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Pakistan Wants 'Battlefield' Nukes, against Indian Troops

did read Indian policy against Nukes.Just Read First:coffee::coffee:

I believe it says, when one of Hindutva soldier radio from front lines, that he was injured by a shrapnel from nuclear grenade, or his Russian tank has just been hit by nuclear mortar, etc. then you shall retaliate with US nukes 'made inside India'!.
our stance is pretty simple n very clear,,,,,no first use..massive retalliation.
u expect not to get nuked by us after using ur "tactical" nukes....:D
so if u r gonna use nukes first n pave way for Mad thn better do it with a huge payload,,,taki hum retalliation ke liye na bache,,,,,,yeh tattu nukes se koi fayeda nai....
u just wasted a lot of money developing anda...
Bhai they Can't create proper infrastructure or transport to their People they Talking of Making Nukes :lol::lol:

I believe it says, when one of Hindutva soldier radio from front lines, that he was injured by a shrapnel from nuclear grenade, or his Russian tank has just been hit by nuclear mortar, etc. then you shall retaliate with US nukes 'made inside India'!.
best of luck:tup::tup:
u just wasted a lot of money developing anda...
This is why, modi was only negotiating nuclear technology with Barak Hussein Obama?

Bhai they Can't create proper infrastructure or transport to their People they Talking of Making Nukes :lol::lol:

It is US intelligence report.... we are only replying stupid Indian remarks.
You have no idea.. what you are talking about!
It was just hoolywood movies...
You piece of...!! Ok.. you know what? Please do this, Break the door into the shower while your mom is in there and ask her "Did you drop me on the head as a kid". Will you do that for me please brother?
India already posses Enough to deter Pakistan Small fission based WMD
what's the big fuss than? why is US reporting it as something bigger than Pakistan's conventional nuclear capabilities, which are anyway touted to be FAR superior in comparison to Indians.
Why is it then, whomsoever Indian PMs ever met, they talk of technology transfer of building / delivering nukes?
Now, modi is asking for transfer of nuclear hardware, but without following the IAEA rules.
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Pakistan's conventional nuclear capabilities, which are anyway touted to be FAR superior in comparison to Indians.
where it stated that please give source As for Tactical nukes india already posses it and tested it in 1998 tests
Tactical nukes can take out all indian airbasis and hopefully all nuclear sites in a single strike wothout destroying cities....
Plan would be not to leave enough intact to launch a massive counter strike...

Your plan sucks because the counte nukes strike will end your civilization

As i said, previously such technology was only conceptual, and was limited to hollywood movies.

Technically, energy released from tactical nukes, does not qualify as a nuclear strike.

Pakistan's conventional weapons can dent Hindutva army as much with conventional ways, but it is wise for Pakistan to conclude, any full blown war swiftly, to save more civilian lives, which would be lost otherwise, in conventional response.
Concluding war with nil to minimum loss of civilian lives, is objective of Pakistan army and there should be no doubt about it.
At the same time, Pakistan's nukes are under political and international control, hence we cannot use them against India.
In short.. there are many compelling reasons, that Pakistan army will use its tactical weapons without giving a second thought.
However, in case of war Hindutva army would cry for a nuclear attack, even Pakistan use conventional 500kg bomb. or some gravity missile on Hindutva warships.

Wrong. You are incorrect again! Such weapons were developed and fielded by the US, USSR, French, UK and China in the past. Nothing to do with conceptual and Hollywood. I am referring to actual weapons in real time.

"Hindutva" army? Now I clearly understand your IQ and caliber.

If the average Pakistani thinks like you, then your country is in a deep mess.

I guarantee a tactical nuclear response by Pakistan on Indian forces would invite a response from India that would mean the end of civilization in Pakistan. it would become a nuclear wasteland. It's not a dream or my imagination, it is the reality. Your claim about the energy released not qualifying it as a nuclear strike sounds great on paper only. A nuke is a nuke, did you overlook the radioactivity? The nuclear bomb TNT yield dropped on Japan in 1945 has been surpassed by tactical nukes because they come in different sizes. I can assure you that India will not sit and be quiet.

India has no need to ever enter Pakistan but the use of terrorism s going to evoke a certain response in the near future. The world has changed and the support to terrorism is viewed in very different light than it was 2-3 decades ago.

Tactical nuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bottomline, India will survive...Pakistan will be erased from this planet. It will cease to exist. Think about that.
Once war breaks out, all targets are fair game for Nasr. I don't know where the Indians get the impression that we won't use it on their territory, especially since Pakistani Doctrine relies on point-defence since the country is too thin to allow a tactical retreat.
Nasr doesnt have enough range to cover all the cities of India.

Pakistan will not try to nuke any city of India at the starting of war because that would mean total annihilation of Pakistan by India but nuking invading forces of IA inside Pakistan may not prompt India to retaliate with full force although we reserve option of nuking Pakistan with Nasr like missile(Pragati/Prahar).

The point of these nukes is not to annhilate cities but to let Pakistani forces gain a tactical advantage against Indies.

You can't use Agni for it because it will be picked up on radar and be confused as a strategic missile and might result in a full nuclear response
lol and you think Nasr will not be detected or any nuclear strike with Nasr will not be detected By India?
Your plan sucks because the counte nukes strike will end your civilization

Wrong. You are incorrect again! Such weapons were developed and fielded by the US, USSR, French, UK and China in the past. Nothing to do with conceptual and Hollywood. I am referring to actual weapons in real time.

"Hindutva" army? Now I clearly understand your IQ and caliber.

If the average Pakistani thinks like you, then your country is in a deep mess.

I guarantee a tactical nuclear response by Pakistan on Indian forces would invite a response from India that would mean the end of civilization in Pakistan. it would become a nuclear wasteland. It's not a dream or my imagination, it is the reality. Your claim about the energy released not qualifying it as a nuclear strike sounds great on paper only. A nuke is a nuke, did you overlook the radioactivity? The nuclear bomb TNT yield dropped on Japan in 1945 has been surpassed by tactical nukes because they come in different sizes. I can assure you that India will not sit and be quiet.

India has no need to ever enter Pakistan but the use of terrorism s going to evoke a certain response in the near future. The world has changed and the support to terrorism is viewed in very different light than it was 2-3 decades ago.

Tactical nuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bottomline, India will survive...Pakistan will be erased from this planet. It will cease to exist. Think about that.

India will be erased too...there is no win win situation on this game

Plus for counter strikes u need to have enough left to launch such strikes period...
That policy is a double edged sword. Because India has that policy, they are incapable of provoking Pakistan into using tactical nukes since then they might be forced into a dilemma, to response with a full nuclear force? or equal force?
Please be clear in what you are saying.In case of a nuclear strike with Nasr India will may or may not strike with full force.We can also tactically nuke Pakistan with Nasr like missile.War may stop after this,In any case Paksitani territory has been nuked two to three times or even more and in the long therm it will be disastrous for Pakistan.
India will be erased too...there is no win win situation on this game

Plus for counter strikes u need to have enough left to launch such strikes period...

Increasing the nukes wont be an issue for India and we have multiple platforms. India wont be as affected due to the weather, wind and population. We may loose double the population of Pakistan, but we will survive.

Nasr doesnt have enough range to cover all the cities of India.

Pakistan will not try to nuke any city of India at the starting of war because that would mean total annihilation of Pakistan by India but nuking invading forces of IA inside Pakistan may not prompt India to retaliate with full force although we reserve option of nuking Pakistan with Nasr like missile(Pragati/Prahar).

lol and you think Nasr will not be detected or any nuclear strike with Nasr will not be detected By India?

No India is already changing the doctrine to include language that makes it a point to suggest any tactical nuke used on its forces will invite a greater response.
I guarantee a tactical nuclear responce by Pakistan on Indian forces would invite a response from India that would mean the end of civilization in Pakistan.

as i said, in case of full blown war modi will report to Indian public that Pakistani soldiers are firing nuclear bullets at them.
why than not use the nuclear assets in case of full blown war? irrespective of its results!
If Pakistan civilization would end, then what will save India's uncivilized army?
However, India's nuclear tests failed and this is why they need ready made nukes from US.
as i said, in case of full blown war modi will report to Indian public that Pakistani soldiers are firing nuclear bullets at them.
why than not use the nuclear assets in case of full blown war? irrespective of its results!
If Pakistan civilization would end, then what will save India's uncivilized army?
However, India's nuclear tests failed and this is why they need ready made nukes from US.

yawn yea sure whatever you wanna make up and believe, go right ahead. I'm getting headache. The quality of such posters is ridiculous. The site is going down downhill thanks to your type.
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