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Reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

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Iqbal never advocated the Pakistan scheme. Here is the link of his 1930 speech to the ML session and he clearly spells out his vision of a muslim majority state within the Indian union. States that would have common defence and foreign policy. A NW state that would be an ally and defend the frontier against aggression to the mainland India. Unfortunately his vision was never fulfilled. Please go through his entire speech which is a must read if you want to understand what Iqbal was articulating for Indian muslims and what he felt about India as a whole.
Sir Muhammad Iqbal’s 1930 Presidential Address

There is no doubt that muslims as a whole were politically and economically a weaker community. But at the same time, muslims as a whole were just as poor as the majority of non muslims. The literacy rate of the whole of India was around 9% which was more or less the same as muslims as well. Infact, more muslims were represented in the British Indian army mainly from the NWFP and Punjab than non-muslims (around 55%).

Besides, we had non-muslims rulers like the Sikh kingdom in Punjab, the Dogras in Kashmir, the Marathas in central India and Tranvacore ruled by hindu kings in south India among others which were quite powerful on their own. These groups never claimed their ruler ship just on religious basis but tried their utmost to take care of all religious communities under their rule and form alliances irrespective of religion. Be it the Marathas or the Mughals.

Infact the first was of independence in 1857 was a classic example of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims revolting against the British under a single banner of Bahadur Shah Zafar. Ironically it was a muslim minister who ended up betraying his troop positions to the British as a traitor.
So religious affinity was not a political problem as such until it was made paramount by the various events. Infact, it was only after the British census post the 1857 that the majority-minority concept was started as was the martial races theory expounded since it was mainly "loyal" soldiers from NWFP and Punjab that helped put down the revolt.

In the words of the Maulana Azad, partition was a politically incorrect solution to a political problem.

Whatever it is... I don't want to unite with India even if it becomes 100% Muslim... As a Potohari, I feel more in common with Pushtuns and Punjabis... than someone like a Hyderabadi Muslim like YOU.. We have a large hyderabadi muslim community in Minnesota, and I don't associate myself with them in anyway ...
I have seen that many hyderabadi Muslims claim Pushtun ancestry.. but except for a handful... they look nothing like Pashtuns...
And as i said... Pakistan was created by elite Indian Muslims.. they created it and then forced their language "Urdu" on all Pakistanis which infact is not native language of any of the ethnic groups of Pakistan except for the 8% who migrated from India...
Please don't compare us with Israel.... Unlike Israel... Muslims of North Western Provinces are NATIVE to their lands (not imported from Russia or Germany) and were in majority (only those areas were given to Pakistan where muslims were >80%) and are living there for thousand of years... so it is for us to decide whatever we want to do with our lands..

The pre-1967 borders under the UN resolutions consisted of Jewish majority areas based on 1931 census so these were Jews residing in Palestine from the beginning. The heavy migration happened post 1940s and 1950s. So the original borders were actually based on local Jewish populations. The only difference was that although Jews made up ~67% of Jerusalem, it was to be considered a shared capital under UN or shared mandate of Israel and Palestine.

Having said that the partition movement was started by elite Indian Muslims and Bengalies for the most part... (not people from North Western state who already had a muslim majority and were not threatened by Hindus)... last time i checked both Jinnah and Gandhi were from Indian Gujarat.. am i right?

Agreed, in fact NWFP had a Congress ministry in the 1946 elections while Punjab had a Unionist ministry. Only Sindh had a ML ministry and that too because the European member had joined the ML so they formed the ministry by just one member. Bengal on the other hand had a clear ML majority in 1946.
Everyone is better off where they are Abi, you can't know or understand this. Our ancestors wouldn't have paid this big of a price had t not been worth it. Try looking at all the brutalities committed during independence, you'll know how divided and different from eachother we really were.. This isn't something you can understand as a bystander.

Edit: sorry for the typos, still getting used to this dam iPhone
The pre-1967 borders under the UN resolutions consisted of Jewish majority areas based on 1931 census so these were Jews residing in Palestine from the beginning. The heavy migration happened post 1940s and 1950s. So the original borders were actually based on local Jewish populations. The only difference was that although Jews made up ~67% of Jerusalem, it was to be considered a shared capital under UN or shared mandate of Israel and Palestine.

Good. Pakistan should accept Israel. I have met lots of Jews in USA and each and everyone of them was nice with me... Why should Pakistanis support Arabs? They haven't supported Pakistan on any issue including Kashmir issue.. actually many Arab countries have better relations with India as compared to Pakistan... :D

I have never said that Pakistan should reunite. Infact, I don't think it would be feasible or worthwile now anyways, but its important to know the facts. What did Iqbal really want? When we have the documents availble, why not read the source instead of base our understanding on hearsays.

And for the record I don't claim Pashtun ancestry either. And I have no problem associating with Pakistanis, along with Arabs, Australians and Bangladeshi e.t.c. muslims or non-muslims.

I have never said that Pakistan should reunite. Infact, I don't think it would be feasible or worthwile now anyways, but its important to know the facts. What did Iqbal really want? When we have the documents availble, why not read the source instead of base our understanding on hearsays.

And for the record I don't claim Pashtun ancestry either. And I have no problem associating with Pakistanis, along with Arabs, Australians and Bangladeshi e.t.c. muslims or non-muslims.

You don't... but many Hyderbadi muslims do and I am talking this from personal experience. That the Nizam of Hyderabad-Deccan had Pashtun soldiers in his Army... blah blah... As we care... :partay:

I have never said that Pakistan should reunite. Infact, I don't think it would be feasible or worthwile now anyways, but its important to know the facts. What did Iqbal really want? When we have the documents availble, why not read the source instead of base our understanding on hearsays.

And for the record I don't claim Pashtun ancestry either. And I have no problem associating with Pakistanis, along with Arabs, Australians and Bangladeshi e.t.c. muslims or non-muslims.

See.. thats what makes us all unique.. I don't like to associate myself with any of the groups who are malicious and hateful...
unless until we did not remove hate from our heart

well divided and rule worked for white man and still we are fighting

well we were happy before 1947 but few selfish i will say selfish peoples destroyed brotherhood

can any one tell me reason of Pakistan if you are saying Muslim nation then just think how and why Muslim are living happily in India

how many's Muslim asked for Pakistan very few in 1947 and lager number of Muslim are living here in India even more then Pakistan
Its kinda funny that its our fellow Iranian dude that is more interested in SouthAsian reunification while we, the south asians, dont give a damn about it. Those days are long over, its time to move on folks. People are talking about reunification and stuff as if they have done a lot with the land they already pocess.
You don't... but many Hyderbadi muslims do and I am talking this from personal experience. That the Nizam of Hyderabad-Deccan had Pashtun soldiers in his Army... blah blah... As we care... :partay:

Well that is true. There were a large number of Pashtoon soldiers among the MArathas as well. Infact the chief naval officer was a Pathan. The same with the Nizam. He also had a large number of Yemeni origin soldiers as well known as Hadramouti. There is a place called Barkas (Barracks) in Hyderabad where these people settled down. Ofcourse with generations of intermarriage and intermingling they don't speak arabic or pashto anymore. Similarly a large number of Iranians and Turkish elites settled in Hyderbad and many of the wives including the last wife of the Nizam were Turkish princesses.

But of course being muslims and believing in Islam, I hope you realize that ancestry and ethnicity does not mater. What matters is who is righteous. You could have the highest of ancestry and if you don't do good deeds, there is no value. And you could be of the lowest social strata but because of your good deeds you are better than all the others. Just like Bilal RA - a slave of African origin has much higher status than many other arabs who were of higher social, ethnic and tribal lineage than him.

And I'm not sure if you implied this but neither me nor Hyderbadis as a whole are "malicious" or "hateful", although we can get a bit loud at times. :)
unless until we did not remove hate from our heart

well divided and rule worked for white man and still we are fighting

well we were happy before 1947 but few selfish i will say selfish peoples destroyed brotherhood

can any one tell me reason of Pakistan if you are saying Muslim nation then just think how and why Muslim are living happily in India

how many's Muslim asked for Pakistan very few in 1947 and lager number of Muslim are living here in India even more then Pakistan

Simple we didn't want to be a minority, the Muslims who live in India can be happy being whatever they are.. We wanted a country where we made the rules according to our religion, where we lived freely as Muslims and Pakistanis.. Where we had a identity
But of course being muslims and believing in Islam, I hope you realize that ancestry and ethnicity does not mater. What matters is who is righteous.

Yeah! But please next time try explaining this to your Hyderabadi muslim community.. they just repeat the same thing over and over :D:D It shows that somehow they feel inferior to Punjabis, Pushtuns and Kashmiris and have to tell us again and again that somehow they are linked with us... :D

As I said, I don't care if they have Pashtun ancestry or "Alien" ancestry... :rofl:

And for your information Punjab, NWFP and Kashmir have some of the best looking girls in the entire sub-continent... Next time check the Bollywood actresses/actors from 1940s-1990's and many if not most were Punjabis... Now please don't start another argument on how "beautiful" Hyderabadis are... as i said I don't care...

I am proud of what I am, you should be too ... :D:lol:
Lol @ all the idiots on this forum that are saying that Pakistanis are Iranic or Arab or some ****. We're desis, and we should be proud of that fact.

how many's Muslim asked for Pakistan very few in 1947 and lager number of Muslim are living here in India even more then Pakistan


2/3 of Indian muslims moved to Pakistan after partition. And Pakistan, to this day, has the larger population of Muslims.

Nice try though.
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