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Chinese Court Jailed A Couple For Following Islamic Basics

veil, i don't know, but burqa is from iran region like i have been telling the sanghis on this thread.

The full face covering came from Arabia due to harsh desert weather. Probably in Iran too they wore similar things in deserts.
India has a lot to learn from China.

I support Chinese in this.

Are you kidding me? You are supporting a 6 year old prison sentence for growing a beard and 2 years for wearing a veil?

Is this your blind hatred exposed or a bad April fools joke?
The full face covering came from Arabia due to harsh desert weather. Probably in Iran too they wore similar things in deserts.

below are touareg ( tawarig ) man and ladies from the sahara desert nations... sahara is lot more harsher than arabia...





( wow... i like the one on the right and the two above photos. )

note that the men too wear "veils" ( as you said, for the desert weather )... i want to wear the face clothing that the man is wearing... and the ladies have cloth which can be drawn on the face.

the makkah/madinah/hijaz etc region ( that which constitutes saudia now ) also have such clothing in older times for travel into desert, but with some variation...




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Interestingly I cant see an massive outcry from our friends about the mistreatment of Muslims....

Hypocrisy much? :rolleyes:
Are you kidding me? You are supporting a 6 year old prison sentence for growing a beard and 2 years for wearing a veil?

Is this your blind hatred exposed or a bad April fools joke?

I was being sarcastic dude.
Really? Putting somebody behind bars for 6 years?

Thats disgustingly inhumane

below is asiya andrabi, leader of burqa organization "dukhtaran e millat" from the state of jammu and kashmir... she is free under indian government rules to spread regressiveness among muslims... in former iraq or libya, she would have been shot or jailed...


she is what will happen to prc if the government there doesn't taken steps.
I was being sarcastic dude.

OOps alright then :D

below is asiya andrabi, leader of burqa organization "dukhtaran e millat" from the state of jammu and kashmir... she is free under indian government rules to spread regressiveness among muslims... in former iraq or libya, she would have been shot or jailed...


she is what will happen to prc if the government there doesn't taken steps.

I am also against Burqas and the mentality they promote.... but 2 years in jail is ridiculous to say it in a nice way
Warnings for first time offenders, then fines, social work and if all that does not help jail terms for some weeks or months but not for years!

actually, china should have done that long back... at present, the indian tableeghi-jamaat-derived hizb-ut-tahrir ( transnational group ) is doing great damage in china, russia and central asia...


please note that in australia, hizb is legal... western intel. agencies promote such groups into socialism-guided societies, as always... for the gentle purposes of regime-change, of course.

post reported.

my first para was on topic... my second para was a logical response to your nonsense.

Report all you want bozo. Your mental gymnastics serves two purposes at once. It makes you feel good about the regressive practices in your religion which like every two bit islamist you consider superior and you get to bash india that you hate because of your same retarded religious beliefs.

We can see that you hateful bigot.

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