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What do you guys think ?


Feb 2, 2012
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Its Muharram and the Molvi Sahiban on my right have spent the last 1-2 nights nights blazing away on the speakers and like last year I'm sure another week's worth of such nights are in store.

The Molvi Sahiban on my back do the same on Eid-Milad-un-Nabwi or any other such occasion and stays the night before and the night after glued to the loudspeaker.

Whereas the Molvi Sahiban on my right end up blocking the entire road when they have a Naat-khawani on one of these days in addition to competing with each other on who could deliver the naats better "read" louder !

And this by-the-way is happening while all of these Molvi Sahiban are almost half a km from my place...I can't imagine what the people right on their door-step would have to go through !

My question is - Do you guys see a way out of this ? Do you think that, barring the conservative faction in our society, there would be enough mainstream support to help regulate such Religious Occasions where the loudspeaker is gripped a bit gently and roads aren't blocked or do you think that even the Majority of us are alright with this ?

I ask this because whenever I talk about this (to all kinds of people) all of them are unanimous that something needs to be done and yet nothing gets done !

Why do you think that is so and what do you guys think as Pakistanis and as Muslims is the way out for us ?

P.S This isn't a Religious Thread (at least not in my mind's eye) because I have no interest whatsoever on debating the merits or demerits of whatever different people do or believe in Pakistan and I don't really care what Religious Justification they ground their actions in.

I'm simply interested in looking at this from an Administrative Angle while being mindful of religious sensibilities of others which as Muslims we'd probably be anyhow !

@Oscar @HRK @waz @Secur @Rafi @dexter @Hyperion @Cheetah786 @Horus @Jungibaaz @Irfan Baloch @karakoram @Bratva @RazPaK @Leader @Jazzbot @Spring Onion @Abu Zolfiqar @fatman17 @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Slav Defence @Chak Bamu @Emmie @WebMaster @Icarus @Xeric @LoveIcon !
Armstrong just painted a target on his back. :lol:

In what manner ? :unsure:

I'm not asking anyone to stop what they believe in nor am I saying whether its right or wrong; I'm simply wondering if a mutually acceptable solution could be reached where one side's expression of religious sentiments is there while the other side's peace of mind is also there !

They should be restrained to public parks, the loud speakers should be banned, restricted only to Azan and for such public gatherings only sound system be used, so it doesn't make people go mad.

I'm thinking something similar if these religious occasions could be restricted to community centers specifically built with security and social considerations in mind so that everyone is safe and everyone else isn't disturbed either.

What my contention is whether even such a proposition would invite a backlash or would people be willing to look at such propositions ?
I think most people would like to see them better organized, better security etc. It can be sold to public by good public administrators.
Its Muharram and the Molvi Sahiban on my right have spent the last 1-2 nights nights blazing away on the speakers and like last year I'm sure another week's worth of such nights are in store.

The Molvi Sahiban on my back do the same on Eid-Milad-un-Nabwi or any other such occasion and stays the night before and the night after glued to the loudspeaker.

Whereas the Molvi Sahiban on my right end up blocking the entire road when they have a Naat-khawani on one of these days in addition to competing with each other on who could deliver the naats better "read" louder !

And this by-the-way is happening while all of these Molvi Sahiban are almost half a km from my place...I can't imagine what the people right on their door-step would have to go through !

My question is - Do you guys see a way out of this ? Do you think that, barring the conservative faction in our society, there would be enough mainstream support to help regulate such Religious Occasions where the loudspeaker is gripped a bit gently and roads aren't blocked or do you think that even the Majority of us are alright with this ?

I ask this because whenever I talk about this (to all kinds of people) all of them are unanimous that something needs to be done and yet nothing gets done !

Why do you think that is so and what do you guys think as Pakistanis and as Muslims is the way out for us ?

P.S This isn't a Religious Thread (at least not in my mind's eye) because I have no interest whatsoever on debating the merits or demerits of whatever different people do or believe in Pakistan and I don't really care what Religious Justification they ground their actions in.

I'm simply interested in looking at this from an Administrative Angle while being mindful of religious sensibilities of others which as Muslims we'd probably be anyhow !

@Oscar @HRK @waz @Secur @Rafi @dexter @Hyperion @Cheetah786 @Horus @Jungibaaz @Irfan Baloch @karakoram @Bratva @RazPaK @Leader @Jazzbot @Spring Onion @Abu Zolfiqar @fatman17 @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Slav Defence @Chak Bamu @Emmie @WebMaster @Icarus @Xeric @LoveIcon !

Part of the deen is that we don't inconvenience others, sadly some folk overlook this. Here in the UK you have guys double parking, blocking people's drives, causing massive jams, stopping in the middle of the road, making a noise, impeding emergency services and so on. I have lost count the amount of times I have told people off for this and to watch their manners, especially with Islam in the limelight. The Imams here do their part now and tell people harshly the consequences of their rudeness.

Now, Pakistan is a good few scales back from the pinnacles of Islamic manners that the Prophet(saws) wanted for his people. People should change on an individual level, and the leaders of the Masjids should do their part as well.
If you go to Makkah and Madinah loudspeakers are on during prayers time only- same can be observed every where in Saudi Arabia-

The molvi hazrats in Pakistan have created their own traditions-

The one thing i always wonder whenever i go to Pakistan is why the molvi hazrat turn on their loudspeakers to full volume while giving sermons or during when 8 to 12 years old kids with their immature annoying and sharp voices are performing some kalam or Naats- and when its time for the actual Salah the louspeakers are suddenly turned off and no body can hear the ongoing prayer except for people inside the mosques- thats ridiculous to be honest-
The actual purpose of the mosque is suppose to call people for prayers and perform it- the molvi hazrat do the exact opposite they save bijli while performing the most important thing that the mosques are built for-
its pakistan you can do whatever on the name of religion . just pay some more money and make a sound proof room in home for relax
Its Muharram and the Molvi Sahiban on my right have spent the last 1-2 nights nights blazing away on the speakers and like last year I'm sure another week's worth of such nights are in store.

The Molvi Sahiban on my back do the same on Eid-Milad-un-Nabwi or any other such occasion and stays the night before and the night after glued to the loudspeaker.

Whereas the Molvi Sahiban on my right end up blocking the entire road when they have a Naat-khawani on one of these days in addition to competing with each other on who could deliver the naats better "read" louder !

And this by-the-way is happening while all of these Molvi Sahiban are almost half a km from my place...I can't imagine what the people right on their door-step would have to go through !

My question is - Do you guys see a way out of this ? Do you think that, barring the conservative faction in our society, there would be enough mainstream support to help regulate such Religious Occasions where the loudspeaker is gripped a bit gently and roads aren't blocked or do you think that even the Majority of us are alright with this ?

I ask this because whenever I talk about this (to all kinds of people) all of them are unanimous that something needs to be done and yet nothing gets done !

Why do you think that is so and what do you guys think as Pakistanis and as Muslims is the way out for us ?

P.S This isn't a Religious Thread (at least not in my mind's eye) because I have no interest whatsoever on debating the merits or demerits of whatever different people do or believe in Pakistan and I don't really care what Religious Justification they ground their actions in.

I'm simply interested in looking at this from an Administrative Angle while being mindful of religious sensibilities of others which as Muslims we'd probably be anyhow !

Who are you infidel to object at 'their earning season'


@Armstrong, if I can't escape this sort of behaviour in the UK, what hope in hell do people in Pakistan have?

On the 27th of the Holy month, our own molvi sb was shouting naara e takbeer on loudspeaker many times, many many times. Waking up half the neighbourhood at 2-3am at night in a mixed-religious/ethnic residential area. My ears were ringing, but it didn't bother me, my focus was elsewhere.

Every Friday prayer, there's a man who has his house right next to the mosque, I know him personally, every Friday some daft pious Muslim parks his junker in front of the man's own parking space, blocking him from backing his car out of the parking. He has had a strong words with the owner of the cars, but still our pious idiots are arrogant enough to fight back and not admit to their mistake.

If these people who can speak fluent English, live in a secular society, where both they and their kids are reasonably educated and accustom to other people's customs (no pun intended), and they still behave like this. What hope in hell do Pakistanis have?
I would say one suggestion is to teach our kids to keep religion between us and our God, and not to involve others, bragging about religion and shouting about it goes against it's very principles and spirituality.

Be a proud Muslim, but bow your head in humility, respect the laws and customs of the land, respect other people's space, if you use religion to cross that line, then by God you're using your religion unjustly.
Yaar Iqbal ko parh Khuda Qasaam Bohat Kuch samaj a jay ga ...

Sir Iqbal ko parhaa haiii but alongside its English translations; unfortunately I only studied Urdu at school to pass the exam - Never thought it very useful ! :(

But then I started reading Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam and the Pakistan Movement and when Patriotism was sky-high I was ashamed at my lack of proficiency in Urdu ! :ashamed:

Abbb ummmer guzar gaiii haiii....abbb kahan Urdu seekhii ja saktiii haiii ? :cry:
I think most people would like to see them better organized, better security etc. It can be sold to public by good public administrators.

who will set the standards for better organized society ??
for mullah its different and for secular its different !
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