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Pakistan Succesful Test Fired Hatf-VIII Ra'ad ALCM

and how you that India is ahead in NCW tech??? Pakistan also have satellite support from China even if GPS do't work Beidou will work and its just tip of the ice berg so no need to have own satellite now.

Pakistan knows what IN & IAF will through at them there fore they always planned how to handle it don't worry Pakistani port of Gawadar is built to make sure that sea lines remains open. Its not 1971.
Yeah, you know all our secrets and we know nothing. What type of argument is that?
Satellite support is not just used for navigation, it is also used for detection and safe communication. And more over, it is a part of network centric warfare. If hovering above arabian sea, it can take pictures of karachi and your assets and what is being loaded on your vessels, where as your Naval communication is always at brick of being heard from anywhere. That's the difference.

A naval satellite can tell you, when to attack, and when the seas will favor you through meteorological calculations, more precisely.

It increases the range of awacs, by more than 1000kms.

That's network centric warfare.

Just remember what ever China has in terms of Space capability its available to Pakistan and tell me can you match China??

Yeah, you know all our secrets and we know nothing. What type of argument is that?

Did I claim any thing like that? you are the one who is claiming all about Pakistan, I have just told you that we can defend our coast and sea lines and not good in blocking Indian ports and sea lines.
You have no sense what you talking.

Basically I do, but you will never understand how deep China and Pakistan are cooperating in different fields since long.
Just remember what ever China has in terms of Space capability its available to Pakistan and tell me can you match China??

Did I claim any thing like that? you are the one who is claiming all about Pakistan, I have just told you that we can defend our coast and sea lines and not good in blocking Indian ports and sea lines.
Your whole argument is based on we do that, we grab the tech. from China, China do that, Pak bring down the Indian CBG. Indians dont know anything, but we know all about them, all there secrets, and counter them.

Basically I do, but you will never understand how deep China and Pakistan are cooperating in different fields since long.
No, I cant. Because there is none, instead of co-operation of Beidu.
Your whole argument is based on we do that, we grab the tech. from China, China do that, Pak bring down the Indian CBG. Indians dont know anything, but we know all about them, all there secrets, and counter them.

No, I cant. Because there is none, instead of co-operation of Beidu.

Please keep believing that and also make Indian military believe the same it will be very beneficial for Pakistan. :D

I never said Indian don't know anything although their fan boys really don't have any clue what Pakistan is capable of and what they can do in case IN try to blockade its ports.
Please keep believing that and also make Indian military believe the same it will be very beneficial for Pakistan. :D

I never said Indian don't know anything although their fan boys really don't have any clue what Pakistan is capable of and what they can do in case IN try to blockade its ports.
Believing too much in your naval air arm is also beneficial for India.:toast_sign:
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I'm sorry but the JF-17 isn't going to make any MiG-29K pilot lose sleep at night. The aerial delivery system (JF-17 and Mirage III) are the weakest points of what you are proposing and until you can address this (not going to happen for a LONG time) then no Indian CBG is going to be all too concerned by these ALCMs.

At 350km STAND-OFF range,

JF-17s won't even come close to Migs and vice versa.

Isn't that the whole point? To destroy enemy from where they can't even see you?
@Basel no body.... not even United States Navy cant fight the IN Carrier battle group .... let alone the tiny PN :sarcastic:
and i am afraid that in case of War , when i will go to Kemardi , i will see Indian A/C coming towards the port :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
Is it true that indian CBG has a cloaking cloth that makes it invisible to naked eye?
Detecting does not mean you can engage them, can IN engage targets above 150km range with out help of Mig-29Ks? Specially if they want to block Gawadar which is very far from land based air bases and protected by many PAF air bases??
Why we won't use Migs
When I said that?? detection does not mean you have weapons to engange or radars can't be fooled or jammed, PAF AWACS are there to find sea and air based target at 450 km range and please don't bring NCW here as PN is also fully NCW capable now all 03 forces are now NCW capable and linked with each other for joint ops.
You comparing Erieye with Phalcon :enjoy:
Just remember what ever China has in terms of Space capability its available to Pakistan and tell me can you match China??

Yaar, if you bring this argument, than I can only say, call yourself chinese. Looks like Pakistanis have a bad habit of rolling on superpowers lap.

There are different types of space capabilities, for obviously they will not give you their space capsule, cryo, communication sat, no country does it. Because its their hardwork.

The most you can ask is for navigational purpose, because, Chinese are aware of Indian, Russian and US capabilities, that through Pakistan Indians or US can look inside Chinese satellite, and that will be the major breach of their sensitive communication network.

You lack awareness about network centric warfare.

@Abingdonboy @ares @sancho can give further technical details will Pakistan be allowed to use sensitive chinese military communication network via satellite.
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