread by hook or crook.......... Now you got involved and unknowingly helped the second guy to achieve his objective.......
Don't worry, once I go back to the real world, the two can continue. What is important is that you should stay out. Do not preach false patriotism.
I see that you are illiterate in several languages at once. Congratulations. It's comprendre, by the way, not the gobbledegook you produced.

I didn't notice anyone busting my little shell bubble, whatever that is, or whatever you think it means. I just notice a terribly immature sort full of piss and wind, and always ready to tilt at windmills, including those that exist only in his own mind. It is not a funny sight, only a saddening one, sad due to regret that even a silly kid should so waste his time.

If you lived in the real world, you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't be grovelling to be let in after getting banned, which is where we started. If you lived in the real world, biases and insecurity would be eliminated; you would learn how to get socialised, and how to get a life, and how not to cower in a corner and hide behind a keyboard. Just look at the time a young person (your projection) spends on this, and think of what his peers are doing at this time. That little factor shows people what a tragedy you are.

Your last paragraph definitely indicates a desperate need for professional help. You are Bangalore-based, I think?

Welcome to NIMHANS Home Page

Don't worry, once I go back to the real world, the two can continue. What is important is that you should stay out. Do not preach false patriotism.

He's convicned he's 'bursting bubble', putting people in place and so on. He's like a rash that refuses to go away. Just ignore him.
Yes, and the open mind is lacking when Harsh Mariwala, Parekh and several leading industrialists say 'nothing on ground' and people don't want to accept it. The dominating grand narrative is the myth of Modi's miracle management of the economy. You need an open mind to think the emperor has no clothes.

I agree that Modi came to power by creating lot of hype around him...... But let us be realistic that he does not hold a magic wand....and economy cant be corrected over night( over night here could be a year or so)......

I happened to listen to my chairman (who is a big and reputed industrialist) and also from the Business planner, they were upbeat on the economic scenario for this year...... They also mentioned to growth to be on 6.5 to 7 range (old method of calculation)...... I dont think our economy is going that bad, not going great either.... But the momentum is positive......
sorry saar ... no englis? get lost you college kid. come back when you have a drivers licence. dont even try to engage in a conversation with me.

@nair is this Indrani the radical grandma? Well well well, that would explain a lot. GRANDMA IS THIS REALLY YOU GRANDMA!!!!! :rofl::rofl::lol::lol:
I see that you are illiterate in several languages at once. Congratulations. It's comprendre, by the way, not the gobbledegook you produced.

I didn't notice anyone busting my little shell bubble, whatever that is, or whatever you think it means. I just notice a terribly immature sort full of piss and wind, and always ready to tilt at windmills, including those that exist only in his own mind. It is not a funny sight, only a saddening one, sad due to regret that even a silly kid should so waste his time.

If you lived in the real world, you wouldn't be here, and you wouldn't be grovelling to be let in after getting banned, which is where we started. If you lived in the real world, biases and insecurity would be eliminated; you would learn how to get socialised, and how to get a life, and how not to cower in a corner and hide behind a keyboard. Just look at the time a young person (your projection) spends on this, and think of what his peers are doing at this time. That little factor shows people what a tragedy you are.

Your last paragraph definitely indicates a desperate need for professional help. You are Bangalore-based, I think?

Welcome to NIMHANS Home Page

Old Man ... You the one grovelling ... on spanish spelling ... you got what I meant.

Now about the banned thingy ...

I am not here for a reputation of thousands of posts or hundreds of thanks or some irrelevant titles that allow you to judge others. I am here for the sole purpose of making anti national scum like you squirm with hatred. Admit it, right now, if you could, you'd murder me. I am as of now, pushing your BP up by at least a couple of points. Enjoy it. Old man.

Like I said earlier ... the rest of your post I will mark down to senility. I too have an octogenarian at home. I feel you, ol bag of bones.
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