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why not Come under US-Nuclear Umbrella ?

keep having your wet dreams.... @rockstar08 is an idiot for even suggesting such a thing.... but trust me as long there is pakistanis like me in our country and that is about 95 percent of our population... this will only be your wet dream

no wet dreams, just stating the truth which is probably too painful for you to accept. the numerous terrorist groups in pakistan would love to get their hands on some radio active material and so your govt has had to put on some very expensive protocols (these very protocols that secure the nuclear material and warheads actually reduce the security of Pakistan but that is less of a risk because India has eschewed 1st strike). Plus China has rationed supplies to barest minimum so if you guys believe everything you read in the military press releases, you are in for a pretty big surprise.

That aside, it should be really simple. NO country on earth can survive the level of internal strife that Pakistan has suffered in the past 10 years. Though it is all your own making, facts stands that you don't have the money, have not developed any serious new skills in scale, exports have dived, military has to be called in to arbitrate between political parties, the population is at once divided by religious shia sunni sectarianism, as well as the ethnic rifts (Punjabi, sindhi, Baloochi...); all around you Iran, China, Afghanistan, India ....all want you to start controlling the terrorist menace and not let it spill over....

with that kind of a pressure cooker add the sparks from internet (though major components are blocked)....how long do you thin k you can sustain this and survive? even if you do, is that living? is that what you want foe you and your children?
Does the author seriously believe USA shall either threaten to use or actually use nuclear weapons for Pakistan against India. Seriously flawed theory.
You are imagining a scenario similar to EU........like i've said before, unless India and Pakistan have high social development and they realize that their mutual existence is for the benefit of all, you'll keep seeing nukes in the present region. In EU, the nations realized that they have more to gain to work together than to fight each other or pretend to fight each other.

Barely 25 years had passed since the deadliest war (World War II), that Britain, France, Spain, Germany came up with a common industrial goal : Airbus.
And look at the economic and social good that project has brought them. Even though, Germany was responsible for millions of dead French/British men, so France and Britain, in theory should always be wary of Germany. (after all, Germany was in one way or the other, responsible for the only two world wars.)

Now you tell me, are India and Pakistan in that situation? Nope. Not anytime soon.

If Pakistan gives up nukes, and India gives up nukes, Pakistan will always assume that India will overrun Pakistan at will (since it is assumed that Pakistan's nukes offer a balancing effect to the rather unbalance military balance in South Asia)........unless, India is so closely knit with Pakistan for it's own economic good, that Pakistan will be assured that India going to war with it's own investment in Pakistan, is practically very stupid and will end up damaging itself.

Good post (surprisingly :)), India will invest in Pakistan heavily only when the major issues are resolved and our relationship has stabilized, but by then Pakistan won't have any military threat from India anyway.
@rockstar08 One only need to look at Libya or Iraq to see how not having nuclear weapons signaled the complete destruction of the country. As for nuclear umbrella I don't think America has or ever will extend such an offer to Pakistan. As for Germany and Japan it is highlight unlikely someone attack Germany at all but in the case of Japan the Japanese themselves have amassed the ability to go nuclear if need comes to be, in order words they have hedged their bets that the American umbrella may not be as iron proof as it sounds. Now if Japan with its great relationship has gone to such a length, where does Pakistan with its spotty relationship with Washington fit?
Those screwed inside out from the Pressler Amendment would know better than to act this way.
keep having your wet dreams.... @rockstar08 is an idiot for even suggesting such a thing.... but trust me as long there is pakistanis like me in our country and that is about 95 percent of our population... this will only be your wet dream

dont be personal ..ok ...mind your language ...
Does the author seriously believe USA shall either threaten to use or actually use nuclear weapons for Pakistan against India. Seriously flawed theory.

bhai no one is asking US to use weapons on india ... first tell me why on the first place , US will use nukes on india ? do you really think that in any Japan and China conventional war US will use nukes on china ??
You can maintain this fiction in your mind till hell freezes over! And its immaterial whether you trust Indians or not. Its like Somalia/Haiti saying "we don't trust the US so we will blah blah blah." Gittit?
oh come on stop embaracing your self go search about the battle and wars fought on kashmiri soil between PAK and INDIA you'll know the Answer i'll give you a clue 1947 and 1999 :D :P
no wet dreams, just stating the truth which is probably too painful for you to accept. the numerous terrorist groups in pakistan would love to get their hands on some radio active material and so your govt has had to put on some very expensive protocols (these very protocols that secure the nuclear material and warheads actually reduce the security of Pakistan but that is less of a risk because India has eschewed 1st strike). Plus China has rationed supplies to barest minimum so if you guys believe everything you read in the military press releases, you are in for a pretty big surprise.

That aside, it should be really simple. NO country on earth can survive the level of internal strife that Pakistan has suffered in the past 10 years. Though it is all your own making, facts stands that you don't have the money, have not developed any serious new skills in scale, exports have dived, military has to be called in to arbitrate between political parties, the population is at once divided by religious shia sunni sectarianism, as well as the ethnic rifts (Punjabi, sindhi, Baloochi...); all around you Iran, China, Afghanistan, India ....all want you to start controlling the terrorist menace and not let it spill over....

with that kind of a pressure cooker add the sparks from internet (though major components are blocked)....how long do you thin k you can sustain this and survive? even if you do, is that living? is that what you want foe you and your children?
1. i think you didn't read the point of the threat on which its written that US is spending millions of dollars just to locate where our weapons are but couldn't find em than how could these apes can get there hands on our nukes
2. Sunni shia conflict is not in PAK for godsakes go read some thing the shiats who are being killed in PAK are either by TTP or some other extremist groups like TTP which are being dealt with in our recent OP
3. You might also wanna learn about our armies Opr Zarb e Azb which has been going on for 6 months and every country is satisfied over it and the rate of fall terrorism is felt by the people of PAK including me
4. As you said on your own that no country on earth could suvive such level of strife but let me tell you some this is no ordinary country we did not only survived it but we shall come out victorious as well....
5. Security probs of PAK has dicreased since the Op Zarb e Azb started !!
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bhai no one is asking US to use weapons on india ... first tell me why on the first place , US will use nukes on india ? do you really think that in any Japan and China conventional war US will use nukes on china ??
Then what is the purpose and use of nuclear umbrella. Protection from rain water.
Then what is the purpose and use of nuclear umbrella. Protection from rain water.

exactly , as japan ans Germany use it for .... " Darane ke liye " and remove the possibility for war with india forever ..
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