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Foxconn Technology : to Buy Nokia Indian Plant

12/11/2014 | 05:07am US/Eastern

TAIWAN, December 11, Foxconn planned to invest USD 2 billion in the nation, intending to acquire a plant under Nokia located in Chennai.
Foxconn is global biggest OEM for electronic products, making iPhone and iPad for Apple and Kindle for Amazon. Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Microsoft are also its customers.
Person in the know revealed that Indian government suggested allowing Nokia to sell Chennai plant, whose capitals have been frozen for tax dispute, promising that the buyer will not burden debts.
Foxconn is expected to invest USD 2 billion in India including the plant. Its major local customer Micromax promised to outsource 25% production to the former once taking over the plant. Currently, serial mobile phones of Micromax are all made by Foxconn, mainly from Mainland China.
Foxconn Technology : to Buy Nokia Indian Plant | 4-Traders
If China lack innovative based of what you mean, you can imagined India is 10 times worst. Lack a strong market based, lack a strong manufacturing chain line. To make an Indian hand phone brand international success and export oriented will be 10 times harder than a Chinese one.

Probably, you have not seen a Chinese one yet. I have check the price and spec of all Indian based smartphone. None of them can match the Chinese one offer.
Don't talk about Chinese technology. I donno why you are backing on them. But ask any Indian and and they'll tell you how much they hate chinese material (except momos)
Don't talk about Chinese technology. I donno why you are backing on them. But ask any Indian and and they'll tell you how much they hate chinese material (except momos)

You are just talking nonsense. Hate Chinese material? :lol: Without China, who can supplier you parts for you micromax?
First of all Micromax is one of the top 2 Phone brands in India. Yes they are mostly Chinese made phones, but India has never been a phone manufacturing hub.
micromax, karbonn etc makes cheap phones with heating, restarting problems.(including canvas series). China phones like Huawei, ZTE, Gionee are miles better than our "brokers"(mmx etc who go to China and bargain 2nd quality deals for their phones) who brings cheap quality phones pushing it into public. I've a mmx phone with the service centre for 2 months. that tells a lot about this so called desi company.

we cannnot have a electronic industry to compete with a giant like China. Neither we have manufacturing tech for microprocessors and such. Had we have these technologies it would've been useful in defense sector also.
micromax, karbonn etc makes cheap phones with heating, restarting problems.(including canvas series). China phones like Huawei, ZTE, Gionee are miles better than our "brokers"(mmx etc who go to China and bargain 2nd quality deals for their phones) who brings cheap quality phones pushing it into public. I've a mmx phone with the service centre for 2 months. that tells a lot about this so called desi company.

we cannnot have a electronic industry to compete with a giant like China. Neither we have manufacturing tech for microprocessors and such. Had we have these technologies it would've been useful in defense sector also.

China didn't invent or built anything on their own, some years back they just opened up their country and cheap labour force to foreign companies with all kinds of incentives like tax benefits, SEZs, etc. Foreign companies flocked to China for cheap manufacturing and the Chinese learned to assemble things. Now manufacturing costs have gone up in China and these foreign companies are repeating the same cycle of finding cheaper manufacturing destinations. With no USP other than cheaper price; these Chinese companies will not survive outside China for long. You will see a lot of Chinese bubbles bursting in next one decade. :)
China didn't invent or built anything on their own, some years back they just opened up their country and cheap labour force to foreign companies with all kinds of incentives like tax benefits, SEZs, etc. Foreign companies flocked to China for cheap manufacturing and the Chinese learned to assemble things. Now manufacturing costs have gone up in China and these foreign companies are repeating the same cycle of finding cheaper manufacturing destinations. With no USP other than cheaper price; these Chinese companies will not survive outside China for long. You will see a lot of Chinese bubbles bursting in next one decade. :)

Ancient China held leading positions in many fields in studying nature in the world. Besides the four great inventions – papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass, Ancient China contributed countless other inventions to the world, How many other creations do you know? Below is a list of the 20 inventions created by ancient Chinese and some may surprise you.

1. Paper Making 105 A.C

The invention of paper greatly affects human history. Paper already existed in China since 105 A.C, however, a eunuch named Cai Lun (ca. 50 AD – 121) made significant innovation and helped drive its widespread adoption. His advanced papaer-making technology then spread to central Asia and the world through the Silk Road.

2. Movable Type Printing 960-1279 AD

Woodblock printing was already a widely used technique in the Tang Dynasty. However, this kind of printing tech was expensive and time-consuming. Until the Song Dynasty (960-1279), a man named Bi Sheng (990–1051) invented movable type printing, making it quicker and easier. He first carved individual characters on pieces of clay and then harden them with fire. These movable type pieces were later glued to an iron plate to print a page and then broken up and redistributed for another page. This kind of printing tech rapidly spread across Europe, leading up to the Renaissance, and later all around the world.

3. Gunpowder 1000 A.D

Gunpowder was invented by Chinese Taoist alchemists about 1000 A.D. when they tried to find a potion to gain human immortality by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It is generally believed that gunpowder spread to Europe during the Mongol expansion of 1200-1300 A.D.. The interesting fact is that Chinese used this discovery mainly for firecrackers while Europeans created cannons and guns and dominated China in the mid-1800s.

4. Compass 1100 A.D.

A compass is a navigational instrument that shows directions. The compass was invented by Chinese between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD. It was first used in Feng Shui, the layout of buildings. By 1000 AD, navigational compasses were commonly used on Chinese ships, enabling them to navigate. Arab traders sailing to China might learned of the the tech and brought it to the West.

5. Alcohol About 2000 BC-1600 BC

The inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula were widely believed to be the first brewers. However, in 2013, a 9000-year-old pottery found in Henan province revealed the presence of alcohol, 1000 years before Arabian. Alcohol is known as Jiu in Chinese and is often used as a spiritual offerings to Heaven and the Earth or ancestors in ancient China. Study shows that beer with an alcoholic content of 4% to 5% was widely consumed in ancient China and was even mentioned on oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC–1046 BC).

6. Mechanical Clock 725 A.D.

The world’s first mechanical clock -Water-driven Spherical Birds – was invented by Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk in 725 A.D.. It was operated by dripping water which powered a wheel that made one revolution in 24 hours. Hundreds of years later, the inventor Su Song developed a more sophisticated clock called the Cosmic Empire in 1092, 200 years earlier before the mechanical clock was created in

20. Paper Money 9th century A.D.

Ancient China held leading positions in many fields in studying nature in the world. Besides the four great inventions – papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the compass, Ancient China contributed countless other inventions to the world, How many other creations do you know? Below is a list of the 20 inventions created by ancient Chinese and some may surprise you.

1. Paper Making 105 A.C

The invention of paper greatly affects human history. Paper already existed in China since 105 A.C, however, a eunuch named Cai Lun (ca. 50 AD – 121) made significant innovation and helped drive its widespread adoption. His advanced papaer-making technology then spread to central Asia and the world through the Silk Road.

2. Movable Type Printing 960-1279 AD

Woodblock printing was already a widely used technique in the Tang Dynasty. However, this kind of printing tech was expensive and time-consuming. Until the Song Dynasty (960-1279), a man named Bi Sheng (990–1051) invented movable type printing, making it quicker and easier. He first carved individual characters on pieces of clay and then harden them with fire. These movable type pieces were later glued to an iron plate to print a page and then broken up and redistributed for another page. This kind of printing tech rapidly spread across Europe, leading up to the Renaissance, and later all around the world.

3. Gunpowder 1000 A.D

Gunpowder was invented by Chinese Taoist alchemists about 1000 A.D. when they tried to find a potion to gain human immortality by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It is generally believed that gunpowder spread to Europe during the Mongol expansion of 1200-1300 A.D.. The interesting fact is that Chinese used this discovery mainly for firecrackers while Europeans created cannons and guns and dominated China in the mid-1800s.

4. Compass 1100 A.D.

A compass is a navigational instrument that shows directions. The compass was invented by Chinese between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD. It was first used in Feng Shui, the layout of buildings. By 1000 AD, navigational compasses were commonly used on Chinese ships, enabling them to navigate. Arab traders sailing to China might learned of the the tech and brought it to the West.

5. Alcohol About 2000 BC-1600 BC

The inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula were widely believed to be the first brewers. However, in 2013, a 9000-year-old pottery found in Henan province revealed the presence of alcohol, 1000 years before Arabian. Alcohol is known as Jiu in Chinese and is often used as a spiritual offerings to Heaven and the Earth or ancestors in ancient China. Study shows that beer with an alcoholic content of 4% to 5% was widely consumed in ancient China and was even mentioned on oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC–1046 BC).

6. Mechanical Clock 725 A.D.

The world’s first mechanical clock -Water-driven Spherical Birds – was invented by Yi Xing, a Buddhist monk in 725 A.D.. It was operated by dripping water which powered a wheel that made one revolution in 24 hours. Hundreds of years later, the inventor Su Song developed a more sophisticated clock called the Cosmic Empire in 1092, 200 years earlier before the mechanical clock was created in

20. Paper Money 9th century A.D.

All the ancient civilizations have made some things, that's not the point here. I am talking about the modern manufacturing/innovation capabilities of China as an outsourcing destination.
If China lack innovative based of what you mean, you can imagined India is 10 times worst. Lack a strong market based, lack a strong manufacturing chain line. To make an Indian hand phone brand international success and export oriented will be 10 times harder than a Chinese one.

Probably, you have not seen a Chinese one yet. I have check the price and spec of all Indian based smartphone. None of them can match the Chinese one offer.

Let me make it simple for you! Innovation is the way to go in 21st century! Chinese government failed to protect young Chinese entrepreneurs and got a shadowy intellectual protection rights.

Xiaomi almost accepted that their advertisement and products resembles a lot with Apple. One Plus One is too dependent on Cyanogenmod . I strongly believe Ali Baba is suppressing competition in China that's the reason they are finding it very hard to move out of China.

Have you ever seen a iPhone replica anywhere in this World except in China :P ?
The jokers are still ignorant about the fact that there are thousands,if not tens of thousands,of Chinese companies making up a complete supply chain for smartphone manufactures。

These jokers only need to check out the listed ones,the annual reports of which are readily available in Chinese(some in English too)and provide ample information on their business activities,to realize how a complete fool they have made themselves。

These jokers are incurable。:rofl:

The same pack of jokers also fail to understand that their so-called homegrown “brands” aka resellers,are just pickers of crumbs left behind by the Chinese makers。
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Let me make it simple for you! Innovation is the way to go in 21st century! Chinese government failed to protect young Chinese entrepreneurs and got a shadowy intellectual protection rights.

Xiaomi almost accepted that their advertisement and products resembles a lot with Apple. One Plus One is too dependent on Cyanogenmod . I strongly believe Ali Baba is suppressing competition in China that's the reason they are finding it very hard to move out of China.

Have you ever seen a iPhone replica anywhere in this World except in China :P ?

Clearly you are talkin nonsense and just sprout some stereotyping make you feel good comment. China real industrialisation is only 30 years compare to western of more than 100 years. They are playing the catch up to reach the mid level standard of western and now they are going to the top of top of western. Innovation has just started last few years and it will be the main trend and future. Alibaba is more original than you can think. And its the typical western rant that they cant beat Chinese fair and square and resort to badmouth them or underhand method.

Alibaba has not even venture into US and you claim they failed? Haha , what a joke! Are you afraid of Taobao? :D

Clearly you are talkin nonsense and just sprout some stereotyping make you feel good comment. China real industrialisation is only 30 years compare to western of more than 100 years. They are playing the catch up to reach the mid level standard of western and now they are going to the top of top of western. Innovation has just started last few years and it will be the main trend and future. Alibaba is more original than you can think. And its the typical western rant that they cant beat Chinese fair and square and resort to badmouth them or underhand method.

Alibaba has not even venture into US and you claim they failed? Haha , what a joke! Are you afraid of Taobao? :D

Thank you for replying to my "nonsense" comment.

Industrial revolution took place in 18th century :-/ . Digital revolution took place in 1970's. we are in "Information age" right now. So China is competing with west in Information age(INNOVATION) and not Industrial revolution, China success started from Digital revolution due to cheap labour and pro-business Government.

Alibaba is just a copy of Amazon, Paypal, Wester Union, eBay, Yahoo messenger :P, WhatsApp, Youtube. What Alibaba did differently or innovated? i don't think they will have a success story any where in this planet except for China.
Thank you for replying to my "nonsense" comment.

Industrial revolution took place in 18th century :-/ . Digital revolution took place in 1970's. we are in "Information age" right now. So China is competing with west in Information age(INNOVATION) and not Industrial revolution, China success started from Digital revolution due to cheap labour and pro-business Government.

Alibaba is just a copy of Amazon, Paypal, Wester Union, eBay, Yahoo messenger :P, WhatsApp, Youtube. What Alibaba did differently or innovated? i don't think they will have a success story any where in this planet except for China.
Clearly you dont even bother to see the video I provided and have never even use taobao before. You can continue live in your delusion but that will not stop the march and rise of these new and powerful creative Chinese enterprise. I can sympathy your deep jealousy of Chinese success. You can repeat 1000 times but alibaba will continue be success in next 10 years and their creativity will ensure their growth.
You are just talking nonsense. Hate Chinese material? :lol: Without China, who can supplier you parts for you micromax?
That doesn't make sense as Chinese stuff the micromax cell phones with excellent technology but stuff nonsense and complete crap in other electronic material that they export to India.

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