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Egypt blacklists Hamas armed wing as ‘terror group’

Keep dreaming buddy. UK has always been the odd one out in Europe. They will soon be out of EU.

The EU's political establishment still holds Hamas as a terrorist organisation and so far has not pulled any of its sanctions. The decision of the court and the actions or policy of the political establishment are independent of each other.

Whether the UK remains or leaves the EU has no bearing on this.
I suggest you to look up what an Appeal is.

The EU's political establishment still holds Hamas as a terrorist organisation and so far has not pulled any of its sanctions. The decision of the court and the actions or policy of the political establishment are independent of each other.

Whether the UK remains or leaves the EU has no bearing on this.
Yes, that was part of ruling that the effect of sanctions will remain for THREE months.
I suggest you to look up what an Appeal is.
It shows they are determined to blacklist it. They were removed because the decision to classify them as such came from media reporting rather than hard intelligence. It shouldn't be hard to find intelligence to back up the classification.
Yes, that was part of ruling that the effect of sanctions will remain for THREE months

Their assets will remain frozen for three months, however EU policy will remain the same, this isn't a reclassification of Hamas, the EU and the courts still maintain they are a terrorist group, however, the court struck them from the list because of procedural errors (more like lawyers being lazy) in the case against Hamas.
"I swear to god the Shias are more honorable than you, you lowly people, you agents.."

@haman10 @kollang @ResurgentIran @rahi2357

After making that comment he has the audacity to beg for other Iranians to come to help him. :lol:

Are you stupid? That's a compliment for Shias first of all. Secondly I'm not begging for shit Emrizaad wannabe pharmacist bin zonah


Was referring to Sisi. Not a clown like you. I could care less about you.
1) I'm incredibly scared that the gates of hell will be opened me, since, you know, I don't actually think there is one.
2) Who will? lol
3) I don't intend to be in any history books, you on the other hand may be a part of statistics produced by the FBI on homegrown terror.

MB before the coup-volution:- 9 Months of Achievements Morsi Builds Egypt From Anew

View attachment 188295

MB after the coup-volution:- He was never given the chance, the deep state, ze Jews, ze Copts!

Biggest hypocrites in a nation of hypocrites

الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الجيش المصري خير أجناد الأرض ...
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الإخوان في ٢٠١٣؛ الشرطة و الجيش ايد وسخة و الشرطة سفاحين و بلطجية ا
لإخوان في ٢٠١٢: جيكا مين ده اللي شهيد ؟ ده عيل صايع و بلطجي
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : لازم ناخد حق الشهيد جيكا من الداخلية
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : لا للاعتصامات و الإضرابات و قطع الطرق و تعطيل عجلة الإنتاج و علي الشرطة التعامل معها بيد من حديد ....
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣: الاعتصامات و قطع الطرق ضرورة من اجل استمرار "الثورة" الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : السيسي وزير بنكهة الثورة
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : السيسي كافر و مجرم و عدو الشعب
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الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الخروج ضد مرسي هي حرب ضد الإسلام
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الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الثورة انتهت خلاص و دخلنا مرحلة الشرعية الدستورية و بناء المؤسسات
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الدولة العميقة كانت تحكم مصر طول الوقت
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : نعم للضرب بيد من حديد علي كل من ينال من هيبة الدولة أو من يقترب من المنشآت العامة و مؤسسات الدولة و لا مجال لحقوق الإنسان عندما يتعلق الأمر بهيبة الدولة و ايه اللي وداهم هناك؟ و نعم لقتل الناس في السويس و بورسعيد الثانية
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : البشر اهم من المنشآت و اين حقوق الإنسان ؟ و لا لقتل الناس في الحرس الجمهوري
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : مرسي يحقق انتصارات للثورة لم يسبق لها مثيل
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : مرسي كان محاصر من الدولة العميقة و مغلوب علي أمره و مظلوم الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الاقتصاد يسير من نجاح الي نجاح
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الاقتصاد (نفس الاقتصاد) يسير من كارثة الي أخري
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : تطبيق الشريعة سيكون بشكل تدريجي و بعدين عندما تكون الظروف مناسبة
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : أطاحوا بمرسي لانه كان يطبق الشريعة و المشروع الإسلامي
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الشعب المصري عنده وعي و فهم عميق و هو شعب متدين بالفطرة الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الشعب المصري يعشق العبودية و الذل و المهانة و لحس البيادة اخوان مكس كل حاجة والعكس

I'm both British and Egyptian, thank you.

Palestinians are people to be protected and fought for against a savage oppressor. Bye, bye.
I really admire the way you keep yourself calm. Your sensible replies to his rude comments are even more provocative to him. I get to say, well done ... :tup:
I'm certainly not a fan of MB, but Sisi (or Egypt) is doing it wrong, it won't have any positive effects, let alone all the potential harm. Sisi hasn't been able to prevent ISIS expanding operations in Sinai and rest of Egypt, while heavily cracking down on Islamists, it just won't work, he'll only radicalize them more and more.
"I swear to god the Shias are more honorable than you, you lowly people, you agents.."

@haman10 @kollang @ResurgentIran @rahi2357

After making that comment he has the audacity to beg for other Iranians to come to help him. :lol:
What is the use to provoke. Egypts decision is deplorable but i don't see how such comments help unite a fledgling muslim Ummah?
I really admire the way you keep yourself calm. Your sensible replies to his rude comments are even more provocative to him. I get to say, well done ... :tup:

Check your inbox, you banned for posting this news.
What is the use to provoke. Egypts decision is deplorable but i don't see how such comments help unite a fledgling muslim Ummah?

Why are you making this comment to me? I am not the one who made that Anti shi'ite comment was I? I was just quoting that terrorist sympathiser.
Why are you making this comment to me? I am not the one who made that Anti shi'ite comment was I? I was just quoting that terrorist sympathiser.

How is that anti-Shia you troll? No one but you perceived it that way. Because you're a troll who flames all my threads. And you've been banned multiple times already. Is this your fifth account?
That's a compliment for Shias first of all.


Saying "even shi'ites" are more honourable that people you despise is suppose to be compliment?
You pali terrorists sympathisers need to try much harder, your pathetic attempt to hide your true face is not working. Who are you trying to fool? :rofl:

You ISIS, wahabis etc etc are the same bunch. You can't hide your anti-shia agenda for too long.

Saying "even shi'ites" are more honourable that people you despise is suppose to be compliment?
You pali terrorists sympathisers need to try much harder, your pathetic attempt to hide your true face is not working. Who are you trying to fool? :rofl:

You ISIS, wahabis etc etc are the same bunch. You can't hide your anti-shia agenda for too long.

Notice I didn't say 'even'. I compared Sunnis and Shias. Anyways I don't care for your sectarian trolling and I don't judge Iranians based on you.
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