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Iran's help to Iraq in its fight against Daesh terrorists

Someone give me a brief intro to this man...and some of the things he did that made you'll love him so much.

General David Patreus described him as "the most powerful intelligence operative in the Middle-East"...

He is the man who created entire "Iranian sphere of influence" across Middle-East.

He was the commander of Iran's intelligence-special forces, Al Quds Brigade (Quds Force is Iran's equivalent of SSG/SEALS but their primary job/training is intelligence work).

He protected Iran from enemies by creating an Iranian sphere of Influence through Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi insurgents and so on.

He isn't formally educated in military. He joined resistance against the Shah at around 17...and has risen up the ranks due to his military achievements/capacity.

There is a very good article on him by Newsweek. Its called "The Shadow Commander"

Qassim Sulemani is known in West/Israel as "the shadow commander" ....since he never comes out in public, but everybody knows that it is Sulemani running the entire show behind the scenes (For example: Hezbollah's war in 2006 and U.S forces' complete exist from Iraq----This man was responsible for all of it.)

In the newsweek's article...one American diplomat tells the story as to how Sulemani played the U.S in Iraq..and when the U.S officials found out..by that time they had NO option BUT to accept U.S' complete withdrawal from the Iraq. That American official recalls that when we first found out..our superior yelled "Fucking shit! fucking shit! He (sulemani) played us all!!!"

Now you understand why Iranians refer to him as "national treasure" .... :agree:
our brave pilots after bombing ISIS .

our prayers to them


look at them , especially the young one .

its great to feel secure with them being out there

@mohsen @Serpentine @kollang @rahi2357 @Daneshmand @The Last of us @Arminkh
our brave pilots after bombing ISIS .

our prayers to them


look at them , especially the young one .

its great to feel secure with them being out there

@mohsen @Serpentine @kollang @rahi2357 @Daneshmand @The Last of us @Arminkh

Agreed. A strong army is always a matter of pride.
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