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Egypt, Pakistan join military campaign against Houthis

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No parliamentary debate. No directive from PM or president. COAS decided first, then PM followed through with a meeting.

Pakistanis, please stop thinking you've got a real democracy rather than a sham one.

It is the results that matters ; the PROCESS does not count

The due process is for countries where civilian supremacy is assured and certain
like US -- India -- Israel and European countries
this is going to P!ss Iranian Off to the core , Pakistan share the border with them , but not with any of our Sunni so called brother nation ... what a Bad luck ...
Iran and Pakistan share same security concerns vis a vis Balochistan so they will work together and not antagonise each other. Iran is not involved directly in Yemen as much it is in Iraq where its presence has had a stabilising impact on Baghdadi government and halted the death march of the ISIS.

bad luck is that our support to Saudis wont be seen as "highly" by our "Sunni" brothern as much as it will be seen badly by the Iranians
What response? They couldnt give a damn response to a country like Afghanistan which resulted in thousands of our deaths, yet they want to continue fighting for Saudis and give a strong response. Indeed we are a gun for hire. Oscar theak he kheta ha every one is sold out and all the generals know is doing files from here to there.
Iran can be a massive....massive pain in the neck for us - Don't forget that.

They maybe ruled by the clergy but their Ayatollahs don't have saw-dust in their brains.

So unless we want a repeat of Shia sectarian outfits operating in Pakistan like it happened after the '79 Revolution - We should think long and hard about what course of action we ought to take.

Are you saying Pakistani shias cannot think for themselves and do not value their lives?
it's Sunni Vs. Shia.

a sectarian war seems very likely now.
Right when we were in the midst of stabilization....this turns up !!

I find ourselves getting sandwiched......point to be considered is that we are immediate neighbors to Iran

right now what I'm hoping for is having a bigger muscle than Iran
Look at this stupid Ganja ranting about Saudi Arabia. This bast**** will never speak for his countrymen like he squeeks for Saudis.
@Green Arrow Why only Army Chief General Raheel Sharif is sitting equivalent to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ?
Do army and government share equal powers or the army is controlled by government in Pakistan?

Because Pakistani army will be sent to Saudi Arabia if a conflict arises? I think the heads of the institution will have some sort of decision-making powers when their institution is likely to be directly involved.
Pakistan is once again taking sides when it should have remained neutral.
yes i think we are divided on this issue my view is that we should defend the Holly cities this is our obligation to do so ... but difference of opinion is always good .....
Iran didn't allowed Solo Turk to pass through their sky and perform in Pakistan.
And now Pakistan is taking revenge by supporting Arabs against Iran :D
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