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Irfan Baloch - Senior Mod

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Congrats IRfan

God luck to this endeavour look forward to you working well.
Congrats! Good decision.
Welcome Back!!!!
Great decision.

One of the most valuable member.

Congrats and listen for the distress calls and act rapidly.
Welcome @Irfan Baloch as the senior mod of the PDF team. Irfan has agreed to help PDF once again after a break.

He will be an asset as a poster and keeping the threads on topic.


Really a very good choice. He is among some very good people on PDF to do this Job.

Well come @Irfan Baloch bhai as a moderator.
worth it...i always wondered why such deserving people are never made TTS and mods instead of some maniacs , congrats irfan sir you deserved it.

good decision pdf management.
Welcome @Irfan Baloch as the senior mod of the PDF team. Irfan has agreed to help PDF once again after a break.

He will be an asset as a poster and keeping the threads on topic.

thanks Webby and the team
experienced members remember me already from few years back.
so not much will change.

there is no personal grudge or ill will to any member of any race, religion, nationality and erm life style
remind me if you think you are treated unfairly by myself. just few points to note.

Please Engage in constructive, meaningful debate with me as usual without fear

If I am engaged in an argument with anyone then I am doing as a regular member. I would only remove a post if it violates our general rules.

Please use appropriate section thread to bring up general moderating or rating issues if you are not happy instead of tagging me.

I repeat once again, please be assured that I don’t have any list of members to “get back at”. Cough ;)

I believe in 80-20 rule I am not here to appease everyone so bear with me
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