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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile

Further Augmenting shaheen missile argument. He raised an important point. Inherent weakness of TERCOM was exposed in First gulf war, When missile couldn't differentiate the flat desert land. America had to re route the missiles through kurdish Mountainous region and a similar case occured in second gulf war as well. Nobody gave me an answer about engine and navigation. I would assume it was tested without TERCOM adn DSMAC and engine was of russian origin

first test of Nirbhay is pretty similar to Babur where it was tested without DSMAC and TERCOM.
How many first flight tests you have done with tercom? Besides, you don't even need an actual terrain to test terrain hugging ability.

The 290 km range is for hi-low profile, with a specific (maximum) load. A hi-hi profile can change the range drastically. This has been confirmed by ex-DRDO chief.

Babur first Test flight with TERCOM and DSMAC occured in March 2006. Ra'ad was tested in 2009. Since tercom and dsmac was developed by then, it had both features from the get go
How many first flight tests you have done with tercom? Besides, you don't even need an actual terrain to test terrain hugging ability.
You are confusing a simple Radar Altimeter as used by Nirbhay and a full fledged TERCOM which is not just terrain hugging but a navigation system.
Try reading about why Americans fired Tomahawk over Iranian Zagros Mountains instead of firing it over Flat Iraqi deserts , in the Gulf wars.

The 290 km range is for hi-low profile, with a specific (maximum) load. A hi-hi profile can change the range drastically. This has been confirmed by ex-DRDO chief.
Ok that makes some sense,although no official confirmation.
Untrue. You are judging the book by its picture.

The Agat 9E420 monopulse semiactive radar on board the Buk missile measures 310mm in diameter and weighs 32-kg, it is perfectly proportionate for the 690kg missile, judging accordingly a 50kg monopulse radar on board the 1000kg Nirbhay is safe to say fairly miniaturised.
Regardless of how miniaturised the seeker onboard Tomahawk is, it'll still have the antenna around the same size as the one in the pic I posted earlier.
Now if you were talking about a camera based IR seeker, no Nirbhay doesn't have it yet and yes it would definitely be far lighter than a monopulse radar.

Earlier there was a report of a turbofan engine that is developed for Nirbhay.

Until further updates we don't really know if this engine is being used in Nirbhay or a Russian one.

The point of Tomahawk internal diagram was to show there is no place to put a device the size of Indian seeker. That's why Seeker CPU (the device behind the antenna) to be miniaturized up to a microprocessor size where it can be accommodated on to small chip board.

You comparison was wrong from the start, Are BUK Missile system using three navigation systems like Cruise missile had to use? INS,TERCOM and DSMAC ?

Would you mind telling me, where exactly would you put the seeker CPU when bulk of space would be taken by TERCOM, DSMAC(with cameras) and SAT receiver?
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Yakhont with same mother company NPO Mashinostroyeniya as Brahmos. With exact same physical specs have 290-300 Km range.
May be India has some magic potient which Russians dont. If so then why bother involving Russians and the exact same company which makes P-800?
Why not do it on your own?

HeHeHeHe; I really do commend your persistence.
The Russians came in for the initial design phase. Now the project has moved much beyond that. The momentum has been gathered, many things are now on a different trajectory, to use that metaphor.
BTW, why don't you view the video that some here have already mentioned in answer to you? And which even AhaseebA has referred to in earlier post/s. It will help you digest some facts.
Babur first Test flight with TERCOM and DSMAC occured in March 2006. Ra'ad was tested in 2009. Since tercom and dsmac was developed by then, it had both features from the get go
You are confusing a simple Radar Altimeter as used by Nirbhay and a full fledged TERCOM which is not just terrain hugging but a navigation system.
Try reading about why Americans fired Tomahawk over Iranian Zagros Mountains instead of firing it over Flat Iraqi deserts , in the Gulf wars.
Ok that makes some sense,although no official confirmation.

My mistake, when you said tercom, I assumed terrain hugging flight profile and not the navigational system. I am assuming that first tests are relatively simple, you gradually increase the complexity of flight path. Or is it that the first flight test was conducted WITH terrain hugging, over some mountainous region?

From what I know there was no system (radar altimeter) installed in Nirbhay test to allow TERCOM profile.
My mistake, when you said tercom, I assumed terrain hugging flight profile and not the navigational system. I am assuming that first tests are relatively simple, you gradually increase the complexity of flight path. Or is it that the first flight test was conducted WITH terrain hugging, over some mountainous region?

From what I know there was no system (radar altimeter) installed in Nirbhay test to allow TERCOM profile.

If one has to assume, your first test flight was failed due to the very same reason you became ambitious and tried to test TERCOM navigation system from the get go. Obviously, the second test flight is much simpler until glitches from Tercom are removed and tercom made perfected

First test flight validates, Inertial navigation system Propulsion, engine and other systems are working okay up to the full range. You don't test terrain hugging over mountainous region in the very first test.

It usually occurs in second or third test.

That's how Our Babur progressed. It took second test to validate Tercom in 2006 and third to validat DSMAC in 2007
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If one has to assume, your first test flight was failed due to the very same reason you became ambitious and tried to test TERCOM navigation system from the get go. Obviously, the second test flight is much simpler until glitches from Tercom are removed and tercom made perfected

First test flight validates, Inertial navigation system Propulsion, engine and other systems are working okay up to the full range. You don't test terrain hugging over mountainous region in the very first test.

It usually occurs in second or third test.

That's how Our Babur progressed. It took second test to validate Tercom in 2006 and third to validat DSMAC in 2007
I think you r assuming or should I say day dreaming too much. and underestimating drdo too much for your own convinience.

Lot of keyboard analyst . Not even came close to a missile development.
I think you r assuming or should I say day dreaming too much. and underestimating drdo too much for your own convinience.

Lot of keyboard analyst . Not even came close to a missile development.

Don't quote me again with such idiotic rants when you can't deliver a sensible reply.

And for being keyboard analyst, Please enlighten me then did DRDO used tercom and dsmac in this test ?
I think you r assuming or should I say day dreaming too much. and underestimating drdo too much for your own convinience.

Lot of keyboard analyst . Not even came close to a missile development.
the one thing we know about DRDO is that they are obsessed with complicating simple tasks to create hype and bravado.
Exact opposite in Pakistan,we keep it simple. thats why done things years ago which Bharat is trying to do now.
The point of Tomahawk internal diagram was to show there is no place to put a device the size of Indian seeker. That's why Seeker CPU (the device behind the antenna) to be miniaturized up to a microprocessor size where it can be accommodated on to small chip board.

You comparison was wrong from the start, Are BUK Missile system using three navigation systems like Cruise missile had to use? INS,TERCOM and DSMAC ?

Would you mind telling me, where exactly would you put the seeker CPU when bulk of space would be taken by TERCOM, DSMAC(with cameras) and SAT receiver?

Its very hard to judge from the picture itself how miniaturized it is or will be, btw I did post the picture of the miniaturised gyro, ins, rlg and the mcpu.
You are judging on the basis of pure assumption that the antenna itself is huge(which only looks like that coz of the holding stand behind it) and if size you think is an issue then the diameter of the antenna is even smaller than that of Buk's, so again I don't believe miniaturizing is quite the problem
Nirbhay is not a small missile you see.

My comparison was not wrong as I was talking about the antenna and Tomahawk's nosecone has the radar while the aft section has the DSMAC and the GEU, I believe the picture you posted itself tells us so.
And as I said the antenna though 50kgs is smaller in size than the buk's. So again miniaturizing is not a problem in my opinion.
Its very hard to judge from the picture itself how miniaturized it is or will be, btw I did post the picture of the miniaturised gyro, ins, rlg and the mcpu.
You are judging on the basis of pure assumption that the antenna itself is huge(which only looks like that coz of the holding stand behind it) and if size you think is an issue then the diameter of the antenna is even smaller than that of Buk's, so again I don't believe miniaturizing is quite the problem
Nirbhay is not a small missile you see.

My comparison was not wrong as I was talking about the antenna and Tomahawk's nosecone has the radar while the aft section has the DSMAC and the GEU, I believe the picture you posted itself tells us so.
And as I said the antenna though 50kgs is smaller in size than the buk's. So again miniaturizing is not a problem in my opinion.

I'm not talking about the antenna, re-read my post once again. I'm talking about the stuff behind the antenaa
Babur first Test flight with TERCOM and DSMAC occured in March 2006. Ra'ad was tested in 2009. Since tercom and dsmac was developed by then, it had both features from the get go
So by that logic Brahmos has both Tercom and DSMAC, so Nirbhay has both these systems from the get go.

If you want to assume that it was tested without Tercom and DSMAC, your wish. You can only bring a horse to the water, you cannot make it drink it.
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