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why not Come under US-Nuclear Umbrella ?

Ok guys , i was wondering that , our Nuclear program is India specific , our missiles cant reach any other possible hostile from the west just in case ... but this Nuclear Pakistan seems a iminant threat to world peace .. and just because of that we were put into this WOT , ( at least some peoples believe in it ) ....
so why not we surrender our Nuclear weapons to UN ? ? US from 2001 try to reach our Nukes , or at least trying to locate them , and its a open secret to all ... we have no access to modern technology , no news military hardware , nothing .... we cant test ICBMs etc ,just because we will face a huge retaliation from the west and possible sanctions ....
our one and only possible enemy is India , at least this what we are told . Americans are friendly to us along with NATO ...

the moment we do that, we will suffer the same or worse fate like Qadafi and Asssad. they gave up their chemical stockpile and look at their countries now.
UN for all its worth wont do anything for us. it would even support Indian aggression.

recall how many weeks we waited for the world to do something when India detonated again in 90s.. and when we eventually responded... the world imposed sanctions at us.

tell you what will happen... I will tell you what... its actually what even American writers think.. they say.. India will pounce on Pakistan... the moment Pakistan looses its nuclear deterrence and its military is shattered. the world will sit by along with our Arab brothers. they want trade and India is a huge economic opportunity for them so don't expect them to sacrifice their economic benefit for us .. there is no moral obligation in the international relations. just plain self interest. if India was some backwater African country then the west wont bother.

instead .. get yourself a full time foreign minster and reactivate the foreign relations. sort out the house (I mean Pakistan not house of Sherifs and Zardaris). then you wont even have to give up anything.and world will be more "understanding"
There will be no war between countries but between power blocks because no one want to fight alone....
The point which is missing from the first page is Alliance with Super Power not under the umbrella and this point is shared by @Shariq786....

There is no chance for surrendering nuclear weapons to UN and get advance conventional weaponry in return.....

I will not mention US unreliable past....
But it not very old incident when (2nd May, 2011) US did a false flag operation against OBL in Abbotabad....

In result of this operation tension grows Pakistan took a stand and China has to say that "Any attack on Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China,"....
China warns the U.S.: "Any Attack on Pakistan Would be Construed as an Attack on China"

And US tried to follow the chain of Abbotabad Operation on (26th Nov, 2011) when their so called communication mistake, the high intensity attack at Salala Check post with Two NATO Apache helicopters an AC-130 gunship and two F-15E Eagle fighter jets entered 2.5 kilometers into the Pakistani border area of Salala in the Baizai subdivision of Mohmand Agency....
Our 24 soldiers martyred and 18 wounded....
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dude question is not about first use policy ... Pakistan will never use nukes on India ..
and its not 65 or 71 sir .... this time the war will be limited but the damage will be much more you can expect ... why you think Pak will hesitate to use babur with conventional warhead , on indian targets ?
now please dont tell me about Barhamos etc... we know that you have but we do have a lot of firepower ... it wont be a piece of cake for india to take over pak lands ... trust me :)

Aare bhai why don't you have a NFU policy? What stops you from having a No First Use policy for your nukes? Just tell me that.
Actually India had proposed to enter a no aggression/ war and a mutual assistance treaty with Pakistan. That's before the SEATO cento stuff.
I dont think so.Their AF is slightly inferior than us.And would completely outgunned once we induct the Dassault Rafale.

We are buying 100 F-35As and 16 F-35Bs mate. Though India and Turkey will never go to a war. It may seem a bit crazy today but I bet after 10-15 years IN and TNF will be exercising together.
There is no such need. Grow up and protect yourself.
After the USSR fall in Afganistan the
next US slogan was the next target is Islam
Even if the US is trust worthy, still Pak should never withdraw its capabilities in defence
Just think why there were 9 swords in our beloved PROPHET MOHAMMED's (P.B.U.H) home at the time of his demise but there was little food
Islam guides us to be independent and strong in defence
Trust & rely on ALLAH only and then on urselves by preparedness
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Kashmir will never be a lost cause .. and we dont trust indians , examples ... 2002 and 2008 stand off ..

You can maintain this fiction in your mind till hell freezes over! And its immaterial whether you trust Indians or not. Its like Somalia/Haiti saying "we don't trust the US so we will blah blah blah." Gittit?
No Pakistan will never forget about Kashmir till the Kashmir issue is not solved no peace between Pakistan&India possible.

My prediction is before J&K issue can be solved, Pakistan issue will be solved and hence the J&K one automatically solved :-)
We are buying 100 F-35As and 16 F-35Bs mate. Though India and Turkey will never go to a war. It may seem a bit crazy today but I bet after 10-15 years IN and TNF will be exercising together.
Personally i think that the I.A.F. and the T.A.F. are at par with each other at present.Turkey has around 240 F-16 Blk-40/50+/52 while India has around 200 Su-30 MKI+67 Mig-29 UPG+49 Mirage 2000-MK2 in it's inventory.Both are quite formidable in their own sense.But like you said i also think there is a scope of future co-operation between the two Air Forces in the coming decade.
We are buying 100 F-35As and 16 F-35Bs mate. Though India and Turkey will never go to a war. It may seem a bit crazy today but I bet after 10-15 years IN and TNF will be exercising together.
Are you inducting Carriers?
Our navy is weak?
16 frigates +8 TF-2000 AAWfrigates,+4 TF 100 multi role frigates in the future.
8 corvettes +6 more Milgem corvettes
14 subs +6 type 214 AIPs,first one laid down.
27 missile boats
22 patrol boats
20 mine countermeasure vessels
+1 LHD

it doesn't seems weak :D
sorry my mistake :)
the moment we do that, we will suffer the same or worse fate like Qadafi and Asssad. they gave up their chemical stockpile and look at their countries now.
UN for all its worth wont do anything for us. it would even support Indian aggression.

recall how many weeks we waited for the world to do something when India detonated again in 90s.. and when we eventually responded... the world imposed sanctions at us.

tell you what will happen... I will tell you what... its actually what even American writers think.. they say.. India will pounce on Pakistan... the moment Pakistan looses its nuclear deterrence and its military is shattered. the world will sit by along with our Arab brothers. they want trade and India is a huge economic opportunity for them so don't expect them to sacrifice their economic benefit for us .. there is no moral obligation in the international relations. just plain self interest. if India was some backwater African country then the west wont bother.

instead .. get yourself a full time foreign minster and reactivate the foreign relations. sort out the house (I mean Pakistan not house of Sherifs and Zardaris). then you wont even have to give up anything.and world will be more "understanding"

bhai dont you think Saddam and qadafi downfall was because they are facing the civil war ?? how their situation can be compare to us ?
we dont have dictators ruling decades in one go...
Nuke technology should be protected and developed at all costs, irrespective of international pressure.

Reference " ore tayyar rakho apni taqat, poori quwat k sath.........." (Quran e Majeed)
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