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Almost none of the technology used in China today originally belongs to China, yet they reversed engineered what they learned from foreign countries to produce their own, what makes you think Vietnam won't do the same? The profits don't go to Vietnam, but the worker's wages does. What do companies do with a portion of their profits? They hire more workers to expand; more Vietnamese workers in this case.

The way I see it, Vietnam has alot to learn about business and technology, being able to experience how other countries do it is a great way to learn, assuming Vietnam can start producing domestic brands instead of being stuck the shadow of foreign corporations.

If Vietnam could reverse engineer the technology, then it would have, but it hasn't, so the conclusion is, it can't. This is evidenced by Vietnam's scientific publication rates, which indicate that it does not have the scientific and technical infrastructure needed. Just keep this in mind: Vietnam's reforms came only 5 years after China's did. In 2009, Chinese companies such as ZTE, Huawei and Lenovo were already market leaders in their fields and China was a top 5 scientific publishing nation. What about Vietnam today?
If Vietnam could reverse engineer the technology, then it would have, but it hasn't, so the conclusion is, it can't. This is evidenced by Vietnam's scientific publication rates, which indicate that it does not have the scientific and technical infrastructure needed. Just keep this in mind: Vietnam's reforms came only 5 years after China's did. In 2009, Chinese companies such as ZTE, Huawei and Lenovo were already market leaders in their fields and China was a top 5 scientific publishing nation. What about Vietnam today?
Vietnam lacks motivation, unlike Japan, S.Korea, China, I'll give you that. Economically, technological, socially, I'm disappointed with Vietnam's lack of progress (and I expected so much more than 5% GDP/year growth rate)

However the option to learn and reverse engineer is still there and eventually, hopefully, Vietnam will take advantage of it.
Vietnam lacks motivation, unlike Japan, S.Korea, China, I'll give you that. Economically, technological, socially, I'm disappointed with Vietnam's lack of progress (and I expected so much more than 5% GDP/year growth rate)

However the option to learn and reverse engineer is still there and eventually, hopefully, Vietnam will take advantage of it.

It gets harder to advance as technology gets more advanced. Think of it this way:

In the 19th century, even Egypt could industrialize to the level of advanced powers within 10 years - the problem was that the Egyptians didn't keep their industrial level. In the mid 20th century, it took Japan 30 years to achieve the same. In the late 20th century (80's and onwards) South Korea and China are taking over 30 years.

This is the nail dilemma. To build a car, you need nails. To get nails, you need a steel refinery. To get a steel refinery, you need cars to transport the materials - see the problem? It gets exponentially harder to catch up the more steps there are.
It gets harder to advance as technology gets more advanced. Think of it this way:

In the 19th century, even Egypt could industrialize to the level of advanced powers within 10 years - the problem was that the Egyptians didn't keep their industrial level. In the mid 20th century, it took Japan 30 years to achieve the same. In the late 20th century (80's and onwards) South Korea and China are taking over 30 years.

This is the nail dilemma. To build a car, you need nails. To get nails, you need a steel refinery. To get a steel refinery, you need cars to transport the materials - see the problem? It gets exponentially harder to catch up the more steps there are.
I think its also about the amount of money available to fund any industrialization as well. S.Korea was economically tied with many of the wealthy western nation, China has a massive economy and can focus its resources on a few companies, Vietnam has neither. Maybe that is another reason as well?
I think its also about the amount of money available to fund any industrialization as well. S.Korea was economically tied with many of the wealthy western nation, China has a massive economy and can focus its resources on a few companies, Vietnam has neither. Maybe that is another reason as well?

South Korea hasn't even gotten close to being tied with a wealthy western nation.
Speaking about scientific publication, what happened to that big thread about @Martian2 's CIA/FBI conspiracy????? o_Oo_Oo_O Don't tell me I was hallucinating???

@ChineseTiger1986 what happened to that thread?

It's a sensitive topic. No, you weren't hallucinating. Some discussions are frowned upon.

I've seen a few of my comments archived at ABC News and at BusinessWeek in a very short period of time. I think my comment about the USS Cowpens disappeared really fast at BusinessWeek within 24 hours. In the past, BusinessWeek sometimes "updated" their article and the previous comments disappeared. The Washington Post sometimes used this tactic as well to "archive"/basically erase sensitive comments.

It doesn't matter the forum or comment section, stay away from sensitive topics.

I cared about letting the ethnic Chinese members know about my experience. As long as they know, they will/should be more careful. I've warned them and my "moral" responsibility is done.

I was the first one in the frying pan. They know how to avoid the same fate. It's up to them whether they want to follow my recommendation. I have the mental pressure of worrying about whether the US government will block my future application for a student loan to spite me.

Ethnic Chinese members should heed my advice. Let Xinhua and RT disagree with the US. As ethnic Chinese (some are Chinese-Americans and others are students, tourists, or future business visitors), you have nothing to gain and something to lose. Stay out of the superpower tussle.
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It was just Marty's pathetic attempt to get attention. Good thing it was nuked.
It's a sensitive topic. No, you weren't hallucinating. Some discussions are frowned upon.

I've seen a few of my comments archived at ABC News and at BusinessWeek in a very short period of time. I think my comment about the USS Cowpens disappeared really fast at BusinessWeek within 24 hours. In the past, BusinessWeek sometimes "updated" their article and the previous comments disappeared. The Washington Post sometimes used this tactic as well to "archive"/basically erase sensitive comments.

It doesn't matter the forum or comment section, stay away from sensitive topics.

I cared about letting the ethnic Chinese members know about my experience. As long as they know, they will/should be more careful. I've warned them and my "moral" responsibility is done.

I was the first one in the frying pan. They know how to avoid the same fate. It's up to them whether they want to follow my recommendation. I have the mental pressure of worrying about whether the US government will block my future application for a student loan to spite me.

Ethnic Chinese members should heed my advice. Let Xinhua and RT disagree with the US. As ethnic Chinese (some are Chinese-Americans and others are students, tourists, or future business visitors), you have nothing to gain and something to lose. Stay out of the superpower tussle.

OMG! I've just come across a CRS report that clearly indicates that US intel do keep an eye on PDF!!

And I'm not talking about agents that lurk around here to keep an eye on any potential muslim terrorist recruiters, but intel guys keeping an eye on things other than Muslim extremism or Pakistan.

I mean, it is totally expected for US govt Intel to keep an eye out on forums like PDF for extremist recruiters, but I've never expected them to lurk around on other non-muslim/non-pakistani related topics.

Here's one example from a CRS report:


Look carefully on page 17!!! :o::o::o:

I used to doubt @Martian2, but now I think he might be onto something not really far off.

@ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @cnleio
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To set the record straight for my US big brothers (e.g. Mr. Huiss) lurking around:

I'm totally pro-US :usflag:

And just like @Martian2, I want to apologise for any offensive posts I may have unknowingly/previously made about the US and allies. :usflag:

I will now resort to talk trash about the PRC only.

I also accept donation (and/or US green card) . :usflag:
It's a sensitive topic. No, you weren't hallucinating. Some discussions are frowned upon.

I've seen a few of my comments archived at ABC News and at BusinessWeek in a very short period of time. I think my comment about the USS Cowpens disappeared really fast at BusinessWeek within 24 hours. In the past, BusinessWeek sometimes "updated" their article and the previous comments disappeared. The Washington Post sometimes used this tactic as well to "archive"/basically erase sensitive comments.

It doesn't matter the forum or comment section, stay away from sensitive topics.

I cared about letting the ethnic Chinese members know about my experience. As long as they know, they will/should be more careful. I've warned them and my "moral" responsibility is done.

I was the first one in the frying pan. They know how to avoid the same fate. It's up to them whether they want to follow my recommendation. I have the mental pressure of worrying about whether the US government will block my future application for a student loan to spite me.

Ethnic Chinese members should heed my advice. Let Xinhua and RT disagree with the US. As ethnic Chinese (some are Chinese-Americans and others are students, tourists, or future business visitors), you have nothing to gain and something to lose. Stay out of the superpower tussle.
Martian, if someone like you posts articles on public forums, dreaming of nuking America (you even opened a thread of nuking Vietnam, I remember), no wonder, that someone gets irritated and wants to see you in person.
If Vietnam could reverse engineer the technology, then it would have, but it hasn't, so the conclusion is, it can't. This is evidenced by Vietnam's scientific publication rates, which indicate that it does not have the scientific and technical infrastructure needed. Just keep this in mind: Vietnam's reforms came only 5 years after China's did. In 2009, Chinese companies such as ZTE, Huawei and Lenovo were already market leaders in their fields and China was a top 5 scientific publishing nation. What about Vietnam today?
you fool have failed to realise that is not the 5 years you mentioned that makes the difference.

- we started by zero in 1989, devasted by wars (France, America and China)
- costly war in Cambodia
- destructions to the Northern provinces caused by PLA
- we suffered economic sanctions by America and the West. Not to mention China.
- actually our economy began to recover when America and China ended the economic sanctions and normalized the relations in 1994.
- China has not paid a pence for the crimes against Vietnam.

so now you can shut up.
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Martian, if someone like you posts articles on public forums, dreaming of nuking America (you even opened a thread of nuking Vietnam, I remember), no wonder, that someone gets irritated and wants to see you in person.

So that means the US is a good friend of Vietnam. While Chinese state media and netizens talk trash and threaten VietNam, the US looks after VietNam against keyboard attacks.

So that means the US is a good friend of Vietnam. While Chinese state media and netizens talk trash and threaten VietNam, the US looks after VietNam against keyboard attacks.

well, not yet, but that was the US congress, that passed a resolution demanding china to withdraw the oil rig out of vietnam´waters, or else...face consequenses.

you see Chinese love to bully the weak and kowtow to the mighty. So their mentality. I hope Hillary Clinton becomes the next US president, then we will have more fun in the south china sea. it is only the firepower that impresses the chinese clowns.

well, not yet, but that was the US congress, that passed a resolution demanding china to withdraw the oil rig out of vietnam´waters, or else...face consequenses.

you see Chinese love to bully the weak and kowtow to the mighty. So their mentality. I hope Hillary Clinton becomes the next US president, then we will have more fun in the south china sea. it is only the firepower that impresses the chinese clowns.


So why does VietNam still wants to cling onto China and not get closer to the US/west?

One country (China) constantly harrasses and publically insult VietNam, has a huge trade surplus over VietNam without caring about the imbalance, never provided any help or assistance (political or financial) to VietNam this past 30 years.

The other country (US) have been providing political support to VietNam, assistance such as agent orange removal, emergency aid, and allows a huge trade surplus for VietNam.


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