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The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

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Guys try to understand what he is saying..what if India is coming to attack Pakistan is the possible manner as the article says?what will be Pakistan's response??their tactics?their movements..man is it too hard to understand ?

What he is saying is that India will run over Pakistan and we wont be able to do squat. Cant you read or like they say in Punjabi

Khawajay do gawah daduu.
the hallucinated Doc is telling us about 'Good Debate', Clapping people

they hate this forum & its Mod but whenever they fix their arse in front of a computer they always login into :pdf:

What are you going on about lady?

I love this forum and I have no issues with the Mods or Think Tank.

Yeah some Staff get on my tattas .... but you cant have everything.

And a personal suggestion ..... I really wish you would not use words like "arse" etc. ..... ladies are too beautiful a creation for such words to be pouring out. Call me old fashioned, but I really wish you would oblige.

Cheers, Doc
^^^ There are enough threads about political and international issues buddy ..... which frankly leave me cold.

I repeat ..... India ..... zionist support, hostile lil neighbours, and all ..... is coming at you.

The reasons could be many ..... but the bottom line is, we are coming.

Which means we have decided to rip your cozy comfort nuclear blanket off.

You are exposed.

What do you do?

Do you continue sucking you thumb and SOS dragon that elephant has run amok ..... now what to do, where are you, are you coming, when are you coming, what are you bringing, etc etc?

Or do you fight back with what you have?

Or do you roll over and turn around?

Either way, I am interested in knowing and comparing notes .....

Cheers, Doc
You know during the last stand off, up to 20 Indian aircraft would head in Pakistan's direction at around 10,000 feet so as to be clearly visible on the Pakistani radar, but some Kilometer short of the border, they would simply turn and high tail it, The mighty Indian navy sent it's aircraft carrier, it sailed past Karachi and anchored just outside international waters, PN dispatched a Sub and a Destroyer to check it's intentions, but the Carrier didn't stop around, on another occasions, an Indian Merchant Vessel broke down and drifted into Pakistani waters, the Indian Navy was dispatched to salvage the stricken ship, in the end they had to ask Americans to tow it out of Pakistani lines. Buddy, you always come but then the nerves get the better of yous. And the day you do venture, rest assured it is not going to be any dragon lighting up yours where sun don't shine.
In Pakistani circles it's termed as third and final round, hence you will for once and all find out whether you are coming or going.

In pieces off course.
What are you going on about lady?

I love this forum and I have no issues with the Mods or Think Tank.

Yeah some Staff get on my tattas .... but you cant have everything.

Cheers, Doc

Yeah what ever man, for some one to step on them one has to have a pair. Grow some rather then being a delusional internet rambo.
And that means extra work for you ??

Hmmm..... A valid reason to be sad.

hey Hi welcome back from Ban
No no work load for me but this place certainly gets dirty

What are you going on about lady?

I love this forum and I have no issues with the Mods or Think Tank.

Yeah some Staff get on my tattas .... but you cant have everything.

And a personal suggestion ..... I really wish you would not use words like "arse" etc. ..... ladies are too beautiful a creation for such words to be pouring out. Call me old fashioned, but I really wish you would oblige.

Cheers, Doc

thats a paradox....

Clapping please....

BTW you don't sit on ........ Ladies are too beautiful to use that word :rofl:
You know during the last stand off, up to 20 Indian aircraft would head in Pakistan's direction at around 10,000 feet so as to be clearly visible on the Pakistani radar, but some Kilometer short of the border, they would simply turn and high tail it, The mighty Indian navy sent it's aircraft carrier, it sailed past Karachi and anchored just outside international waters, PN dispatched a Sub and a Destroyer to check it's intentions, but the Carrier didn't stop around, on another occasions, an Indian Merchant Vessel broke down and drifted into Pakistani waters, the Indian Navy was dispatched to salvage the stricken ship, in the end they had to ask Americans to tow it out of Pakistani lines. Buddy, you always come but then the nerves get the better of yous. And the day you do venture, rest assured it is not going to be any dragon lighting up yours where sun don't shine.
In Pakistani circles it's termed as third and final round, hence you will for once and all find out whether you are coming or going.

In pieces off course.

You mean the fifth round don't you?

The beauty of stopping just short my friend is the death by anticipation of not knowing if THIS is the time they're coming through.

Think about it.

And let me know if you got much sleep once you do.

Cheers, Doc
hey Hi welcome back from Ban
No no work load for me but this place certainly gets dirty

thats a paradox....

Clapping please....

I'm a guy. I have been designed rough and coarse and angular.

Cheers, Doc
Yeah what ever man, for some one to step on them one has to have a pair. Grow some rather then being a delusional internet rambo.

Well, I would have suggested you to do the same.

But the rules are different for Pakistanis and Indians.

So while we grow, you beg and copy.

So either you beg the Americans or the Chinese for a pair.

Or you get an outdated set, and copy-paste a Xerox to your nether regions ...... and proclaim to the world that you were the first to grow them.

Let me know which way you decide to "swing" :rofl:

Cheers, Doc
You mean the fifth round don't you?

The beauty of stopping just short my friend is the death by anticipation of not knowing if THIS is the time they're coming through.

Think about it.

And let me know if you got much sleep once you do.

Cheers, Doc
Anticipation is all and mere saber rattling is a sleepy environment, however the fear of the unknown has always haunted the human conscious, and you people above all know what fear belies you. when was the last time you slept well.
Well, I would have suggested you to do the same.

But the rules are different for Pakistanis and Indians.

So while we grow, you beg and copy.

So either you beg the Americans or the Chinese for a pair.

Or you get an outdated set, and copy-paste a Xerox to your nether regions ...... and proclaim to the world that you were the first to grow them.

Let me know which way you decide to "swing" :rofl:

Cheers, Doc

Well for once swinging would be better for you at this age as that down there might not be of any use any ways. As far as me growing a pair, funny aint it; cause you have decided to follow in kapoorays footsteps, and go on a war mongering rampage from behind a computer screen. Too bad I wish that you had made those remarks in front of me and I would have showed you that who has a pair and who don’t. So son keep doing what you do the best, be an internet warrior and save your Jaw. And another suggestion don’t die, live longer and long enough to see your great indian armies a$$ kicked back to hell.

And if you were not stupid enough to know this and I am sure that you are stupid enough to not know that what the US is paying for the lost that we had to incur because of their WOT. But forget that, you are too naïve to understand the complications of international diplomacy. So doc keeping in mind your fragile state and your retarded brain I will not take any offence to your remarks. Keep living the hallucinations at least it keeps you happy in your last days.

And by the way even if we copy we are good at it, at least we don’t beg others for technology claim to be ours. Do R&D on it for ages and still come out with nothing like a pathetic loser. So it is good that we copy and copy well so we can make it work to give you a heart &@$$ burn.
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Anticipation is all and mere saber rattling is a sleepy environment, however the fear of the unknown has always haunted the human conscious, and you people above all know what fear belies you. when was the last time you slept well.

Every night actually ..... I'm Indian, in case you missed the flags. :cheers:

There is nothing "unknown" about Pakistan buddy ..... unless it is what Pakistan we will eventually go up against.

That is what the wait and watch is all about.

Cheers, Doc
Well for once swinging would be better for you at this age as that down there might not be of any use any ways. As far as me growing a pair, funny aint it; cause you have decided to follow in kapoorays footsteps, and go on a war mongering rampage from behind a computer screen. Too bad I wish that you had made those remarks in front of me and I would have showed you that who has a pair and who don’t. So son keep doing what you do the best, be an internet warrior and save your Jaw. And another suggestion don’t die, live longer and long enough to see your great indian armies a$$ kicked back to hell.

And if you were not stupid enough to know this and I am sure that you are stupid enough to not know that what the US is paying for the lost that we had to incur because of their WOT. But forget that, you are too naïve to understand the complications of international diplomacy. So doc keeping in mind your fragile state and your retarded brain I will not take any offence to your remarks. Keep living the hallucinations at least it keeps you happy in your last days.

And by the way even if we copy we are good at it, at least we don’t beg others for technology claim to be ours. Do R&D on it for ages and still come out with nothing like a pathetic loser. So it is good that we copy and copy well so we can make it work to give you a heart &@$$ burn.

So where do we meet to give you a crack at my jaw and my shrivelled gote? Wagah ok for you? Will be that part of the country a few days from now. Let me know if you can make it dada.

Since you call me son, yet talk about my advanced years, must make you a heck of an old man. About the time the testes shrink and often retract back into the inguinal canal.

There is a simple test ..... hold your testicular sac in one hand and palpate for a oval shaped lump.

If you can't feel it ..... try coughing. It should descend.

Apply warm compress and call me in the morning dadu! :rofl:

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Have you seen that WWF battery ad? :cheers:
And by the way even if we copy we are good at it, at least we don’t beg others for technology claim to be ours. Do R&D on it for ages and still come out with nothing like a pathetic loser. So it is good that we copy and copy well so we can make it work to give you a heart &@$$ burn.

I would love to see you copy Satellites and SLVs. China arming pakistan with nukes out of strategic considerations may make sense but giving cutting edge space tech to pakistan does not make any sense to me or to the chinese for that matter.

There has never been and there is simply no parallels between India and Pakistan. This whole Rant and rhetoric and additional medical BS all over here is a big :tdown:
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Mr Kapoor has contaminated their sleeps with wetty wet dreams :coffee:

What a fuss! :no:

Gen Kapoor is no Hamid Zaid and his statements make practical/strategical sense and his comments were in context specific to the matter. Remember, Gen Kapoor does not earn his bread and butter out of conspiracy theories, like other south asian big mouths.

Even if Gen Kapoors statements is assumed to threat pakistans security then the bed wetting phenomenon should be other way round, dont you think?
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