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Pakistanis racial background

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That's interesting, but again I guess they should really expand their sample size.

And it takes time and money man. I think you have to send a blood samples to one of those dna mapping companies to get such a map. I really want to send my sample, but haven't researched about how these companies work.

Sorry man! I have done BA in history. Jatts were below vaishavya. They were considered as Shudras. No wonder the rajputs got mad when they were elevated to Kshatriyas. Even Kshatriya status of Rajputs can be debated since they claimed to be relatives of a lunar family from Mahabharatta (most likely they faked it :D)

Infact many people of north-western India(Punjab mostly) were considered to be low-caste and untouchables in ancient times.

You know for an "Indian mujahid", you seem to be very suspiciously interested in hindu caste system.
And it takes time and money man. I think you have to send a blood samples to one of those dna mapping companies to get such a map. I really want to send my sample, but haven't researched about how these companies work.
You know for an "Indian mujahid", you seem to be very suspiciously interested in hindu caste system.

History,Politics and Culture topics interest me.

What you should find more interesting is why Pakistani Muslims are so proud of their castes? Hindus behave in the same manner too.
And it takes time and money man. I think you have to send a blood samples to one of those dna mapping companies to get such a map. I really want to send my sample, but haven't researched about how these companies work.

You know for an "Indian mujahid", you seem to be very suspiciously interested in hindu caste system.

It depends on how detailed you want the results to be. The one that we did only cost us around £80, but it basically gave an overview, I'll see if I can get any more info regarding what in involves for you.
And it takes time and money man. I think you have to send a blood samples to one of those dna mapping companies to get such a map. I really want to send my sample, but haven't researched about how these companies work.

You know for an "Indian mujahid", you seem to be very suspiciously interested in hindu caste system.
The OP is a hinduvta troll
It depends on how detailed you want the results to be. The one that we did only cost us around £80, but it basically gave an overview, I'll see if I can get any more info regarding what in involves for you.

Did you jsut get a Y-DNA test or a full genetic map from eurogenes etc?
what kind did you run into...?
Everyone I know or met doesnt even have a unibrow lol
I think it's more likely that the gujjars are the 20% in Punjab, not Pakistan,

20% is too much .............without any logic............seems like making conclusions from Punjabi Movies..........:p:...............I think "Arain Cast"............has the majority in overall in Punjab and Pakistan.
20% is too much .............without any logic............seems like making conclusions from Punjabi Movies..........:p:...............I think "Arain Cast"............has the majority in overall in Punjab and Pakistan.

If it was up to me I would only have one nationality written down on census forms, Pakistanis. No Punjabi, no sindhi etc. About time we grew out of this tribal mind set.
@Hareeshu IA MBT
Indians are mixed. Orginal Inhabitants were Africans(negroids). Then Australoids(ancestors of dravidians). Then caucasians from Central Asia. These races inter-mixed with each other.

Most Indians are mixed. Even North-Indians have dravidian blood but they won't ever accept it. And even Pakistanis too. But Pakistanis have more Caucasian and middle-eastern blood compared to dravidian.
Mujahid mate its not true . The human history was not started I Jerusalem or American. It'd here . I our subcontinent . Since we don't have a practical proof to prove it we can't claim it . May be I the future when we have high tech advancement. India subcontinent thrived even before , ON and After the ICE AGE .. There are lots of proof to prove it . The belongs yo you as well . Today we are many nation but not before . The time when Europe and American was covered with ice not possible to settle due to extreme temperature and no veggie so obviously life form must have started I the warm tropical climate. Am I right majahidin ? When time pass aways global warming started with the melting of ice spread across the globe. So what's happens next was the submerges for old civilization across the globe I ment most probably Indian continent and in Australia and Infact Afghanistan Iraq Iran the whole Arab nations ... Today most of them are deserts but there was a time when it's was tropical region. It had many 1000s of year old civilizations ... Yet all destroyed fur to climate change ... when the ice caps are melted it gave birth to many vancant land mass like European Russian chinese extreme East America etc .. so people migrate in search of settlement ... Due to slowly buy steadily submersible old civilization which was obviously concentrated St the coastal areas ... Also the famous Saraswathi Ri er front which wax dried more than 12000 be due to global warming. Lots of boundaries sea routes changed due to pole shift and ice caps melting. .. Am sure there are more Into this as we get high technology we will come to know one by one
If it was up to me I would only have one nationality written down on census forms, Pakistanis. No Punjabi, no sindhi etc. About time we grew out of this tribal mind set.

There is nothing wrong to be proud on own tribe..........just with one condition don't degrade other tribes or look at them with pitty................as our Holy Prophet (PBUH) also were proud on his tribe ("Quresh")......................It is also mentioned in Quran that Allah made your tribes and Countries (Boundaries) so that you can recognize each other.)
Mujahid mate its not true . The human history was not started I Jerusalem or American. It'd here . I our subcontinent . Since we don't have a practical proof to prove it we can't claim it . May be I the future when we have high tech advancement. India subcontinent thrived even before , ON and After the ICE AGE .. There are lots of proof to prove it . The belongs yo you as well . Today we are many nation but not before . The time when Europe and American was covered with ice not possible to settle due to extreme temperature and no veggie so obviously life form must have started I the warm tropical climate. Am I right majahidin ? When time pass aways global warming started with the melting of ice spread across the globe. So what's happens next was the submerges for old civilization across the globe I ment most probably Indian continent and in Australia and Infact Afghanistan Iraq Iran the whole Arab nations ... Today most of them are deserts but there was a time when it's was tropical region. It had many 1000s of year old civilizations ... Yet all destroyed fur to climate change ... when the ice caps are melted it gave birth to many vancant land mass like European Russian chinese extreme East America etc .. so people migrate in search of settlement ... Due to slowly buy steadily submersible old civilization which was obviously concentrated St the coastal areas ... Also the famous Saraswathi Ri er front which wax dried more than 12000 be due to global warming. Lots of boundaries sea routes changed due to pole shift and ice caps melting. .. Am sure there are more Into this as we get high technology we will come to know one by one

We have a RSS scientist! If Indian culture/ideology was so strong it would'nt be divided.

So why did ancient India was extended from Afghanistan to south east-asia till indonesia collapse? Tell me Mr RSS guy.
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